After all, the two of them were in a mess.

It was like she had found an outlet for her frustrations these past few days.

As soon as Yang Zhian finished speaking, Liu Yan immediately became furious. She was about to hit Yang Zhian, but after a few slaps, she was stopped by a female teacher in the same office.

"If you have something to say, just say it nicely. Don't touch me. If you do this again, we will call the police!"

Liu Yan seemed to have found an outlet to vent her anger. She said to the female teacher who was holding her, "As a teacher, you are doing something that is unscrupulous. You have no children and grandchildren, but you kidnapped my underage daughter to be his goddaughter. I don't know how he brainwashed my daughter, asking her to block her biological parents and not contact them. She listened to this godfather and godmother who she later recognized. She asked this so-called godfather to help him fill out the high school application. My daughter is a child and can be easily deceived. You are an adult and a teacher. Don't you feel guilty for doing this?" After speaking to Yang Zhian, she asked the female teacher who was holding her and the teacher who was watching the excitement, "Does your school allow such teachers to teach and educate people? You Our school teaches children to go against their parents, tricking them into recognizing teachers as their godparents, and not giving birth to them. You must have seen my daughter as profitable. Did you trick my daughter's money and the bonus from the school into giving it to her? ? ? "

Yang Zhian blushed at Liu Yan's series of questions, but he didn't know how to explain and could only subconsciously say, "Mother Jiang Xue, don't talk nonsense. . . "

Seeing that Yang Zhian was obviously no match for her, Liu Yan instantly became more confident, "What nonsense did I say? ? Which thing is nonsense? Let's confront each other face to face one by one."

Hearing Liu Yan's arrival, Wang Yulan, who was watering the flowers in the family compound, immediately put down her things and trotted to the teacher's office.

Having heard Liu Yan's series of questions, Wang Yulan pushed through the crowd, walked into the office, and said loudly:

"Although I recognized her as my goddaughter, it was only because I simply liked this child. She has her own opinions and is very sensible. Jiang Xue's ID card shows that she is an adult, and many decisions are made by Jiang Xue herself. We, as godparents, have no right to ask. Similarly, as parents, you are still a family with many children. You hope to treat each child fairly and justly, support and encourage the children, instead of being partial, favoring boys over girls, being alienated from the children, not thinking about repairing, and making trouble everywhere like a shrew." Wang Yulan said to Liu Yan in a completely unpleasant tone.

Although Jiang Xue did not tell her anything wrong about her parents, Wang Yulan had a general impression of Jiang Xue's parents through the situation she already knew.

Seriously partial, and treated Jiang Xue badly.

Obviously, the family was not so poor that they could not afford to eat, but they made their underage daughter drop out of school to work, which was not good for Jiang Xue. She was such a sensible, obedient and smart child, but she was not loved and scolded at every turn.

If it weren't for the middle-aged woman in front of her, although she was unkempt, tanned and fat, but the shadow of Jiang Xue could still be seen between her eyebrows and eyes. People who knew the facial features of the two people could tell that they were related by blood. If it weren't for this, would Wang Yulan have reason to doubt that Jiang Xue was really her biological daughter?

"Who are you calling a shrew!!" Liu Yan was of course unwilling to be called that, and immediately raised her voice to question.

Of course, Wang Yulan didn't respond, pointing at Jiang Yan and saying that the shrew was you. The string of words just now was just a show of anger, and saying it now would only add fuel to the fire. As an adult, she didn't respond, but Liu Yan kept asking.

Wang Yulan didn't respond, in her opinion, because she was not as strong as her.

Her personality, always in the market where all kinds of housewives, middle- and lower-class middle-aged and elderly women gather, there are constant quarrels and conflicts in the market.

If the other party is particularly strong, she will be weak and avoid conflict. After all, she is also doing business, but the current environment is not a vegetable market, and the other party looks thin and weak, and speaks in a literary way, and it is obvious that he is not her opponent.

In addition, she has been suppressing her anger for Jiang Xue's matter for some time, so she does not suppress herself at all.

She raised her voice and chose a head-on conflict.

She pushed Wang Yulan.

"You stinky woman, who are you calling a shrew? That's my daughter, I gave birth to her. I haven't done anything to her yet. What she really did is none of your business! You don't have children, so you go and take care of other people's children. You don't worry about it."

Seeing Liu Yan mentioned that she had no children again and robbed her children, Wang Yulan was pushed back a step, stood firm and couldn't help but said: "

When a child comes into this world, he has no right to choose his parents. From what I know about Jiang Xue, she is not a calculating child. If you don't do something particularly hurtful to the child, the child will not recognize you. My child is gone, and I have no children. But some people have given birth to many children, but they are not qualified as parents. "

"You are an old hen that doesn't lay eggs, and you are a thing that will end your offspring. You deserve your child to drown. I am not worthy of being a parent, but you are! Pah--!" As soon as the sound of Pah fell, Liu Yan was slapped in the face.

The one who beat him was Yang Zhian, who had been standing by and didn't say anything.

Yang Zhian's face was red with anger, and his lowered hands were a little trembling. After beating him, he protected his wife behind him, "You are really too much! "

Liu Yan was of course not willing to be slapped for no reason, and immediately stepped forward to hit Yang Zhian back.

Wang Yulan, who was protected behind Yang Zhian, watched her husband being beaten, and did not fight back, of course she was unwilling.

She did not care about the heart that was hurt by Liu Yan's words just now, pushed her husband away, and wrestled with Liu Yan.

The scene was a bit chaotic for a while.

Seeing that the two were grabbing hair and scratching faces, and the hands were getting heavier and heavier, the teachers who were just watching the excitement joined in and tried to separate the two.

The people who tried to persuade them to stop fighting did not know who Liu Yan was, but they knew everything about Yang Zhian and his wife.

And they also knew what Liu Yan said just now. Everyone heard it. To borrow Teacher Yang's words, it was really too much. After all, the dead are the greatest. This Liu Yan's scolding is to poke people's hearts. No one can stand it.

Just a slap is light, and Teacher Yang has a good temper. If it were someone with a hot temper, he would tear her apart with his mouth!

So when they started fighting, they couldn't help but be biased.

Liu Yan, who was fighting fiercely, also realized that although in a one-on-one fight, Teacher Yang's wife was definitely not her opponent, but if she continued to fight, she would be held by this group of biased people and suffer a lot of losses for nothing, so she let go and sat on the ground and cried.

"As a teacher, you are still a big man. You hit the parents of students, and the couple hit me alone. You are bullying me! You are also biased. A group of people bully me alone. It's really a nest of snakes and rats!!"

In the end, it was the police from the police station who received the report and came to mediate to coax Liu Yan up from the ground.

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