The new year is coming, and the new year is coming.

Huang Cheng opened a beauty shop called Chengzi. She opened a physical store herself. She likes skin care and makeup. She also touches these in the store every day. She put the products of her store on the Internet for sale and talked about her experience.

Unexpectedly, the sales were quite good, and the money earned was almost the same as her physical store.

For this reason, she invested more time and energy in the online store.

When she received a contact from makeup artist Jiang Jiang, she thought that makeup artist Jiang Jiang wanted to promote their products. Thinking of the sales of some products she had promoted before, she was very happy, but she didn't expect that the other party would recommend her a makeup remover oil made by herself.

It happened that the best-selling product of Huang Cheng's online store was also makeup remover oil.

It is a Japanese brand.

So when makeup artist Jiang Jiang recommended makeup remover oil to her, she was a little resistant.

After thinking about it, she rejected her.

Unexpectedly, the other party still insisted on mailing her a sample of makeup remover oil.

Huang Cheng received the sample in a bottle without any words, with neither ingredients nor factory information. She didn't dare to use it at first. She started to try this makeup remover oil based on her trust in makeup artist Jiang Jiang.

Then she found that this makeup remover oil was better than the one sold in her store!

It melts makeup very quickly, and even if it is not dry hands and dry face, the makeup remover oil can fully emulsify.

The makeup removal ability is also good, and the most important thing is that there is no greasy feeling after washing, and the skin is not tight.

The product is a good product, but it is not well-known. Why not buy two bottles of samples and take pictures to put on the shelves?

Contacted Jiang Xue and told her idea, and then was told that the product has not yet started to be officially sold, and they can only sell it after the official sale.

Then she started to follow the makeup artist Jiang Jiang's account daily, and saw several of Jiang Jiang's blogs. She sighed that he was really amazing and had made so many preparations for her makeup remover oil.

After the pre-sale started, Huang Cheng paid more attention to the sales situation, and saw that less than 500 were sold out in a few minutes.

The second time it was put on the shelves, it was the same.

The third time it was put on the shelves, the sales volume was 3,000. Huang Cheng thought it could sell for a while, but it was still sold out.

She was jealous.

She took the initiative to contact the makeup artist Jiang Jiang's Wangwang account who had contacted her before.

There was no reply. When she replied to her again, the other party said that they could go with the consignment model, and they would buy one bottle for every bottle they sold, and the other party would ship it.

As for the price, the selling price cannot be lower than 99, the price marked by their flagship store, but the price given to her plus the shipping fee is only 79!

That is to say, she can make a profit of 20 yuan by selling a bottle without shipping it herself! !

It happened that she had purchased the product during the rush purchase before, and she used it to compare whether it was the same as the sample that the makeup artist Jiang Jiang had sent her before.

After using it, they found that the actual version released was as good as the sample sent to them before.

The other party also said that there are many distributors like her. Huang Cheng decided not to use the pictures provided by the other party. She took a group of pictures according to her family's previous shooting style, and put the product on the shelves at the same price as the official price.

As soon as it was put on the shelves, someone asked: "Is it authentic?"

"Don't worry, dear, my family is a distributor of Zhujian, guaranteeing authentic products, and ten times compensation for fakes."

Then the other party took a picture.

Then the second, third, and fourth people took pictures.

Because Zhujian has not put it on the shelves officially and it is out of stock, everyone sees that she has stock here, and the number of people asking is increasing. More and more people are taking pictures.

This phenomenon not only occurs on Huang Cheng's side, but also on other merchants.

It's just that they don't take pictures like Huang Cheng, but use the pictures provided by Jiang Xue, so the sales are not as good as Huang Cheng.

But they also sold some.

After Huang Cheng's store sold more than 200 units, she saw that the number of this product on the distribution website was decreasing, so she made a decision to buy 100 units and ship them to her home to avoid out-of-stock.

As expected, it was out of stock soon after she made this decision. She was the only one in the entire network with 100 units in stock, so she could open orders faster.

She actually hoped that the out-of-stock period would last longer, but unfortunately the distribution website restocked it soon.

At the same time, Zhu Jian could also buy it normally without having to put it on the shelves regularly.

She thought that this would affect her store and cause her to stop opening orders, but she didn't expect that she could still sell a part of it every day after the official flagship store was put on the shelves.

Search for Zhu Jian's cleansing oil, and her store is the second best-selling product on the entire network.

Zhu Jian's cleansing oil sales even exceeded the sales of the best-selling cleansing oil product in her original store.


In fact, I can't figure it out. Obviously, there are products, why don't they sell them themselves, but let them sell them as agents.

Obviously, they can make more money by selling them themselves.

She was very curious and asked the official person of Zhujian who contacted her.

"Let you make a profit, so that you can see the strength of our brand and have closer cooperation." Liu Qinglin replied. Of course, he would not tell her that gaining the trust of her old customers and promoting transactions, and spreading the products widely can get more platform natural traffic to increase conversion.

In addition, not only makeup remover oil, the distribution platform has begun to have other products to distribute, all of which are beauty-related.

Dry hair caps, false eyelashes, makeup bags, and Meishi lipsticks, etc. And according to the official statement, new potential products will be gradually launched for everyone to sell.

And as the first batch of sellers using the distribution platform, because they are invited, it is free. In order to raise the threshold for sellers in the future, it is a membership fee. This makes those who used it in the early stage feel that they have taken a big advantage.


Liu Qinglin thinks that their marketing is only for a part of people who like to visit forums and post bars. There are also some people who don’t like to visit these forums, but they use Taobao and buy makeup remover oil when they need to make up. The other party searches for makeup remover oil distributors, which undoubtedly increases the chances of their brand being seen.

In addition, after discussing with Jiang Xue, he also put the makeup boxes in the store on the shelves, as well as several other products with higher profits and cheaper sources. Small things are easier to sell than makeup remover oil. Although he gave up some profits, he increased his daily sales by a lot.

The factory’s new batch of makeup remover oil products has arrived, and now the inventory is sufficient. Except for the first day of listing, about 4,000 pieces were sold. Sales have decreased since then. Now their store and distributors can sell about 300 bottles of makeup remover oil every day.

The total sales volume has jumped to the first place in the makeup remover oil category.

Sales tend to be stable.

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