Rebellious Path

Chapter 58 - I am not strong enough

As I took a peek at the next stage, I saw another set of twenty guards who are more robust than the ones I fought by two times. My mood didn't change as I had forty-four shadows. I could kill them rather quickly, even if they are two times stronger since I could use my shadows to double-team them. Everything is fair in war. I then proceeded to use [Observe] them.


High-rank Guard

Level: 12

Godhood Rank: Low Mortal (Middle)

HP: 260,000/260,000

MP: 438,024/438,024


With a smile, I wasted no more time and ordered the shadows to attack the guards. They were highly stealthy since they were shadows, and the guards barely noticed them until they attacked. They, of course, attacked by pairs on each guard.

As they defeated the guards, I went ahead to observe what is next. Unlike the two first stages, this place was larger, and there was more room. There must be something else in here, or am I just becoming dumber and dumber?

I then decided to peek at the contents of the paperwork. What I saw fueled something deep within me. It was a contract about slaves, as it seems. It talked about transporting all the slaves to a particular location for the seeming "ritual" of some sort.

I just burnt the contract using magic as I went outside to see that all the guards have been dealt with. Luckily none of the shadows died, but they only had a sliver of HP remaining, so I hurriedly healed them. They might not be sentient yet, but I can feel some kind of connection with them, and it somewhat hurts me to see if one of them dies.

By casting Dark Magic on them, the shadows seemed to shiver in delight. I then smiled as I looked at the twenty guards and looted them.


--------Adamantite Light Armour Set--------

Item Type: Armour


Adamantite Armour infused with light magic, which buffs the user when attacked by light magic.

Defence: 843

Durability: 4,900


--------Blessing of Lux--------

Item Type: Accessory


It is a necklace infused with Light Magic, strengthening the user by a small amount against all Dark Magic-based creatures.

Attributes Increased:

Defence: 97

Strength: 98

Durability: 1,002/1,002


--------Sword of Faith (High Tier)--------

Item Type: Weapon


A weapon infused with Light Magic, strengthening the user against all Dark Magic-based creatures.

Attack Damage: 3,300 (+1,000 against Dark Magic based creatures)

Attack Speed: 3,600

Durability: 2,100/2,100

I was happy about the loot's quality, but since it was of no use to me, I, of course, gave it to my shadows. The first twenty shadows then replaced the armour that I initially gave them and equipped the stronger one. But, of course, that includes the weapon as well. Then, the previous twenty armour and weapons were given to the other batch of twenty shadows, leaving only four shadows behind with nothing.

I was already planning to leave the area, but I decided to first check the shadows' levels. I really want to know how many levels they need to have their own awareness. So I proceeded to use [Observe].


--------Shadow Puppets--------

Gender: Female

Race: Summoned Shadows

Level: 6 (24 More Levels Until Evolution)

Godhood Rank: Low Mortal (Low)

Loyalty: MAX (Fixed)

MP: 225,345/225,345


"Twenty-four more levels, huh…."

It seemed pretty hard to get that many levels, even for me. But, their levelling speed is incredibly fast. Though their opponents are literally strong as f.u.c.k. I think I can defeat the guards if it's a one-on-one, but I would be easily obliterated if they attacked me altogether.

I hid the shadows in my own as I immediately stepped forth to the next stage. However, unlike the earlier ones, an overwhelming presence covered the entire area. A monolith that seemed to power a barrier stood erect at the centre as four overwhelmingly powerful entities seemed to guard them.

Just looking at them caused a shiver to run down my spine. They… were far more powerful than all of the shadows and me combined. They were standing there whilst posing menacingly with their weapons penetrating the ground. As they saw me, they sneered, and one spoke loudly. "Those pieces of shit are f.u.c.k.i.n.g useless. They can't even restrain a f.u.c.k.i.n.g slave.'

"That is true; they even died in the process, what a useless bunch", another one of those menacing figures spoke. It was a female, but one of the horrible bitchy ones, which I don't like. I'd rather have them go suck off a horse than being able to communicate with them. She then pulled out her weapon of choice from the ground, a rapier, and pointed it at me.

"Hehehe! You seem like you'll be able to take a beating! I can't wait to break another toy!" The same female figure said again as she smiled with a trace of insanity written on her face. My face couldn't help but twist due to the oppressing force that was exuding out of her. I was already growing nervous as even with the shadows, I probably won't be able to overpower her.

Gritting my teeth, I immediately used [Observe] on them, only to see such useless information. It's basically saying that they're too powerful and I'm gonna die instantly.


Holy Knight

Level: 50

Godhood Rank: Low Mortal (High)

HP: ???/???

MP: ???/???


I… couldn't even see their HP and MP… That could only mean that they are either using a spell or item to hide their stats, or I am simply not strong enough to see it. I couldn't help but grit my teeth due to the fact that the bitch was right. They could easily break me like a child breaking their toy.

My eyes turned dark. I was furious, not to my opponents, but to myself. I guess I've become so reliant on my skills and equipment that I forgot to improve myself. I breathed deeply as I stared at the woman who pulled out her rapier from the ground and started to lick. She wasn't holy; she basically a demon. And the way she licked her blade, which she pulled from the ground, how disgustingly unsanitary.

"Lightining Speed!" I whispered and used a spell. Just by observing her, I know that she won't be slow. I'm also glad that I did activate the spell cause if I didn't, I probably would've immediately died right after.

"Hehe~ come here my little toy~!" Then, with a crazy smile, she launched herself and attacked me. 'Deep breathes, Riku, deep breathes,' I encouraged myself. I am confident that if I get hit, I'll die. So, with deep breaths, I readied myself as she approached me at high speeds. When she almost hit me, I immediately used [Warp] and teleported at her back.

With no hesitation, I released my weapon, the chained dart, coated it with the mana of the seven common elements and attacked her. She was extraordinarily swift and blocked my weapon.

Even though the attack speed of the Cross of Time was labelled as "Unhindered", I only had a percentage of control over the weapon. As a result, I couldn't even utilise it properly. I was knocked back to the force of my attack being abruptly stopped. The other three figures started clapping and cheering as one shouted, "Amazing! He was able to dodge that crazy woman's attack and attacked her! He even has control over the seven elements! How wonderful! Lia, don't completely annihilate his body. I want it for my experiments!"

'Ahh, another crazy person,' The holy knights seemed to be the insanely strong knights with mental illnesses. I guess the saying that power corrupts people is true. I just gritted my teeth hearing that as Lia, the woman who I was fighting, said, "Aw, I wanted to torture him though! Fine~"

Lia then tried to pierce me with her rapier. 'Shit, she's even more insane than I thought,' I thought as I manipulated the chain of my weapon to wrap around the blade of her weapon. I then tugged the chain firmly, pulling Lia, causing her attack to miss. "Wow~!" she said. One of the knights was yawning as he said, "Hurry up Lia, there's no time to be playing around."

"But I wanted to play moree~ Alright~ I'm going to get serious now!" Lia became even faster than before and attacked me, piercing my arm. "Urgh!" I g.r.o.a.n.e.d; I think that the weapon was coated with poison, a strong one. It immediately took effect as I started to feel nauseated. I dropped down on one knee as I couldn't handle the poison.

I certainly cannot be content with how strong I am now. I should get stronger and smarter than ever before. Becoming this strong made me believe that nothing can stand in my way, and this challenge indeed revealed that to me. I really should use more strategies.

"Goodbye~!" she pulled her rapier and stabbed through my head.

[You have died. Five lives left]


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