After more than a week of fermentation, the makeup remover oils purchased by the first two batches of customers have basically received the goods.

Some of them have returned the goods for refunds, but only a small part.

The customers' experience in the comments is also good.

In addition, during this period, Jiang Xue has been contacting other experts who have not posted before to promote the product comprehensively, posting posts related to makeup remover oil on Tieba, forums, and personal blogs.

Some of them are directly compared with Zhichunjia.

The content posted is not popular, so some water army accounts that Jiang Xue added to the post before the earthquake came in handy, upvoting the post, saying it is good, asking how to buy it, and discussing how to grab it next time to increase its popularity.

Let the post always appear in front of netizens because of the upvote.

Now, if you search for makeup remover oil, you can basically see related posts by Zhujian.

It may not have any popularity offline, but online, netizens who have never bought it have also left a superficial impression.

Not only some Internet celebrities that Jiang Xue contacted, but also some passers-by netizens, or girls who like to share, also followed the trend to post or blog.

Because posting related content is popular, many people who have bought makeup remover oil participated in it.

Some netizens who were inspired to buy it went to buy it but found that they could not buy it.

Originally, it was not necessary to buy this product, but just came to see the excitement. Because they could not buy it, they also became eager to buy it.

The calls under Jiang Xue’s blog are getting louder and louder, all for the makeup remover oil to be put on the shelves again.

The empty flagship store has a lot of store traffic every day. Jiang Xue called his brother to preheat the data of daily store traffic, and put another 3,000 bottles of makeup remover oil on the shelves at 10 o'clock on August 7.

"Do you think it can be sold out? 3,000 bottles." Liu Qinglin asked curiously.

"Let's see tomorrow. If it can't be sold out, we have to sell it out manually, otherwise how can we promote the subsequent portal advertising promotion."


Yes, there are also portal websites and newspapers and magazines for promotion.

The manuscript can only be finalized after tomorrow's sales volume comes out.

After Jiang Xue finished chatting with her brother, she called a car to take a few people to the restaurant where they had reserved a seat to eat roast duck.

The meat is fat but not greasy, and one duck can be eaten by several people. It is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and it is very delicious.

After eating, Jiang Xue also packed a duck to take back for the three busy people in the villa.

After eating roast duck, several people walked on the streets of Kyoto and saw a large fresh supermarket. They went in and bought some vegetables and meat.

They said they would cook it at home tomorrow. Anyway, everything is complete, so they asked Jiang Xue to come and eat.

"Then you guys can go shopping by yourselves tomorrow. I have something else to do, so I won't come over for dinner. We'll go together for the opening ceremony the day after tomorrow. You can also go shopping these two days."

"Go and get busy. Don't worry about us. We are adults, and you are still a child. Don't be afraid of being laughed at if you tell others. Go and get busy." Wang Bin urged.

Jiang Xue said goodbye to the others.

They took a taxi to the villa. As expected, the others hadn't left yet. Some of them were sitting on the floor of the hall, playing with the pendants of the crystal chandelier.

"How about it? It looks good, right? In order to save 300 yuan in installation fees, the three of us have been busy all night. It will be ready soon."

Jiang Xue put the duck on the table. When the others learned that it was roast duck, they had already eaten and said they could still eat it.

After they finished eating the roast duck, Jiang Xue, Zhao Lin and Gao Meimei left and returned to the hotel.

Chen Xin was left alone to continue to entangle with the crystal chandelier.

August 7th at 10 o'clock in the morning.

The makeup remover oil was put on the shelves as promised. One minute later, her brother shared it with her on QQ, and more than 800 copies had been snapped up.

After a while, he told her: "1,200 copies have been sold."

There was no human intervention.

In about five minutes, it was sold out.

So far, 4,000 bottles of the 10,000 bottles in stock have been sold.

Jiang Xue quickly made document modifications on the document, and sent the document to the editor after all the fixes were completed.

Because of the success of the Olympics, the whole nation paid attention to it, and the country's prosperity and strength were seen. Jiang Xue's promotion direction was also, the country is strong! Be seen by the world, and domestic brands should also be seen by the people.

The content was written by Jiang Xue. After searching for information, she counted those domestic brands that were very good but buried by foreign capital.

There are all kinds of categories.

The way to submit the article is still through the reporter who cooperated with S City during the earthquake. The photos Jiang Xue took during the earthquake were published in many paper media and portal websites.

Many news reports during the earthquake used her photos and paid her some royalties. Afterwards, several of her photos participated in photography competitions and won awards.

So this time,

Jiang Xue used the journalist’s connections to pay a small amount of money and published such an article with private goods.

At the end of the article, it will mention that a relatively young brand, Zhujian, was sold out within minutes of being put on the shelves. This is a good start for domestic brands.

Only by supporting domestic products can the country become stronger.

After the subsequent newspaper news came out, Jiang Xue contacted some online portal news websites to publish a few related news.

There was no large-scale description, but just a few simple sentences, I don’t know if it will bring a qualitative change to the popularity of makeup remover oil.

Everything is still unknown.

Jiang Xue can only make full preparations first.

On the evening of August 8, Jiang Xue arrived at the staff dormitory at three or four o’clock and had a very sumptuous dinner with everyone early. After dinner, Jiang Xue and her godfather and godmother took a taxi to the Bird’s Nest to watch the opening ceremony.

I went there in advance, and there were really a lot of people.

Jiang Xue held the folding fan given to her by her master’s wife in one hand and a telescope in the other hand.

There was a camera hanging around her neck.

Several people also brought snacks and water.

Both young and old were very excited, not only them, but also the pedestrians on the road.

Jiang Xue remembered watching the video of the successful bid for the Olympics before.

That kind of happiness, from the inside out, unconcealed happiness. She was shocked when she watched the video at that time. Now she is also in this environment, and her originally calm mood gradually rises.

The opening ceremony has not yet begun. There will be a warm-up performance in the early stage. As the time approaches, the audience will applaud twice rhythmically, and then raise their thumbs with both hands, saying: Come on, China.

The applause is like thunder and the sound is like a bell.


Sonorous and powerful.

As eight o'clock approached, the crowd slowly quieted down.

The lights went out, and the entire Bird's Nest fell into darkness. Tension and expectation spread among the audience. With the sound of a gong, a dazzling flame rose from the ground, breaking the silence.

The crisp singing sounded, and the firebird with its wings spread fell from the sky. Jiang Xue could only describe her current mood with the word "shocked".

The program was very exquisite and shocking.

Her mind began to wander. What was she doing at this time in her previous life? She had been admitted to the No. 1 Middle School in the county and helped Jiang's mother to look after the vegetable stall during the summer vacation.

After selling for a few days, she was sent to set up a stall outside the vegetable market with the old ladies. Although she only sold in the morning, the morning sun was still very strong. Her head was burned and painful, and it was black.

She knew about the Olympics and everyone was talking about it, but at that time she felt it had nothing to do with her.

She only thought about when she could sell all the vegetables and go back to the city to hide from the sun.

In this life, she participated in this historical event in person.

The red flag was flying, the singing was loud, and Jiang Xue's eyes were filled with tears in this atmosphere.

This Olympics is a manifestation of the success of the country's international image. China has become an international power, and the Olympics is a turning point.

After 2008, China will develop rapidly and develop into a high level of international importance.

In this life, Jiang Xue wants to fly along with the country's development.

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