The incident of Yang Zhian was so popular on the Internet that it far exceeded Jiang Xue's expectations.

Once the post was published, it immediately attracted the attention of many netizens, and many people participated in the discussion.

Many people who had experienced such things began to post replies and recount their experiences.

More and more people participated in it, and they talked about a series of abuses they had suffered when they were young, such as relatives, friends of their parents, grandfathers of their classmates, and teachers at school.

And Teacher Yang's incident seemed to have given them an outlet for venting.

They were powerless to change their childhood, and at the same time they were deeply saddened by the experiences of others. The only thing they could do was to attack the incident of Teacher Yang, the fuse of this incident.

It was still a news without any results. Netizens seemed to have determined that Yang Zhian was such a bad person and judged him online.

Among them, some network experts dug out the capital and city where the news was.

Obviously, the news did not write the specific name and specific school, but only said that the teacher was surnamed Yang. These people dug out Yang Zhian layer by layer through the existing information they knew.

Jiang Xue did not intervene too much in the fermentation of public opinion on the Internet.

But thinking that her vacation was limited and the county did not let the news ferment, she alarmed the local TV station. The local TV station and the investigators from the county education bureau came to the junior high school in the town together.

The five people in the group did not contact Yang Zhian immediately, but went to the home of the first whistleblower Lu Liang first.

Niu Gang was a TV reporter who came from the provincial capital. When he saw this news in the newspaper, he thought it was a news worth continuing to dig.

He immediately contacted the local education bureau and had this trip.

Along the way, they were all guessing about the situation of the whistleblower and whether the content of the report letter was true.

They drove to the village and asked several times before finding the address left in the report letter.

The first thing they saw was broken.

The house was still two very old tiled houses. The house was not big, with only three rooms. The tiles on the roof were incomplete, and many of the paints on the walls had peeled off, revealing the bricks inside.

The glass on the window was broken and covered with newspapers. The ground at the door was even more bumpy.

These were nothing. Walking into the yard, the situation inside the yard was even worse.

A lot of garbage and tools were piled up in disorder.

Hearing the voices of several people, a dark and thin little girl in her teens ran out of the house. Seeing the few people who suddenly appeared, her big eyes were full of vigilance.

"Little girl, don't be afraid. Excuse me, is this Lu Liang's house?"

"Yes, Lu Liang is my father."

"Then you should be her daughter Lu Xiaolan."

The girl nodded.

What the man wanted to ask was stopped by a woman from the Education Bureau who was traveling with him. "She is still a child. Ask her parents when they come back." The person who was stopped thought that it was indeed the case. This kind of thing might not be so easy for the person involved to talk about.

Fearing that their questions would cause secondary harm to the girl in front of them.

"When will your father come back? Can you help me call him? Are there other people in your family?" Niu Gang asked.

"My grandmother is at home. She went to the field. She will not be back until noon. My father should be playing cards at Zhang Erga's house at the head of the village. I will go and call him. You go in and sit down. I will be back soon."

Several people were led into the main hall by Lu Xiaolan and sat down. Niu Gang asked Lu Xiaolan again, "Can I see other rooms? I will only look and not go in, and I will not touch anything."

Lu Xiaolan nodded. Judging from the other person's clothes, he should be a rich person. The other person could also call her father's name. He should be her father's friend. Her family looked like a poor family, so she was not worried that several people were thieves who came to steal things.

Then she told them to wait for four or five minutes, and she would go and call them now.

After settling several people, the girl hurried out.

Not wanting to keep them waiting too long, she trotted to the place where her father often played cards.

The room was small and filled with smoke. Lu Xiaolan trotted to the door, but suddenly became hesitant. She gently pushed the door open, walked to Lu Liang's side, and whispered, "Dad."

Lu Liang also saw his daughter and asked unhappily, "What are you doing?"

"A lot of people came to the house and said they were looking for you."

Lu Liang stopped his hand from touching the cards and looked at his daughter.

"How many people are there? Have you seen them? Did they say what they were doing?"


There are five of them, three men and two women, whom I have never seen before. They did not say what they were doing either.

Lu Liang put down his cards and said to the person who was watching the cards next to him: "Help me play, I will go home to check."

"Then who will win or lose?" The person he named asked jokingly.

"The winnings are mine, and the losses are yours. "Hit it well~" Lu Liang called his daughter and himself back with a sigh and a joke.

As for the few people who stayed at home, Niu Gang signaled the photographer who was traveling with him to hold up the tools and simply record the scene in the house. The house was not big, and the scene inside could be seen at a glance.

There was no decent furniture in the house, it was very dirty and messy. There was a shabby bed, a shabby table, and a wardrobe with a broken door in each of the two rooms. The quilt on the bed in one of the rooms could no longer see its original color, and it was piled with clothes and sundries.

Although there was no furniture in the other house, it was much cleaner and tidier overall.

It didn't take long for the few people to wait for Lu Liang and his daughter.

When the few people met, they heard that they were reporters and people from the Education Bureau from the county and the city. The smile on Lu Liang's face was squeezed into a flower. He hurried forward and nodded and said: "Oh, I finally waited for you. Come in and sit down, Xiaolan, pour tea for the guests."

"Don't be so troublesome, we will leave after asking a few questions. "After one of them finished speaking, the girls accompanying them took Lu Xiaolan away from several people.

The rest of the people pointed their cameras at him, and someone was recording.

Lu Liang pulled his clothes and felt a little uncomfortable.

"Don't be nervous. We will encrypt your voice and mosaic it. We won't expose your personal information. You can say anything you want." Lu Liang saw his embarrassment and comforted him.

"Oh, that's good."

"You and another parent wrote the report letter to the Education Bureau together. We contacted the Education Bureau. You claimed that Teacher Yang molested and bullied your daughter. Do you have any evidence to prove this?"

"Yes, first of all, I found money of unknown origin in my daughter's hand. When I asked, it was given by Teacher Yang. He gave it more than once, and basically every month."

"Under my questioning, my Xiaolan admitted that she was bullied by Teacher Yang."

"And this money is used to shut my child up. "Niu Gang frowned and looked at the information provided to him by the Education Bureau.

It was the police dispatch certificate that Lu Liang used to call the police, which clearly stated the police's definition of the case.

It did not constitute indecency, and the money was the financial support from the teacher surnamed Yang to Lu Xiaolan.

There was also a physical examination report of Lu Xiaolan, which showed no signs of being violated.

The most important thing was a confession from Lu Xiaolan, who initially said that Teacher Yang bullied her but could not explain why, the specific time and place, and then changed her statement, saying that the money was funded by Teacher Yang to help her go to school.

Niu Gang asked Lu Liang about this situation.

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