After she recovered from her illness, she opened a printing room at home. Most of the people who came to print were teachers from the school, and they also took care of their business. Then she really cheered up after she sponsored a boy who was abused by his stepmother and was particularly pitiful. She began to help some students who could not be helped and children from particularly difficult families. The couple sponsored many students, big and small. While helping these children, she gradually got out of the pain of losing her child. During this period, many people advised her to adopt an orphan and raise a child to take care of them in their old age, but she refused. Her brother even wanted to bring his own child to her to raise, and some of the children she helped wanted to recognize her as their godmother, but she refused them all. "The two children you lost may be because your son doesn't want his parents to be shared."

I don't know who said this to her. It's obviously feudal superstition, but she remembered it. She didn't want to hear other people call her mother.

She felt that she had betrayed her own children.

So when Wang Yulan told her family that she wanted to adopt Jiang Xue as her goddaughter, her family was so shocked.

Wang Yulan explained Jiang Xue's situation to her family.

"I feel that she and I are destined to be together." Wang Yulan said to her brother Wang Bin.

"I heard you say that the child is a good child, but you are only in your thirties and your brother-in-law is only in his forties. You should listen to me and go to the welfare home to formally adopt a smaller child and raise the child so that you can take care of him in your old age. Instead of spending your energy on these godparents." Wang Bin dissuaded.

"You also said that I am only in my thirties, it is too early for me to retire. Old Yang will have a pension when he is old. I have royalties now. At most, I can save some money and save more."

"Don't think that retirement is far away. Your health is not good to begin with. Raising a child is a multiple insurance. Besides, no matter how close she is to you, she still has her own parents. She will be filial to her own parents in the future. I am afraid that you will invest your feelings in vain. Let's not talk about the distant ones, but the nearby ones. You said that the girl has a bad relationship with her parents. If you skip her parents and recognize her as a godparent, will her parents jump out and say that you kidnapped her daughter?" The brother persuaded earnestly.

"Brother! I know everything you said. You will know when you see the child, and you will like it too."

"Besides, I have already accepted this goddaughter. I just informed you, not asking for your consent." Wang Yulan said a little angrily.

"Okay, okay, it's up to you." Wang Bin didn't continue to talk when he saw that he couldn't persuade her.

Compared to her brother's worries about her, her parents were very happy when they heard that Jiang Xue had excellent grades, dropped out of school to work outside, and even won the county championship. They asked her about Jiang Xue and went back to the room to prepare gifts for the child when they met tomorrow.

Wang Bin's wife pulled Wang Bin over and said, "Don't talk about the child anymore. My little sister has finally come out of it. If she wants to recognize a godparent, let her recognize it. As long as she is happy, it's fine. You are more old-fashioned than my parents!"


The next morning, Jiang Xue's door was knocked, and Wang Yulan came to Jiang Xue with breakfast brought from home.

"You young people like to sleep in, so I didn't come too early. Get up, have breakfast quickly. I don't know if you can eat it. I asked my mother to make noodles last night, and steamed buns for you this morning."

Jiang Xue took it immediately, opened it and tasted it, "Godmother~ It's delicious!"

"It's delicious, eat more." After saying that, she handed another one to Jiang Xue, and also put the porridge cooked in the morning for Jiang Xue, and asked Jiang Xue to eat.

Today is the time to check the scores. After dinner, Wang Yulan kept looking at the time to see when it would be ten o'clock. As soon as ten o'clock came, the two of them took out their mobile phones at the same time and dialed the number for checking scores.

After a long time of dialing, Jiang Xue stopped, probably because there were too many people checking scores at the same time, and planned to call later. Anyway, she already knew that her county ranked first, so she asked Wang Yulan not to call, but she didn't listen and insisted on calling, wanting to know the total score and the scores of each subject.

Not long after hanging up the phone, Jiang Xue's mobile phone rang, and Teacher Yang called.

"Jiang Xue! You can't get through to your teacher's wife on the phone. I found out your scores. The total score is 791!"

"Chinese, 145. Math, 149. English, 148. Morality and history, 140. Physics and chemistry, 144. Physical education, 50, and experiments, 15."

This score was beyond Jiang Xue's expectations.

She estimated her score to be around 780, and she checked that the county's top scorer last year scored more than 770.

The total score of the high school entrance examination was 815

, 150 points for Chinese, 150 points for Mathematics, 150 points for English (including 30 points for listening test), 150 points for Ideological and Moral Education and History, 150 points for Physics and Chemistry, 50 points for Physical Education, and 15 points for Science Experiment Operation.

She performed exceptionally well.

This also explains why so many high school admissions teachers contacted her.

"It's really great, so amazing. Jiang Xue, you don't know that our overall exam results for the third year of junior high school this year are very good. People in the school office are checking scores on the computer according to their usual scores. Several students have already found out that they scored more than 700 points, thanks to your teaching materials."

"Lao Yang, Lao Yang, are the results out? Can you tell me again? How much?" Wang Yulan heard Jiang Xue talking to her husband on the phone, and immediately put down her phone and asked in disbelief.

"791! Jiang Xue scored 791!"

"Woo woo woo, you are so amazing." Wang Yulan jumped up excitedly after hearing this.

She excitedly pulled Jiang Xue to dance around, and couldn't control her emotions and kissed Jiang Xue hard on the face.

Jiang Xue felt the warm touch on her face, and her heart trembled. This kind of joy of someone being happy for you and sharing your victory filled her chest.

Jiang Xue was not so excited and happy at first, because she already knew in advance that she was the county champion and the approximate range of her scores. Her godmother's emotions infected her, and she also became happy.

Wang Yulan called her parents, brother, sister-in-law, and best girlfriend.

Jiang Xue also took her mobile phone to call her brother.

Liu Qinglin sat in front of the computer, answered the call, and heard the results. He also jumped up happily.

The employees on the side looked at the boss in confusion. Liu Qinglin pulled the person and shook him and said: "My sister's high school entrance examination results are out! 791!!


She is still the first in our county!!"

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