The two of them were married, but the two of them were still together.

It’s no wonder that Grandma Jiang asked this question. Although Liu Qinglin and her granddaughter have the same mother, they have always been raised by their grandmother, and the granddaughter and this brother didn’t seem to be very familiar with each other before.

“I went to work in S City and met my brother who was cutting hair in a barber shop. He gave me his discarded mobile phone and said he would help me continue to go to school. We are now selling things online together. We spent the Chinese New Year together last year. I am studying in S City now, and he has helped me a lot.” Jiang Xue briefly told her grandmother some more details in detail, and told her brother’s current situation truthfully and subjectively, what his uncles did to him, and some of his help to her. Jiang Xue did not say clearly about the money she earned from her current job.

"I didn't expect this kid who looks unreliable to do something reliable. Alas, he is also a poor kid.. It's all your mother's fault!"

"My brother is very powerful. I will introduce you to him later."

Several people chatted and came to the hotel. Grandma Jiang was very curious about the hotel. She looked here and touched there.

When she arrived at the room, she saw the door opened by inserting a card and acted like a curious child.

Grandma Jiang visited for a while, and the dishes she ordered were delivered to the hotel. The food was delicious and clean. Looking at the clean and tidy environment, Grandma Jiang couldn't help but sigh: "No wonder everyone wants to live in the city. It's much cleaner and more convenient than my hometown." At the same time, according to Jiang Xuehua's state of not blinking money, it can be seen that Jiang Xue should have made money outside.

While going to school, she can also make money.

The whole person has become neither humble nor arrogant, not timid and very confident. The change is really big.

I don't know how much money she has made. Is it enough to spend like this? Thinking about it, Grandma Jiang pulled Jiang Xue over and asked quietly: "Tell grandma, how much money do you make every month now?"

"I'm still in school, and earning money is just a part-time job. High school studies are quite tiring. I got the second place in our grade in the last monthly exam."

"Didn't you just tell grandma that the school you attend is a key high school, and you're second in the grade? Wow! You will definitely be able to go to a good university in the future!!"

"I will work hard!"

"Do you make 2,000 a month?" Grandma Jiang brought the topic back to salary and guessed an expected price.

Jiang Xue nodded perfunctorily and said, "About the same."

Grandma Jiang took off the gold bracelet on her hand and handed it to Jiang Xue.

"I accept the silver bracelet, but I don't want the gold bracelet. Gold won't lose too much. You can return it or sell it. Keep the money for your tuition and living expenses. Listen to grandma. Save the money you earn and don't spend it carelessly. Although you can make money now, and you earn as much as others do at work, who knows if you can make more money in the future? Saving is to save a guarantee for the future.

Grandma, thank you for buying me a gold bracelet. I am very happy. It proves that grandma has not brought you up in vain. When you graduate and make a lot of money in the future, buy it for grandma. Grandma will definitely accept it without saying anything."

After saying that, she put the bracelet in Jiang Xue's hand.

This was something Jiang Xue had never expected. With her grandma's personality, Jiang Xue thought she would be happy to accept it, but she didn't expect that she would return it.

Jiang Xue refused to take it, and was forced to put it in her pocket.

"And what about Teacher Yang that your mother mentioned? Did you recognize them as your godparents?"

"My godfather was my homeroom teacher for three years in junior high school. He is very upright and responsible. They have no children. Their only child drowned when they were young.

My godfather and godmother took special care of me and other students from poor families. They basically put all the money they earned into their students. They are very good people. So I recognized them as my godfather and godmother. I came back this time because my mother reported my godfather to the Education Bureau." Jiang Xue stated. When Grandma Jiang heard that her second daughter-in-law reported the other party, she felt a headache.

"No wonder you come back during the holidays. Your mother is... ah."

"I don't know how to describe your mother. Ping, you don't know that when I came here this time, your brother was scolded by Jiang Yan, that damn woman. I asked your brother, he has to get up in the middle of the night to buy vegetables, and then go to deliver gas when he comes back. He eats a bite at the vegetable market at noon, and does odd jobs in the afternoon. Look how thin he is this year. Even the cows in the production team can't be used like this. My second daughter-in-law treats my son like an old ox. Sooner or later, he will be exhausted to death."

"And your mother always thinks that I am the one who instigated her bad relationship with you. You are in front of you.

Tell me in front of your aunt, when did I say anything to her behind her back to sow discord between you and your mother? I usually said those few words to your face to irritate your mother, and then behind your back I always told you to get along well with your mother. "

"I have seen through it. You and your mother are not destined to be mother and daughter. Just like I can't get along with your mother, you are also... You are in high school now, and will go to college in the future. You will stay in a big city to work, and you may also get married and have children in a big city in the future. Your parents are like that, so you should contact them less in the future. Like what they say on TV, you live for yourself."

"I did so, but they didn't let me go. She had already found my previous junior high school before she reported me. I called other teachers and asked them. She cursed them very badly, and brought up the child whose godfather and godmother had passed away, and cursed my godmother as an old hen that didn't lay eggs, and cursed the two of them for having no children and grandchildren, saying that the child deserved to die. . "

"Your mother's mouth is really poisonous. I said that she must have provoked herself when she was beaten, and her mouth should be broken. ”

“After the fight, she went to the Education Bureau to report her godfather, saying that her godfather had funded these female classmates like me to go to school with improper money transactions. . ” At this point, Jiang Xue stopped talking at the right time, but when Grandma Jiang heard about the improper money transactions, she immediately exploded!

“Liu Yan, this damn woman, scolds others, and she doesn’t even trust her own children! ! ! What is an improper transaction, she said you go sell it! ! ! ! Ah, I’m so angry, let’s go back, I’m going to go back and tear her mouth apart! ! ! ! ”

“Wuwu. . Grandma. . ” Jiang Xue covered her face with her hands and cried.

The eldest aunt came over and hugged Jiang Xue’s shoulders, patting her gently, “Your mother is really too much! Don’t cry, your grandma and I will help you scold her! ! ”

“It’s useless, I’m her daughter, according to what she said, she gave birth to me, I deserve her! I can’t escape in this life. . Wuwu. . ”

“Bullshit! She gave birth to me and I raised me!! Just don’t acknowledge her!! Ignore her in the future, I don’t want to see what she can do to you!!”

“But my household registration is still with her, she has said that if I don’t obey, go back to college, work, buy a house, get married in the future, she will not give me the household registration book. . . I can make money, I am strong enough, she can’t control me with money, but she said that she has other ways. . . She can go to my school and make trouble at my workplace. If she has a boyfriend in the future, she can go to the man’s house and make trouble, because she is my mother, I can’t ignore her. . . ”

“Then transfer the household registration out! Transfer it to grandma’s household registration book, it’s a rebellion against her!! ”

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