Rebellious Path

Chapter 43 - Knowledge

Well, you could probably guess what happened next. Farah was already unconscious… I might've overdone it… So I washed her body, glistening with sweat, water, love juices, and s.e.m.e.n, and picked her up, and I also did the same for Yumina who was smiling so cutely as she was sleeping. No matter how I tried to wake her up, she wouldn't… so, I guess she liked to be in warm places.

Looking at her, I just smiled as I rubbed her head whilst I picked her up, wiped her entire body, and carried her. I also did the same for Farah, as she couldn't possibly do anything. With that, I changed their clothes and brought them to my room.

I felt significantly refreshed, and… maybe a bit exhausted as I laid the two down beside me whilst I laid in the middle of the bed. As I gazed upon the two girls' blissful faces, I just smiled with satisfaction as I rested my head on the pillow whilst my arms held the two. My consciousness then started to fade away as my eyes blurred, sending me to a state of slumber.

The night seemed to go by as fast as it can be, as the birds' tweets echoed all around. I could only yawn as I tried to bring myself up, but as soon as I tried, I felt something heavy on my c.h.e.s.t, but it was not as heavy as I had experienced with Farah. Well then, it should be clear who it is now as only two girls slept alongside me.

I smiled as I opened my eyes and saw that Yumina was munching on my neck, l.i.c.k.i.n.g it whilst blood leaked through as her face was lightly coloured with a pink hue. With a light embrace, I held Yumina within my arms as I pulled her face away. "Yumina… Good morning!", I tightened my embrace with a light chuckle.

"...Hmm! Hah! I'm fhull! Good morning Papa~!", Yumina also returned my embrace, and she… she was just too adorable! I leaned in my face to kiss her cute cheek as I waved her around. I just couldn't help it… Doing that to something this cute is a natural reaction! Although it is a good thing that I was always cool-headed every time, so I'm able to control my actions.

With a heavy breath, I slumped on the bed again as Yumina nudged her head on my c.h.e.s.t as her small arms tried so hard to wrap around me. I just patted her head as I looked to the side where I laid Farah. As I looked, I realised that she wasn't there… That made me a little bit confused, but she probably has gone out, right?

Well, no… she didn't. I could feel something hot on my crotch area, and as you may have expected, she was there, s.u.c.k.i.n.g my c.o.c.k like a typical R.-.1.8 novel. I just smirked and tried to hide away Yumina so she wouldn't be able to see. Good thing she didn't notice that Farah was below, s.u.c.k.i.n.g my c.o.c.k whilst covered by my blanket.

Then, I proceeded to reach out my right head under my blanket as I held her head, and as soon as she felt my touch, I could hear a muffled m.o.a.n sounding out. I really didn't realise that she was s.u.c.k.i.n.g my d.i.c.k since earlier, and it seemed that she had already done it for a very long time as I am already close to ejaculating.

I just held her head as I came inside her mouth. With that, I peeked under the blanket and saw she pulled out my c.o.c.k from her mouth as she started to swallow every single speck of my c.u.m. That e.r.o.t.i.c display was undoubtedly outstanding. "Farah… you know there's a child in here right? Well, it's not as if it's a problem, but… we have to get up now…"

Farah just nodded her head as she continued to lick my c.o.c.k until it was clean as she pulled away. I pulled my pants back up and covered myself as I stood up, and Yumina flew up to my back and smile cheekily, which was really charming! Farah also stood up as she wrapped her hands around my arm, and completely sinking it between her modest b.r.e.a.s.ts whilst looking at me shyly. I just smirked as I groped her a.s.s and touched her tail, causing her to flinch as her hands held my arm tighter.

Her tail wagged faster and faster as she soon let go of my arm whilst we walked up to the dining room, and as expected, they were already there with smiles attached to their faces. Although… Louise was kind of acting weirdly. She turned her gaze towards me and smiled but then, her face suddenly flared red as she looked away. Wait… did I forget to cast a sound barrier again? I did, didn't I? Shit.

Well, soon after, we sat down, and the servants served the food. We then proceeded to eat quite cheerfully as I tried to feed Yumina, but again, she didn't… I want to see her eat! I just want to see the epitome of cuteness that is way beyond me!

After we ate, I looked at Elanor as I said, "So, Elanor, shall we go out right now?", hearing that, Elanor suddenly burst out into stars as she was more excited felt more excited than me. I could only chuckle at that scene, but Elanor did say, "Yes! Let's go! I'm sure you will find a lot of things interesting… especially the library."

I then looked at Louise with a charming smile, and she suddenly tried to avoid eye contact as she blushed intensely. She just coughed as she spoke, "...I-it's okay, you can go…"

With a broad smile, I happily nodded at her as I walked out with Yumina on my shoulders and Elanor beside me. To be honest, I was looking forwards to the library more than knowing the whole city and every single area and details about it. I just need to learn what is the "country" that they kept talking about when they hear my name and realise my strength.

Without further ado, Elanor excitedly let around with her charming blonde hair waving about as the air blew to her face and her charmingly cute, pointed ears, twitching lightly. I then followed her steps and hopped a little bit, to make Yumina even giggle, as I feel like her giggles restore my strength as if I am some kind of father. Well… actually I am, I am Yumina's father now!

We walked around, touring the city whilst walking along the sidewalk. Everything… was mesmerising, as if made by pure magic. I should spare the details as it is not essential, so let's go to the library then! Now, I can at least learn some things about this world without looking like a complete idiot. I can ask Elanor for some other details as well, that is if I don't understand.

"Now! To the best part of this city! The library!", Elanor leapt around as she grabbed my arm whilst Yumina was on my back, fast asleep. Well, I just smiled as I let her pull me over to the library, and when I saw it, I couldn't be more in awe of the detailed designs and the beautiful archaic vibes to it. We then proceeded to go inside the library and venture around, looking at books.

The library was enormous! There was also a lot of books, as you may have expected, and all of them were beautifully made. Elanor already stopped pulling me as she started to walk quite slowly and quietly, but with a smile plastered unto her face.

"So, Riku… what book are you gonna read?", Elanor asked as she looked at me. Well, I only bitterly smiled as I know nothing of this world, and asking for everything will sure make me seem stupid, but I guess it can't be helped. "I would like to learn more about… everything if possible."

With an awkward laugh, I scratched my head, expecting Elanor to laugh at me in ridicule, but in fact, she did not. Her eyes only glowed as she whispered, "Well then, come with me, please! I have access to a restricted area wherein books and knowledge that aren't allowed in public, are accessible!"

"That would be of really great help! Thanks!", I said as Elanor led me to a particular part of the library that seemed to have… an array that allows only certain users to access it. It was straightforward, not gonna lie, but it's as useful as far as it can be! And the array is also tough to break, and would even require me a particular amount of time.

Elanor then activated the array, giving us access to the room it was restricting, and indeed, tomes and other books that seemed so ancient was inside, which intrigued me per se. "Here it is! You can access any book you want, and you won't have any restrictions! I'm going to read as well!", Elanor then separated from me as she picked out some books that seemed to be of her interest.

With that, I smiled as I placed Yumina on a chair along with some tables whilst I picked out some books such as with the topic about the history of this world; shared knowledge, which I probably already have; books about the dungeons and the monsters; and probably books about that "country".

Well, all I can say, is that I might've picked up too many books, but oh well, the more things I know, the better. I then sat down beside Yumina as I opened the books, and read them one by one, and the {Status Effect} that I got was undoubted of help as I was able to take in the knowledge and break it down quickly.

It seems that this place has six dungeons, and one of the was Vlanreist's Grand Dungeon. And that was the closest one. All the other dungeons were spread out to other kingdoms, and they seem to be the "keys" to unlock a specific dungeon that causes all these monsters to appear. And that dungeon was said to occur once every thousand years, which was intriguing for a fact. I could only clasp my hands as I stared down at the information before me as I thought about the Trial of Time.

(...Did the being gave me this trial… want me to clear all the dungeons… as the term "enemy" could be led to many things… but the voice did indeed say, "enemy of this world"... and the monsters are enemies of this world… Maybe this is my trial… Because the last dungeon causes the monsters to roam around the world, I should clear that dungeon, and my trial should be completed.)

I contemplated as I read the other books learning about the various stuff I needed to know about this world. The currency is no problem as I even came by and entered an auction and managed to win that set of armour from that particular blacksmith. I should visit her after this and have my armour fitted for myself, obviously.

I continued to read and read, until, I finally reached what I wanted to know about, as you may have learned from my encounters, the country they kept mentioning! Yes! I then started to read what was that all about and I realised… that country was… something very similar, yet very distinct from Japan.

But, if I'm being honest, it seemed quite similar to ancient Japan, which I don't particularly dislike. But so it seems that warriors there are monsters in combat, not even minding their injuries as they slay their enemies and crush them beneath their feet. Uhh… They are seemingly just describing samurais. Japanese military back then would do anything for their country, even if it means their death.

Well, that was great! I no longer have to worry about them talking about something relatively unfamiliar as I have studied quite a lot of their ways and such. Welp! It's probably already time to come back as I need to do some other stuff as well. But… I am enjoying looking at the charming Elanor, sitting down, wholly invested in reading the book she was reading.

I just proceeded to hold my head with my arm as I gazed at her whilst smiling, finding her… really, really cute. Seeing her excited like this… no matter how many times I repeat it, was really cute. A couple more minutes of just staring at her wouldn't hurt, right?

Time continued to pass by as Elanor flipped through the pages and I just stayed there, looking at her, and after a while, she finally finished the book she was reading, and she laid it down on the table. That's when she noticed that I was staring at her. Her face suddenly turned red as she said, "H-how long have you been staring at me…?"

I simply chuckled as I continued to smile whilst looking at her, of course. I then said, "Well, from when you started reading, I suppose…", just then, her face heated up even more as she turned her face to the side whilst stuttering, "S-so embarrassing…"

[Elanor Yelfiel Affection +3 (113, Intimate Friends)]

"Haha, you're really, really cute to look at Elanor, no matter what", I complimented her, and of course, I was stating the truth as well. Her face flushed even further as she stood up slowly whilst saying, "W-we should go! I-I bet you have more s-stuff to do, r-right?"

[Elanor Yelfiel Affection +4 (117, Intimate Friends)]

Smiling, I simply nodded as I picked up Yumina and carried her on my back as I walked behind Elanor, who was fidgeting around as if she was getting attacked by some kind of bug. I then proceeded to walk up beside her and slightly blew on her ear, causing her to turn red as she jumped out of fright as she shrieked.

She turned her face towards me, but she turned around immediately as her face turned redder than before. She then began to fidget around more than before as she walked quite quickly, although, I was able to follow easily. With that, I chuckled as she seemed to be muttering some inaudible things.

[Elanor Yelfiel Affection +3 (120, Admirer)]

(...Ahh...Ahhh! Too embarrassing! Riku… it's so embarrassing!)


Author's Note:


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