The girl looked at herself in the mirror and was stunned. She turned out to be so beautiful. She had always disliked her eyes, thinking they were too small and single eyelids, but after the makeup artist's operation, her eyes became much bigger, and the double eyelid stickers were very natural and not abrupt at all. She had taken photos before, with heavy makeup, exaggerated eyelashes, very colorful eyeshadow, and eyebrows. The makeup artist saw that she used scissors to trim the length of her eyelashes when she was putting on makeup, and applied them to her in small clumps. The eyeshadow and eyebrows were very daily. "Wow, the eyes are so much bigger."

"The skin is so much whiter."

"So beautiful, I want to do it too! How much does it cost for one makeup?" The girls who were traveling with her saw the final effect and asked Jiang Xue about the price, saying that they also wanted to do it.

This is why she offered to do makeup for one person for free.

The girls knew each other and were all dull. Suddenly one of them became brighter, and the others must want to be like her.

At their age, they all love beauty, otherwise they would not rent clothes for taking pictures.

"50 yuan per person, makeup also includes hairstyle."

Hearing this price, the girls felt it was expensive for a moment, but seeing that the effect was so good, they gritted their teeth and paid.

The lady boss on the side looked a little surprised. They rented a set of clothes for taking pictures, and only charged the customer 60 yuan for six photos. This little girl charged 50 yuan for doing makeup for more than 20 minutes, and these girls were willing to pay.

Are girls so rich now?

In addition to the free girl, the other four girls made 200 yuan for makeup.

Each person took more than 20 minutes, and the four people took more than an hour to put on makeup.

During this time, other customers came into the store. Seeing them gathered together, they couldn't help but come forward, and then saw the final results and lined up.

After the makeup was done, the boss took the camera and took the girls to the base to take pictures. After the five girls took the pictures, they returned to the store to select the photos they had just taken. Several people were very satisfied with the photos.

The boss who took the photos also thought that the photos this time were much better. He took more than six photos. Several people selected them and thought they were all good-looking. They couldn't bear to give them up. Ten yuan per photo, each person added a few more.

You know, customers who usually encounter ugly photos will complain that they are ugly and can't pick all six.

Moreover, when taking pictures inside, passers-by took the initiative to ask and told the name of their store. The passer-by is now wearing his clothes and sitting on a stool to put on makeup.

The boss secretly calculated the extra income he brought him in his heart, and couldn't help but be secretly surprised.

Jiang Xue didn't actually put on a lot of makeup the whole day. If other customers saw her putting on makeup, it would be fine. They would not think 50 yuan was expensive because they could trust Jiang Xue's skills. On the contrary, if she just told the customer whether she needed makeup and the price was 50 yuan, the customer would think the price was too high and unacceptable.

So Jiang Xue borrowed a camera from the boss and took photos of the customer's complete makeup, planning to print them out and show them to the customer.

After finishing the work, she put away all the tools. She earned 450 yuan on the first day and took out 90 yuan and handed it to the shop owner.

"Oh, you really want to give me money? I can't take this money. You earned it yourself. I didn't do anything. What's the point of taking your money?" The owner politely refused.

"Before the makeup, I told you that I would give you 10 yuan per person. If you don't accept it, do you not want me to put on makeup for your customers in your store? Does it affect you?" Jiang Xue knew that the other party was just being polite, so she followed her words and gave her an excuse to agree.

"No, no, you are so skilled at such a young age. I am tempted to put on makeup. And because you make them look good, they picked a few more photos. I should thank you." Today is a weekday, there are not many people, and most of them choose not to put on makeup because they think it is expensive. Even so, there are still 9 people, and the income of 9 people is 90 yuan. In this way, the daily income will be at least 100 yuan in the future, and it may be more on Saturdays and Sundays.

Even if the average daily income is 100 yuan, the monthly income will increase by 3,000 yuan. At this price, you can hire a makeup artist in the store.

She would be a fool if she disagreed.

"Then take the money, and we will do what we agreed." Jiang Xue stuffed the money into the boss's hand.

"Okay, then you must come in the future. What's your name, little girl, how old are you, and where is your hometown?"

"My name is Jiang Xue, I'm almost 20 years old, and I'm from F City in the province." Jiang Xue

Answering the boss lady's questions with a smile.

"My last name is Li, you can just call me Sister Li. You have such a skill at such a young age, you will be amazing in the future."

"Sister Li, I will come here early tomorrow morning. In addition, can you give me a table to place these cosmetics? Also, I may use curling irons and hair dryers during the makeup process. I also need to buy some lights to ensure the light when the weather is bad in the future."

"That's no problem. You don't have to prepare mirrors and lights. I have them in my warehouse. I'll ask Brother Liu to assemble them for you later." After all, compared with the extra income every day, this little electricity is worth only a few dollars.

"If there are guests who take good photos in the film and television base, can you leave a photo for me? I will give it to other customers as a reference. We will calculate the specific printing fee later."

"Okay, I will calculate the cost price for you at that time." The two exchanged a few more pleasantries, and Jiang Xue left.

After having a simple meal in the restaurant outside, he returned to the rented house, checked that everything was still in place, closed the door, and put the table against the door.

She lay on the bed and exhaled.

Actually, she was not tired, but it was a good start.

It was only seven o'clock, and she could vaguely hear the sound of talking and activities from the tenants next door. Although she was tired, she couldn't sleep at this time.

There was no mobile phone, no TV, no computer, and no entertainment.

She could only continue to take out the book and read.

She went to the store early the next morning.

In the morning and afternoon, she did makeup for thirteen people in total. Basically, most of the people who came to the store chose her to do makeup, and the other part of them thought it was expensive and were reluctant to spend the money.

After deducting the money for the boss's wife, she earned five hundred and twenty.

On the third day, the makeup album was printed and bound, and Jiang Xue would show it to every customer who came into the store. In this way, she did makeup for fifteen people and earned six hundred.

In just three days, this street basically knew that a very good makeup artist had come to Lao Liu's house at the corner of the street.

When Jiang Xue was ready to ride home after her work on the third day, she was stopped by two middle-aged women.

"You do makeup at Lao Liu's, right? Does he pay you or something? Don't be afraid, girl, we are not bad people, we also have a shop here." One of the fat women pointed to her own shop to show Jiang Xue, thus dispelling her doubts.

The fat woman's surname is Fang, and the other one's surname is Zhou. Like Lao Li's family, they are all engaged in taking photos in scenic spots. Sometimes they will also do simple makeup for customers when they need it.

Before this girl came, she thought she had good makeup skills. After this girl came, the difference was obvious when she compared with the customers who had makeup in the scenic area.

Seeing that Lao Li's business was getting better and better in the past two days, they couldn't sit still and stopped Jiang Xue.

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