Rebellious Path

Chapter 56 - Low Mortal Memories: Challenge of the Ancient Gods

After I clicked the button, I felt my consciousness being pulled out of my body. Waves of pain came crashing that as if a mountain came by and stomped at me. Voices started to echo in my head, causing a severe headache to surface. Due to that, I couldn't hold on and fell off the chair.

Information started to bombard my head, things that I never knew before. Scenes of some type of past began to creep in, and it felt as if it was my own memories and experience. That was the benefit, and everything else… was pure chaotic pain.

My eyes were bloodshot, and I was clutching my head tightly. Bloody tears started to leak out of my eyes, which was almost nightmare-inducing. My veins began to bulge as finally, my consciousness completely fell.


I woke up only to see that I was in an unfamiliar room that didn't particularly seem nice… It was mouldy and was in awful condition. However, I did feel that despite the room was in horrible shape, it was definitely sturdy—probably much toucher than adamantite. There was a door right in front of me, and it gave off the same vibe, very durable. I then started to observe the room and saw that there was nothing, even my armour, except for me being shackled. That confirms my suspicion of this place as a prison, probably of the highest security.

Just as I was wondering why I was here, notifications started to blast my ears.

[NEW Quest]

[Quest: Challenge of Ancient Gods


Escape the prison and kill all enemy forces in the shortest amount of time possible. You will return after you complete the challenge or die seven times.

--------Completion Rewards--------

{Low Mortal Memories}

{Unknown Skill}

{Unknown Skill}

{Unknown Skill}

{Knowledge: Godhood Ranks}

--------Fail Requirements--------

{Dying seven times}

{Weakened State: 1 Month}]

As I read through it in a breeze, I realised that this wasn't the real world, but rather, a dream realm, I suppose, as it said that I could die three times. I thought I was abducted in my sleep or a moment. After contemplating for a bit, I started to do my work. I took a look at the shackles and shook my head at the first thoughts of trying to corrode it.

It notably weakened my magic abilities as it probably has some kind of magic weakener. I also couldn't break it off with my b.a.r.e strength since it's extremely tough, so I decided to use space magic. I am starting to rely on space magic now, after all, haha.

Although it weakened my magic capabilities, it certainly couldn't block off my usage of magic as it was too high for it to completely block off. I then teleported to another part of the cell, completely free of the shackles.

Wasting no more time, I took a peek on the crevice of the door and saw a guard. So I decided why not lure him here.

"Psst! Right here!"

The guard seemed confused as he saw no one, but it appeared someone was calling him. He decided to investigate the voice and headed right in my direction. I laughed lightly as it seemed that my plan worked.

As he was close enough to the door, I summoned the chained dart and shot it right at him, straight through the neck, causing him to immediately die. Although the chained dart is hugely weakened, it can still cause immediate deaths due to the fact that it's small and already at Mortal Grade, as the weapon description had said.

I wanted to go out the door by regular means, but I shouldn't waste any more time like this. As I saw what the outside was, I could easily warp to it, so I did. As I appeared outside the cell, I took one more look at the corpse and left.

Without further ado, I ran up to the two other guards, and without time for them to react, I jumped up and stayed afloat using wind magic whilst shooting wind blades to decapitate them. This round was pretty easy, but the next… not so much.

I then proceeded to pick one of the guards' keys and disposed of the five people's bodies using fire magic to incinerate them. I then wore the guards' armour to disguise myself and walked off. I couldn't alert all of them at the same time and having to deal with multiple enemies and probably more due to the fact that they could call in reinforcements.

As I entered the new room, the guards totally gave off a totally different feeling. They were tiered higher than the other guards, so I proceeded to check their statuses.

[Middle-rank Guard

Level: 12

Godhood Rank: Low Mortal (Low)

HP: 130,000/130,000

MP: 219,012]

They… had higher HP than me and had incredibly high MP despite their level being level twelve. It seemed that the Godhood Ranks had these effects. Simple attacks won't work anymore on them, but I can't face them headfirst because they could shout for help, and more will come. And as I have currently observed, there are twenty of them.

I cursed as I sneakily moved up to a higher place for me to be able to observe the situation. After a few minutes of contemplating, I jumped down and used dark magic to envelop the whole area, and I had to maintain it so that the other guards cannot see a thing. It's basically a blindness effect.

I then isolated a guard and cast barrier and sound barrier simultaneously as I trapped him inside. I then started to attack using dark magic by corroding his mentality. And also used wind magic to slice him into pieces. But suddenly, a wave of light appeared as I heard one of the guards shout, "Lux!"

The entirety of my dark mist immediately vanished as I was discovered. The guard whom I attacked was only slightly affected. With a curse, I decided to use warp magic. But I was stopped by some kind of spell as another one of the guards shouted, "Silencing Whisper!"

All of the spells that I used lost all of their effects as they all rushed towards me. They started to cast spells and bombarded me, leaving me dumbfounded as my vision turned black.

[First Death. Six lives left]


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