Rebellious Path

Chapter 39 - I became a Papa

My senses were shocked as I never felt any other presence along with the demon and It couldn't have possibly morphed something else because I ripped it to shreds and not even dust remains. I stopped holding the unconscious Farah and laid her down neatly on the ground of the space I created and immediately turned my head cuz I didn't know what to expect. Everything might very well be possible, no?

With a swift turn, I prepared everything I've got to properly counter any kind of attack coming my way, but what I see was nothing like what I have thought of... In fact, what I saw was a complete feast to my eyes as I saw the epitome of cuteness, an adorable little girl with beautiful pinkish-red hair and black wings that seemed to be reminiscing of a bat, right before me. But... my melting heart that was melting out of cuteness, broke as I saw tears coming from the eyes of the poor child.

"...sob... Mama...!"

I became instantly worried as I ran up to the little girl and picked her up from the ground and tightly carried her within my arms. I didn't know what her history was, but I couldn't help but be worried about the little girl despite not knowing anything about her. I just tightly wrapped my arms around her and tried to soothe and comfort her as much as I can.

"...M-mama...! ...Mama...!"

"Hey, hey, you're fine now... you're fine now..."

Her sobbing seemed to slow down, as she still hicked... A LOT, but, it's no problem. I didn't have any water, with me, so I tried to produce as much water as I can and created a little cup and poured the water there, but a reminder, the little girl was on my arm, so I had to cast the spell, a couple of feet away.

As I did so, I walked up to the cup that I filled with water and slowly crouched to the ground and laid the little girl down slowly. As I was about to pick the cup up, the little girl suddenly pulled on my color as if she didn't want me to go as she rubbed her tears and some snot that was coming out of her nose.

I could only smile as I probably had a handkerchief... somewhere. I tapped on my pockets to see if it was there, but there were no items on my pockets, so... I proceeded to look for it in my pocket space where I keep a lot of my stuff. After a couple of seconds of searching, I finally found it, and I wiped the snot that was coming out of her nose, off. The little girl couldn't help but turn her head to look at me with teary eyes, and I smiled at her whilst stretching out my hand to grab the cup of water.

She was staring at me longingly and she already stopped crying, which was a nice step forward, no6t gonna lie. I held the cup of water in my hand and presented it to the little girl, and she only looked at me. Confused and not knowing what to do whilst tilting her head cutely like she was italicized. I chuckled at that scene as I said.

"Here, drink this... don't be shy..."

She slowly turned her gaze to me and the cup of water back and forth. I kept smiling and gesturing that she should grab the cup, and she did so accordingly. She then slowly placed it on her cute little lips and slowly began to tilt the cup, but then, as soon as the water went up to her mouth, she looked extremely disgusted as she spat it out whilst coughing. I couldn't help but be surprised, but then... She had bat wings... could it be...



Name: ???

Gender: Female

Age: ???

Race: Royal Vampire Demon

Level: 63

Job: Princess

HP: 56,250

MP: 38,930

STR: 739

INT: 632

DEF: 597

MDEF: 543

SPD: 800

AGI: 800


{Status Effects}

[Controlled Bloodl.u.s.t]

[Magic Enhancement]

[Physical Enhancement]

[Enhanced Mana]

[Insant Healing]


[Darkness Overrun]



I couldn't help but in be awe realizing that she was the same monster boss that was there back in the dungeon... I couldn't help but look at the poor little girl with sympathy as I patted her head and pulled her to a short embrace. She was seemingly controlled by that nightmare demon judging from one of her curses, and she became demonized because of it. Though... I don't really think that she's a child considering that the age counter on her status was filled with question marks, but still... she looked like a child and acted like one, it's good enough.

She has suffered enough... I then separated myself from her as she kept looking at me with those beautiful sparkling crimson red eyes. I then just smiled as I realized why she choked on water. Vampires don't drink water... they drink blood, but wouldn't they be able to drink water as well? I'm quite confused actually.

"Sorry... I didn't realize that you don't drink water... What's your name?"

I asked the little girls her name didn't pop up on the status board after I used [Observe], but then, as soon as I asked that question, she became teary-eyed again as she remembered something from the past. That just broke my heart even more as I patted her head once again and rubbed her back.

"It's alright... it's alright... if you don't wanna tell me, it's alright... don't cry anymore... your fine nor... okay?"

The little girl just slowly held back her tears as she nodded her head lightly whilst begging me to hug her, and I did. I wrapped my arms around her and carefully did it to not make her uncomfortable as she had wings. I never encountered anyone who had wings before, so this is quite a new experience.

Suddenly, I felt something sunk deep and latched unto my shoulder... yep... she started to drink my blood. I should've guessed, but well... it's not a problem. She weakly s.u.c.k.e.d on my arm, drinking my blood, and contrary to what I expected, it didn't hurt a single bit. My pain tolerance was already high, so yeah...

"Your blood... tastes good..."

The first time she spoke! Maybe blood is the only thing that can re-energize her, or possibly heal her. Well... If so, then I'm thankful. I can't possibly bear looking at a child pitifully. I just smiled as I let her drink my blood. A couple of minutes later, she pulled out her fangs and licked her lips which was dyed red with blood as she wrapped my arms around her, whilst she wrapped her arms around my neck whilst whispering,

"You are... you're my Papa now...!"

[??? Affection +100 (160, Daughter)]

['Status Effect', [Cool Headed], has been activated]

I couldn't help but widen my eyes as she wanted me to become her papa. I just... anyone would be surprised if they hear someone declare that they wanted them to become their papa or even mama, but to be honest... I felt my heart warming up hearing her call me papa, and I couldn't believe that I was actually wanting her to call me papa, no matter what.

After a whale, she let go, I did so myself. She then stared at me, eye to eye, and suddenly, she kissed my cheek. She then immediately leaned back as she said with her crimson eyes, glowing red, and her face, flushing,

"...Will Papa give me a name...?"

"Wait... you have no name?"

I was surprised. She was speaking mama repeatedly, so... she probably had a name. But why discard it...? I just don't believe that she has no name, so I asked her, with confusion clear upon my eyes. She could only look down on the ground, with a sad expression on her face as she said,

"...I can't... remember..."

No... it's not that she doesn't have a name... she doesn't have her memories. All she remembered was her mother, and that was probably it. I could feel my heart breaking just because of that, but I shook my head as I comforted her with a hug as I patted her head. And just like an actual father, I kissed her forehead lightly, with me just wanting her to know that everything will be all right.

With no other further thoughts, I spoke out.

"...All right... I will think of a name for you... okay? Hm... how about... Yu... Yumina!"

With that said, the little girl looked at me with an incredibly happy smile, which caused me to smile as well. She seemed to like it... and I'm glad for that. She suddenly jumped up and clung around my neck whilst the other girls started to wake up, one by one, and rubbed their eyes, and looked around scanning the vicinity as they didn't know where they were. That would be a very proper and common thing any people would do when they suddenly wake up in an unfamiliar place. I just smiled as Yumina flew and sat on my neck, which I deemed as cute as I walked up the other girls.


Author's Note:

I was finally able to create a discord server for myself! If you want to ee character photos from my novels, and gain updates, and alerts every time I upload a chapter, join my discord server!


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