Rebellious Path

Chapter 2 - I will come back!

I honestly did not expect it. Things were finally going pretty well, but then, the sudden appearance of the meteorite ruined everything. Whilst I was getting crushed by the meteorite, I had one single thought, (Am I going to die? No!... I can't! I.... must.... help... my siblings and..... my mother!)

But those constant thoughts seemed to be meaningless as everything turned into silence. I was in complete, utter darkness. I could no longer feel anything except for remorse for my mother and sibling and the pain that was quenching my heart. It feels as if I could no longer see them again.

Then, as I was about to lose hope, an unknown voice suddenly echoed out throughout and woke my whole consciousness. The sudden noise rattled and hurt my head, but it was soon gone. The voice then said, "I'm sorry; I made a mistake that ruined your whole life."

The voice was quite unclear if it was the voice of a man or woman. You wouldn't be able to recognise it if you heard. It continued to speak, and I continued to listen as it said, "I will bless you with a second life. I don't want to see you suffer just because of my mistakes. You deserve to live your life to the fullest."

A figure suddenly appeared before me, and I could feel its presence. It was utterly genderless in my opinion, but it didn't seem like that. It was just I couldn't see anything at all. A hand then held me, and I managed to open my eyes to a small degree barely.

It c.a.r.e.s.sed my cheeks and once again spoke, "You deserve to live a better life. It was my mistake, and it's my responsibility to fix it. You are my chosen being, and you will be blessed by my power, awaken, and let yourself be free and unrestricted. The rules do not bound you, you can bend the rules however you like, for everything is nothingness in front of you! My champion."

At that time, I felt the touch of the smooth and warm hand disappear as it was changed to a kiss, not just any kiss, but a kiss to my lips. It was warm; it was loving; I felt as if I could have nothing more. It was.... a completely dangerous feeling.

I didn't know what the gender of the being was, so I was a bit nervous. I then had a feeling as if I could open my eyes and I saw a pair of dazzling azure eyes looking at me, the face of the figure was still unclear, but I had the feeling that it was a woman. She then stared at me as if she has seen through my soul.

My vision suddenly altered to its previous performance, and I could finally see who was before me. It was a woman, and she had glorious white hair that seemed to be floating around the dark space, and I felt as if I'm touching the whole universe in my hands.

She then pushed me away, and a trail of saliva still connected us to each other, but it dissipated after a few seconds. Then she smiled as she said with a voice that was more pleasing than the world could over give, "You are my champion, and you will reign free."

I suddenly felt a hand pressing on my right eye as I looked at her. She was touching my eye. With a slight nudge, I suddenly felt pain piercing through my eye as she said to me, "You have to bear with me, my champion. I will always be with you."

As the pain coursed through my body, I saw her slowly dissipating like stars detaching from the space. I extended out my hand, and I only saw her smile that made my heart warm that I felt like the universe has blessed me.

My head started to hurt as I could see nothing but darkness. I couldn't help but kneel because of the pain I was feeling. I was screaming as if a million swords suddenly pierced my eyes, and I tried to fight the problem, but my strength wasn't enough. I only felt my consciousness faltering as my vision darkened.

I reached out my hand again only to meet nothing. My body felt warm this time, and it doesn't hurt as much anymore. I then opened my eyes as I felt this feeling only to see that I was lying down on an unfamiliar bed, inside a strange room in an unfamiliar house.

Feeling unsafe, I abruptly sat down only to feel pain in my torso and lower back. Then suddenly, I felt someone push me down. I could only look upwards and saw a beautiful woman with brown skin. Her beautiful crimson eyes stared at me, and her enchanting elf-like ears made my heart palpitate. Her m.a.t.u.r.e aura made her even more attractive than anything else. It was just like my mom.

She was an absolute beauty! Her jet-black hair that had crimson tips then waved slightly as she walked towards a chair while she was wearing highly revealing clothes. It feels as if, one swipe, her everything can be seen.

She then smiled at me as she said, "You're finally awake. It's been a year since you slept, did I really injure you that much?", Hearing that, I was perplexed. I was so bewildered that I couldn't help but ask loudly, "Where am I? Who are you? What date is it?"

The woman could only lightly place her hands near her c.h.e.s.t and as if she was pushing something, she slightly extended and retracted her hands signifying the sign of, 'Slow down', as she said, "Slow down! Geez, I don't even know you."

Realising that, I decided to take a deep breath whilst saying, "I'm Riku, Riku Akatsuki". Seeing that I have fully calmed down, the woman smiled whilst she crossed her arms and laid her left leg to her right, "I'm Lilia, Lilia Fujisaka. Now Riku, I'll tell you what happened."

She then began to narrate the whole story of how I ended up here. I was even shocked by how that happened.


Lilia stood by the shore of the island she was currently in, or to be exact, the private island that she owned. She then suddenly felt the waves getting stronger and stronger. As she felt that it was getting kinda dangerous, she slightly muttered, "Shall I go back; I still need to teach my disciple—"

Suddenly, Lilia felt something incredibly dangerous coming. She didn't even dare just stand around doing nothing as she went to action immediately and dodged. Suddenly, the space around the place she stood warped, and a hand appeared out of nowhere. The anonymous hand that appeared proceeded to swing downwards with full force, clearly trying to attack Lilia.

Yes, as you may have thought, this was Riku himself, but he didn't seem to be in the right mentality. Riku then swiped his arm towards Lilia, and she could only dodge as she shouted, "Hey! What are you f.u.c.k.i.n.g doing!?"

Though, Riku didn't even bat an eye as if he had no consciousness at all. Lilia then had no other thoughts than this. 'Is he going berserk!? This is bad! He is incredibly powerful! I must knock him out immediately!"

Riku then roared as he clicked his fingers, causing dark orbs to form around everywhere, he then ran at an incredibly high speed as if he thwarted time itself and swung his arm and the force that was coming felt as if there was a torpedo.

Lilia could only grit her teeth from the impact that was done as she stomped her foot to the ground and roared. Her crimson eyes glowed as she extended her arms only to touch Riku's c.h.e.s.t. As her hand landed directly on Riku's c.h.e.s.t, Lilia twisted her arm in a 180° turn, and Riku was brought along with her hand. She then put force upon her palm and threw Riku up in the air.

Though, Lilia hadn't stopped at all as a gigantic spear-like object made from the earth itself formed above them. Lilia's eyes then glowed even more as she stomped on the ground and jerked her arm forwards, seemingly pointing at Riku himself. "Terra! Die! Framea!"

The giant spear proceeded to descend towards Riku, who was still in the air and struck him directly at the head. Riku was buried entirely on the ground as the giant spear disappeared. Lilia could only mutter in surprise, "If he were a normal person, he would've died, just who is he?"

She thought that Riku was already defeated, but then, Riku suddenly stood up, both shocking and scaring Lilia. "Shit!!", Lilia tried to move out of the way as she felt danger coming from behind, but before she could move, she was grasped by an unknown hand.

Intense fear encompassed her as she looked behind and saw Riku. Her calm demeanour faltered as she felt that she was really going to die here. Riku then roared loudly as he was about to swing his arm at Lilia. But suddenly... he paused... he paused during the middle of his attack. His body turned weak as his dangerous aura disappeared as he fell to the ground, completely unconscious.

Then suddenly, voices appeared out of nowhere shouting, "Master!". Lilia then turned her head around and saw three beautiful girls. One had white skin, green hair, and green eyes, while the other one had lightly tanned skin, tied brown hair, and hazel eyes. The two had one thing in common. They both had elven ears.

The third girl had brown skin, crimson eyes, and cat ears. If there was a common thing about these three, well, let me say it, they all had highly revealing clothes, and they're wearing f.u.c.k.i.n.g high heels. If you wanna be exact, "swimsuit with high heels" would be the most accurate representation.

They then loudly asked Lilia, "Master! Are you okay!?", Lilia just placed her hand on her h.i.p.s as her lips curved to a smile while her crimson eyes had a hue of warmth embedded in it. She then said, "I'm fine! Just take this young man inside."


"So that's basically what had happened", Lilia said with a smile. I was incredibly shocked by this revelation, and I didn't expect any of the corresponding scenes. I then said, "Am I really that strong?"

As I said that, Lilia then looked at me with a solemn expression whilst saying, "Yeah, you are incredibly strong, the only problem is, you don't know how to control yourself."

I was quite confused about why I'm not shocked by the sudden change of appearance of people. Lilia said that other races had been confirmed when the meteorites descended and I was not surprised. I even said it was bullcrap before, but I guess I'm wrong.

I was just shocked at my strength. The date was the 23rd of June and the year is 2026, exactly 2 years from the time I went to the other city.

I then looked at Lilia with a severe expression whilst saying, "Lilia-san! Can I be your disciple?", Lilia then looked at him weirdly as she asked, "Sure, but you're pretty much as strong as me, or maybe even stronger."

I just shrugged as I said, "I might be as strong as you, but I can't even beat you. I want to train my powers and be able to control it!", Lilia just smiled wryly as she said, "Sure, but do you have any particular reason in why you want to raise your strength?"

I just turned my head away and looked at my hands. I proceeded to clench my hands to a fist whilst I muttered, "I want to go back to my mother, and my sisters. I want to show my bastard father that I'm not weak and I can protect my family however I want!"

Lilia then stared at Riku blankly as she felt immense bloodl.u.s.t that emitted from him that was greater than the time she fought with him. She then thought, 'What did that father do to him to have him acc.u.mulate this much hatred?'

I could only clench my hands into a fist one more time as I looked out of the window and murmured, "Mom, Hina-chan, Aoi-nee, I will come back!"


Edited: 21/11/2020 By me, the author

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