Rebellious Consort: Profligate Elder Miss

Chapter 202 Acquaintances Gather

Chapter 202 Acquaintances Gather

"Is there anything else?" Hua Qiangwei pointed to the door, and she decided to go.

"Your freedom." Jiang Feng looked at Hua Qiangwei who was about to leave, and shrugged, but did not hold back.

Hua Qiangwei quickly opened her legs and ran out.

If I stay with this ever-changing boss, I'm afraid my heart will weaken.

Go, Hua Rose, I'm waiting for the day when you come back to me crying.

Hua Qiangwei hurriedly ran out for a long distance, and looked back with a guilty conscience. Seeing that Jiang Fengwan did not follow, she was relieved.

I took out the mirror and looked carefully at my lips, a little swollen, but not serious.

As soon as I had an idea, I took out the lip gloss and made up a makeup.

After making up the outfit, he looked at his mouth carefully in the mirror, and then he felt relieved.

Much better, nice, Ye Qilin probably won't find out.

"Miss Hua."

In the distance, a calm male voice came.

"Palace Master Lan." Hua Qiangwei turned her head to look at a man in the distance who had not seen him for a long time with a large string of bodyguards in black.

It seems that I really didn't read the almanac when I went out today, otherwise why would I meet acquaintances one after another except Li Kexin?

It's always such an awkward acquaintance.

After three years, Lan Shaoze's confession to his father is still vivid in his mind.

And what did you say? You will always be my friend.


Friends will be in the upper class of city a, and there are only a handful of opportunities to meet in the past three years?

Friends shouldn't be like this.

The deep meaning of it, Hua Qiangwei didn't dare to think about it, and didn't dare to discuss it.

The answer is too weak, and I am too weak.

How can he calmly accept the kindness of other men who are interested in him after he has given his whole body to Ye Qilin.

The relationship between men and women is a very delicate existence. Sometimes once the paper is pierced, it really means that no friends can do it.

I haven't seen Lan Shaoze for three years, and I haven't communicated for three years.

"It's been a long time, Miss Hua seems to be more elegant and more pretentious." Lan Shaoze gestured back to the subordinates behind him, walked vigorously, and quickly walked to Hua Qiangwei's side.

Lan Shaoze managed the distance very well, and stopped a step and a half away from Hua Qiangwei, which was neither too abrupt nor unfamiliar.

"It's really been a long time, and I can't help but admire the aura of the Blue Palace Master." After three years, Hua Qiangwei was the first time to see this man from such a close distance, and only felt that three years of time really treated such a man favorably. , not only the aura was stronger in the past, but even the aura of the whole person has become more powerful.

It's just that compared to the meticulous Lan Shaoze three years ago, the Lan Shaoze in front of him seems to be more difficult to approach and more dangerous.

"Qiangwei, I remember you used to call me Shaoze." Lan Shaoze took Hua Qiangwei's hand and gently kissed Hua Qiangwei's arm reverently.

" wouldn't call me Miss Hua before." Hua Qiangwei was stunned by Lan Shaoze's actions, she quickly retracted her hand and put it behind her, feeling that this posture was extremely ambiguous, and she couldn't refuse. .

After all, Lan Shaoze gave him a very gentlemanly kiss, and there was nothing to go beyond it.

"Then we still want to be the same as before, I call you Qiangwei, do you call me Shaoze?" Lan Shaoze smiled at Hua Qiangwei, full of sincerity.

"How good is this, the Lan Palace Master is a big celebrity now, how dare someone like me to call him by his first name." Hua Qiangwei glanced at Lan Shaoze, her eyelids kept twitching, she really didn't understand why she was so unfavorable today.

"Nobody? Are you Hua Qiangwei? Even I think your self-effacing is too slap in the face." Lan Shaoze raised his eyebrows at Hua Qiangwei's intentional distance, as if he didn't care at all.

"Okay, Shao Ze, I'm glad to see you after a long time, but I still have something to do later, so I must say goodbye first." Hua Qiangwei looked at the sparsely populated top floor, her heart tightened.

First Jiang Fengwan, then Lan Shaoze, if Ye Qilin found out, he would have been furious and killed himself on the bed by the way.

Hua Qiangwei shuddered unconsciously when she thought of Ye Qilin's inhuman staying power and her now more and more bed preferences.

Whoever said that women are dissatisfied with their desires, and now she only feels that she is too "sexually blessed" and is about to die.

"If I remember correctly, today is the weekend." Lan Shaoze looked at Hua Qiangwei's squinting eyes and held it around his waist, smiling slightly.

"I work overtime on weekends." Hua Qiangwei cast a glance at Lan Shaoze and said angrily.

"Qiangwei, I remember you said that we will always be friends." Lan Shaoze looked at Hua Qiangwei with a resentful tone.

"Okay, ten minutes." She promised to fulfill her promise even when she cried. Hua Qiangwei looked at Lan Shaoze with black lines, and finally had no choice but to compromise.

What's up with these men lately? Are you all in a hurry?

"Pfft, Qiangwei, you are still so cute." Lan Shaoze smiled upon hearing this.

"You still have nine minutes." Hua Qiangwei continued to grit her teeth.

"Why, I haven't seen you for so long, Qiangwei, you didn't show me anything?" Lan Shaoze took a step closer and asked Hua Qiangwei.

...! too close!

Hua Qiangwei took a step forward and pulled the distance from Lan Shaoze, "What does Shaoze want me to say?


"For example, tell me about the feelings of longing and admiration." Lan Shaoze hooked his lips and smiled, holding the long curl of hair on Hua Qiangwei's shoulder and blowing it.

"Missing? Admiration? You think too much." Hua Qiangwei snatched her hair from Lan Shaoze angrily, looking at Lan Shaoze like a ghost.

Such a coquettish person is Lan Shaoze?

I couldn't help but think of the cool and mature man who gave me a glimpse and silently praised him three years ago.

I haven't seen you for three years, what has time done to this man?

"It seems that you really don't have feelings for me, Qiangwei." Looking at such a flower rose, Lan Shaoze laughed at himself.

After hearing the news of Li Kexin just now, Lan Shaoze hesitated for a moment, and then heard that someone saw Hua Qiangwei being intercepted by Jiang Fengwan, and they rushed over here anxiously.

For fear of being cruel by nature, Jiang Feng, who plays cards unreasonably, will do to Hua Qiangwei, and what kind of harm Hua Qiangwei will suffer.

Now it seems that this is really wishful thinking.

Hua Qiangwei, this woman, is really cold-hearted to herself.

"Shao Ze, I'm getting married soon." Hua Qiangwei said quietly when she saw Lan Shaoze's sad face.

Why is human nature so complicated, why is it obvious that people are admired and should be happy and complacent, but when they really refuse, they feel so guilty.

Probably because I once liked someone like this unrequited love, and I know how hard it is to be rejected.

"As expected." Lan Shaoze squinted and said.

"We don't want to meet again." Hua Qiangwei finally spoke up.

She was not good at dealing with these interpersonal relationships in the first place. Since she couldn't be well-rounded and take care of all sides, it would be better to be a ruthless person from the beginning.

Maybe Lan Shaoze will hate himself now, but one day, when this person finds his own happiness, he will feel that he was never ambiguous in the beginning.

"Hua Qiangwei, you are really cruel to me." After listening to Hua Qiangwei's words, Lan Shaoze took several deep breaths back and forth before he stopped the urge to run away.

This woman is really heartless. She has done so much for her, and she said so rashly: We don't want to meet again and want to kill ourselves.

"Lan Shaoze, I'm sorry." Hua Qiangwei lowered her head involuntarily, like a child who did something wrong.

"You shouldn't have said sorry to me, I should thank you for your decisiveness and rejection today." Lan Shaoze laughed at himself looking at Hua Qiangwei like this. Deep down, the last pity for the little girl who panicked and accidentally bumped into her began to disappear.

Many days of longing, many days of searching, one confession, three years of accumulation.

Hua Rose, is that how you treat me?

It's okay, this is the last time.

Next time, I want you to fall off the altar and float up and down under me.

"You..." Hua Qiangwei looked at Lan Shaoze who looked like this and didn't know how to speak.

Such Lan Shaoze looks so unfamiliar and terrifying.

"Hua Qiangwei, you can do it yourself." Lan Shaoze gave Hua Qiangwei a deep look, before waiting for Hua Qiangwei to answer, he turned around and left with big strides.

Hua Qiangwei gave Lan Shaoze a strange look, her heart skipped a beat, and a sense of fear arose for no reason.

Why did Lan Shaoze feel like a different person in just a few minutes?


Taking heavy steps, Hua Qiangwei moved silently to the gate of the mall.

Why is he getting married soon, he should be very happy, but because Jiang Fengwan and Lan Shaoze suddenly popped out, it became so heavy.

Forget it.

So what, Ye Qilin, the person he likes, can't give them a response now, and he can't give it in the future.

Although it is cruel to say it clearly, it is also for the good of each other.

In the Lamborghini opposite the mall, Ye Qilin opened the photo sent by Zhuo Yan. Looking at the photo, the affectionate kiss between Hua Qiangwei and Jiang Fengwan, and the ambiguity between Lan Shaoze and Ye Qilin became aflame.

The more you look, the more angry you are, the more you look at it, the more you can't stand it.

He simply threw the phone on the seat, and rubbed his temples very big.

Hua Qiangwei, can't you let me like you well, be nice to you?

"Hey, dear, are you done?" Hua Qiangwei breathed a sigh of relief and called Ye Qilin.

"Well, are you finished eating?" Ye Qilin looked at the caller ID, rubbed his temples and pressed it to connect.

"Um, where are you?"

"Across from the mall." Ye Qilin hooked his lips and opened his mouth.

"..." Hua Qiangwei's heart sank when she heard the words, and a sense of tension rose for no reason.

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