After buying it, Jiang Xue immediately studied how to shoot and re-shot the part where she was experimenting with makeup remover on her arm. There was no editing from the beginning of makeup removal, and she just adjusted the speed to speed up the process.

After shooting, Zhang Xinyue fiddled with the computer and made a not-so-high-definition dynamic picture.

The picture moved like a video but there was no sound. The inside of the arm, which was covered with eyeliner, eye shadow, lipstick and other cosmetics, was wiped clean by wiping with makeup remover and cotton pads.

In order to wipe it thoroughly, four or five dirty makeup remover cotton pads were wiped.

After rinsing it clean, the inside of the arm was visibly rubbed red.

Placed before the pictures before and after makeup removal, a hyperlink was also inserted, so that those who are interested can watch the unedited video.

The link points to a video website.

The post was edited by Zhang Xinyue and published, and also included blogs from several other dermatologists that Jiang Xue had contacted in advance, which added a lot of credibility to the content of the post.

Netizens left messages saying that they dared not use cotton pads with makeup remover, and then ran to Jiang Xue's blog to follow the comments, saying their previous skin and current skin conditions.

Many netizens left messages wanting to see Jiang Xue do a review of the makeup remover oils on the market to see which one is more suitable for them to use.

There was such a comment, and many netizens followed suit.

They all asked Jiang Xue to review the makeup remover oil and select the makeup remover oil that is good for sensitive skin.

The direction of the comment area is under Jiang Xue's control. Jiang Xue has prepared the content of the makeup remover oil review, but plans to wait for their makeup remover products and post it later.

Jiang Xue is studying video recording and editing.

There are too few things that can be expressed in the form of pictures and texts.

Video is more intuitive.

However, it is a bit troublesome to operate the video recording equipment by myself, and Jiang Xue is not very proficient in using the editing software after recording.

Later mobile phones are more useful.

Editing software in later generations is also more powerful than now.

Searching for available tutorials for editing software, Jiang Xue set her sights on the two assistants, "Who of you is more interested in video editing? I saw a related training. If you are interested, I can pay for you to learn."

Zhang Xinyue was a little hesitant. She had too many things to do at hand. She wanted to learn but couldn't spare the time. Gao Meimei immediately raised her hand: "Me, me! Boss!!" Both of them were assistants. She was just a life assistant. The work at hand was arranged by Jiang Xinyue. She also thought that she could do more core work.

In addition, she was paid by the salary, and the boss paid for the study. Of course, this kind of cheap thing should be strived for!

Jiang Xue bought a video tutorial that was said to be produced in the later stage of the video and sent it to Gao Meimei, "Then you should study hard and don't delay your normal work."

"After learning this, the teacher will also have an offline advanced class in S City."

Gao Meimei nodded confidently after hearing this.

At the same time, Jiang Xue has been looking for some online experts who hang out on Tianya, Douban and blogs on the Internet.

They are more interested in sharing outfits and beauty.

She added the contact information of many experts she was optimistic about, and sent samples of makeup remover oil in the name of the company.

After receiving and using it, most of the other parties said that they could take over the promotion, and the makeup remover oil is very useful.

The price surprised Jiang Xue, and the quotes were not too expensive.

Compared with the sky-high quotes in the future, it can be said to be very cheap.

Even compared with the quotes of several Jiang Xue accounts, they are much lower.

She saved a lot of estimated promotion costs, and she set her sights on other sharers with smaller fan bases but personal characteristics.

Add contact information, explain the reason, mail samples, and if the feedback is good, wait for the genuine product to come out and promote it in batches.

It is far from enough to promote it on all platforms and multiple matrices.

After all, the first batch of goods is 10,000 pieces.

Her brother told the factory that the total quantity of goods must be 100,000 pieces. Although I know that this is just bragging to get a lower price, if I work hard, 100,000 pieces may not be impossible.

Jiang Xue continued to focus on many beauty stores on Taobao.

Many owners of beauty stores nowadays actually have their own personal characteristics, and the products they sell are also very diverse. Japanese makeup, Korean makeup, and domestic makeup may all appear in one store.

For some stores with good business, the details page is undoubtedly written by the owner in detail about his own experience and reasons for recommendation.

Jiang Xue directly contacted them in the name of makeup artist Jiang Jiang.

Seek opportunities for cooperation.

At present, Jiang Xue's argument of adding makeup water to cotton pads is very popular on the Internet

, all the merchants in the beauty circle must know the makeup artist Jiang Jiang's account.

Those who don't know can understand it by searching and looking at the number of fans.

At first, they thought that the makeup artist Jiang Jiang took the initiative to contact them to recommend their products, and they were super surprised and enthusiastic. Later, they learned that it was to promote an unknown domestic makeup remover product and wanted to sell this product in the store, so they were a little reluctant.

"Currently, the makeup remover oil is still in the production stage. I can mail samples to you for trial. If you are interested in the product, we can come back to discuss the issue of cooperation."

In this way, Jiang Xue sent out many more samples.

During this period, the express delivery sent from Jiang Xue made the courier feel that this girl seemed to have opened a Taobao store. There were many parcels and the business was probably good.

However, the Taobao store and the influencer are two different situations. Jiang Xue paid for the influencer and the other party promoted it, so there was no loss for him.

If the Taobao store owner wants to put this product on the shelves, he must consider taking pictures of the product, putting it on the shelves, and then preparing the stock.

If it doesn't sell, he is worried that the product will be in his hands.

So even if they sent samples and the other party thought it was useful, there might not be more than two out of ten store owners who would choose to purchase the products.

Considering this situation, Jiang Xue thought about how to break their worries and make the products available in full.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the filing to be completed, and then the production and filling can be officially carried out.

In the midst of her busy schedule, Jiang Xue actually received a call from Tian Yuan's cousin Tian Shuo.

Jiang Xue asked him to make some filter shortcut commands for later use, but the two communicated online.

This was the first time he called her.

"I am Tian Shuo, Tian Yuan's cousin."

"I know, I've made a note."

"Well... I heard from my sister that you are now posting on the forum for promotion. A senior of mine started a business and set up a website. I want to ask how you charge."

"What type of website?"

"It's somewhat similar to the promotion fee you currently get for recommending Taobao stores. Customers who buy products through our platform can get commissions."

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