Rebellious Path

Chapter 41 - Hot Spring

Yumina joyously giggled as she said that whilst nudging her head on my arm with a cute and joyful smile. Ahh! I could feel it! If I can just experience this day by day… I could gladly die and pass away! I could only pull Yumina's cute little face and kissed her cheek as I hugged her.

Louise, right in front of me, was shocked, and she felt happy seeing that I looked like a cheerful and protective father. She could only turn her head around as she remembered her husband and remembered how he did not care about their daughter and she could only grit her teeth. After a while, she let her anger subside as she turned her head towards me and Yumina, gladly cuddling with each other… and she had a thought… she had a thought that made her blush furiously.

(...Riku… looks so good as a father… I wonder how he'll treat my daughter if I was his wife… If I was his… wife… What the hell am I thinking!?)

[Louise Rugret von Reisfield Affection +11 (120, Intimate Friends)]

After noticing the notification. I turned my head around to look at Louise and smiled at her charmingly, causing her to blush even further, and this time, not only her but the other girls as well. They were blushing as if the world was as red as a tomato.

[Elena Rugret von Reisfield Affection +6 (120, Admirer)]

[Elanor Yelfiel Affection +5 (110, Intimate Friends)]

[Rina Valfir Affection +5 (110, Intimate Friends)]

[Farah Windborn Affection +4 (155, Lover)]

This was… a step further… I suppose. I could just smile as I looked at them with charm. They could only shake their heads as Louise decided to break this long term silence that was already going on for a while. With that, she spoke, "*Cough*, How about… let's celebrate that you came back safe and completely unharmed… okay?"

With a smile, I nodded my head, and Louise did the same as she called in her servants. They immediately came, as you may have expected. Well, the celebration was nothing that special, we only bonded and ate some of the really delicious food of this kingdom, and hell! I can say this again and again… The food here is f.u.c.k.i.n.g amazing!

As I ate, I didn't have any chance of forgetting my cute little Yumina as she sat down on my l.a.p. She seemed to enjoy everything and contrary to how sleepy she was during the day, she seemed extremely energetic as the sun went down.

I tried to feed her, but she avoided it. Can't she eat normal food? That's what I know about vampires… They could probably eat normal food right? I don't believe that they can't consume anything other than blood.

Just as we were about to finish eating, Louise looked at me and so did the other girls as she said, "You should rest… that adventure should be very tiring right?"

The journey was quite tiring if I'm being honest. But I wanted to take a bath first before I rest, even though I never get any smellier. I then proceeded to say, "Indeed… well, I would like to take a bath, is that all right?"

Louise only smiled as she seemed to have a perfect idea. She then placed the utensils she was holding properly on her plate as she excitedly said, "Oh! We have a private hot spring here! You might like it!"

"Oh! Is that so! I would love to take a dip there!", even before, I haven't experienced bathing in a hot spring… Well, maybe I did once and it was when Lilia took me in. Anyway, I would really love to take a dip on that hot spring! I'm sure it will be really comfortable.

With everything wrapped up, I wiped my face and pinched Yumina's cute cheeks lightly causing her to smile as I tidied myself up and stood. "Well then… May I ask where the hot spring is? I am quite unfamiliar with this place… I would like to roam around tomorrow and… maybe visit the library…"

Hearing 'Library', Elanioior couldn't help but smile widely as she seemed to be quite into the topic. She then excitedly said whilst looking at me with glowing eyes, "Oooh! I can guide you around the city tomorrow, Riku… I would like to visit the library myself!"

(So… she seemed quite interested in the library… she's probably a bookworm, no…? Well… maybe I can ask her stuff too.)

I just smiled as I nodded my head and she made a sound that seemed so excited which was actually cute and quite frankly… alluring. If you're wondering what noise she made it was a, "Ahh...~!", and I could only smile widely hearing that as I still haven't got anyone to guide me to the hot springs.

Well actually… someone did… and it was Farah. She then said, "I can guide you to the hot springs", which, led me to a smile, as I noticed her slightly flushed face, which just made me suddenly feel excited. Well… I think you already know what I'm thinking right now. I just nodded my head, but then I realized… what about Yumina?

I looked at Louise and asked for a small favor, "Uhh, Louise, could you watch over Yumina while I go ahead and take a bath?", Louise just looked at me blankly as she said, "Oh, of course, it would be no problem at all. In fact, I would like to take care of this cute little girl."

Hearing that, Yumina's eyes seemed to glow as she pouted so charmingly that I felt my heart churn up in heat of cuteness! It was too much! I was turning light-headed just seeing that, but that lightheadedness soon disappeared as I regained my composure whilst looking at Yumina.

[Status Effect, {Cool Headed} Activated]

"No! I want to stay with Papa~!", she pretended to cry, and hell, was it cute. I guess… I'll bring her with me…? I just awkwardly laughed whilst looking at Louise whilst the Yumina clung unto my neck tightly and with started to bite me lightly, with no force whatsoever, and it felt quite… ticklish.

Louise could only gleefully laugh as she said, "You have the aura of a father now, haha", I just chuckled at what she said as I carried Yumina within my arms and looked at Farah and nodded. Farah proceeded to look at me with eager eyes as she started to lick her lips. God! That was f.u.c.k.i.n.g hot.

"Well… lead the way, Farah…", as I said that, Farah proceeded to lead us to the hot spring whilst I carried Yumina behind my back, and she started to playfully sing a little cheerful song, contrary to her previous gloomy expression back at the space I created. Oh right… I didn't study the space I created… Well, maybe I should check it tomorrow.

Soon we arrived at the hot spring, and it was gorgeous! It seemed to be open-aired, and it looks so comfortable! I can't wait to take a dip! As I walked forwards, I brought Yumina down from my back to the ground as I was about to change my clothes, and I said, "Wait a moment… okay?"

Yumijna only nodded as she stayed on the area I placed her on whilst I removed my clothes and wrapped a towel around my waist. I was with a child after all… or should I say, my daughter.

As I came back to Yumina, she was already buck n.a.k.e.d and she jumped at me clinging unto my neck once again whilst nudging her head on me. I was wondering how she got n.a.k.e.d, but then I saw Farah, covered by only a tiny piece of cloth wrapped around her body whilst looking at me coquettishly. I could see her beautiful and soft-looking t.h.i.g.hs move as she walked up to me… and it turned me on.

I proceeded to walk towards the hot spring whilst smirking at Farah, causing her to blush as Yumina excitedly said, "Yay~! I will share a bath with Papa~! Yay~!!", Farah on the other hand, was focused on me, gulping her saliva as she looked below my waist and noticed the huge bulge. Her face turned as red as it can be as we sat down a dipped our bodies at the water.

"Ahh! This feels so refreshing!", It was indeed comfortable, but it can never be as comfortable as having a woman sit down between your t.h.i.g.hs. Yep… that was what I was thinking as Farah and Yumina sat down on each of my sides.

As soon as we dipped on the water, Yumina had a tired expression as if she had already stayed there for a long time. But it seems that the warmth of the hot spring was extremely comfortable for her that she fell asleep.

Noticing that, I grinned as I looked at Farah, who was already trying hard to compose herself as she gazed at me with her l.u.s.tful eyes. Her face was as red as a tomato and she was holding her hand between her legs tightly… and it was moving back and forth. She was already fingering herself as she was already turned on.

I had to make a move, but I was worried about Yumina. It is said that falling asleep is prohibited in the hot springs as it may cause health problems… but then… her body was as cold as it good get. The heat didn't seem to affect her body temperature at all, and it only made her fall asleep. Is this why she was asleep when the sun was up?

Well then, now that I don't have to worry… It's my time to attack. Since I already promised her that we will continue what we had done when we're back at the capital, I just wrapped my arms around her from behind and licked her neck. That was enough to forcefully burn the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e down to her core as she m.o.a.n.e.d loudly, "Ahhh~! AHHN~! C.U.M.M.I.N.G~!"

I didn't expect her to c.u.m this early, but… I only grinned as I groped her beautiful, bouncy t.i.t.s and started to feel it on my hand. It was soft and elastic… it was in perfect shape as well… and her were quite hard already. With that, I proceeded to place my hand on her p.u.s.s.y and lightly pinched her c.l.i.t.o.r.i.s causing her to stick out her tongue in p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e. Oh… this is gonna be one hell of a bath.


Author's Note:

I was finally able to create a discord server for myself! If you want to ee character photos from my novels, and gain updates, and alerts every time I upload a chapter, join my discord server!


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