The two of them were very happy.

That day, Li Chao and his friends left after completing the household registration, leaving only Liu Qinglin and Yu Juan in the car.

Yu Juan, with two swollen eyes from crying, asked Liu Qinglin: "Do you think I am particularly useless?"

"I don't think so. You are braver than many people to take this step."

"When you and Xiaoxue transferred your household registration, how did you feel? Did you feel bad?" Yu Juan asked curiously.

"I'm not sad, I'm very happy. But it's normal for you to feel sad. I know you're not crying for your so-called relatives. It's not because you can't bear to leave them. You're crying for the wronged self in the past. Cry, vent, and face it happily."

Suddenly, Yu Juan, who had stopped crying, couldn't control her tears again.

Liu Qinglin handed her a tissue.

"Just think it over. You should know that leaving these people will only bring benefits, not harm. There will be no more annoying guys in your life. Your store will do better and better, make more money, buy everything you want, buy your own house, and abandon these bad family members. You still have friends, and you can choose the boy you like to form a family with him and have children of your own blood. You can't choose who gives birth to you, but you can choose the days to come."

"Yeah!" Yu Juan nodded and looked at Liu Qinglin who was driving in the driver's seat. His profile was sharp and angular, revealing a sense of alienation from the few and indifferent, but his words seemed to have warmth, which made her heart slowly melt. She hurriedly looked away, lowered her eyebrows, afraid that the love in her eyes would be seen.

What to do. .

I like him more and more.

It's a different feeling from her shallow last relationship.

He is too good.

She always feels ashamed in front of him.

She feels unworthy.

Both looking forward to it and afraid.

Curious if he has a crush on her.

"We will all get better and better in the future." Liu Qinglin concluded.

"The other half you just mentioned, forming a family and having a child of your own blood in the future, is this what you expect? You... what do you hope your other half will be like? Can you tell me?" She used a lot of courage to say these words. After saying them, she didn't dare to look directly into Liu Qinglin's eyes, and her eyes were floating.

Subconsciously kneading the tissue that had just been used to wipe tears in the palm of her hand, the tissue was folded into a small, hard ball.

Liu Qinglin seemed to have noticed something, and hesitated a little and didn't answer immediately.

Instead, he thought seriously.

After a while, Liu Qinglin said, "I hope she is different from me."

"Hmm?" Yu Juan looked at Liu Qinglin curiously.

"I hope she grows up in a healthy, loving family with loving parents."

"I hope she is emotionally stable, mature, and spiritually independent."

"I feel that if I meet such a person, all my assumptions may not be true. I will definitely know it is her at first sight."

Liu Qinglin's words made Yu Juan's face turn pale.

All the conditions he mentioned were not her, but the opposite of her.

She thought she disguised herself well, but he was so smart.

This must have been discovered. .

"We are not old, we can consider the other half later, and make more money while we can make money."

"Well, you are right." Yu Juan smiled awkwardly.

Then she stopped talking.

After that, Yu Juan clearly felt that Liu Qinglin was much more distant and polite to her.

Not long after returning to the city, the property certificate of the newly purchased house came down, and she transferred her household registration to the house with her name on it.

It just so happened that Chen Hua was also about to go back to work. Liu Qinglin was not there, and he had been away for so long. There were a lot of things piled up at the Taobao store, so the two of them returned to S City together.

It was also in the car that Yu Juan completely rejected Chen Hua.

Before she met Jiang Xue, she thought she would keep this to herself and would not tell anyone. After seeing Jiang Xue, her desire to talk was like a floodgate opened, and she told Jiang Xue everything.

"So are you going to continue to like him, or give up?" Jiang Xue asked.

"I plan to give up, but sometimes I can't control myself... When I tell you, I feel that my mood will still be very low."

"I tell you, your situation is that you have too little experience, and you have seen too few excellent boys, so when a good one appears

", you will have a crush on him and like him,"

"Especially since he helped you solve your family problems, which led to your having a filter for my brother!"

"No filter?" Yu Juan asked curiously.

"You just automatically beautify him in your heart."

"Maybe. But compared to your brother, my conditions are indeed not worthy of him." Yu Juan replied.

"Don't deny yourself. He doesn't like you, which doesn't mean you are not good enough. Everyone has their own preferences and choices. Didn't you reject Chen Hua? Is he bad? It's just that you don't like him and think he is not suitable for you. You have to think like this. It's his loss that he doesn't like me. I deserve the best! We must learn to love ourselves first, and then love others."

Seeing that Yu Juan was listening carefully, Jiang Xue continued:

"I suggest that you should have more relationships before entering into marriage. Only in this way will you find that for life, love is only a small part, and you can also better understand what kind of person is really suitable for you. After experiencing it, put yourself first. Believe me, it's right! ”

“Pfft——” Yu Juan laughed out loud at Jiang Xue’s series of truths. Her low mood just now disappeared and her mood became much better.

“How old are you? Have you ever been in love? You have a lot of truths.”

Although Jiang Xue has never been in love in this life, she was in love in her last life. In her last life, all kinds of truths were everywhere on various accounts. She recognized what Jiang Xue said and kept it in mind.

“Don’t worry about whether I have been in love or not. Just tell me if what I said makes sense!”

“It makes sense. Thank you, Jiang Xue.”

“After I finished talking to you, I feel much better.” Yu Juan answered seriously.

She felt very uncomfortable before, but after Jiang Xue’s explanation, it seemed that it was not a big deal.

“Okay, I see you are in a better mood now. I will take you to eat delicious food, and then I will take you to the mall to buy clothes! After buying clothes, you come home with me. I have a lot of cosmetics and skin care products that are samples sent by merchants. I will pick some for you. You can go back and use them to dress yourself up beautifully. If you don’t know how to put on makeup, learn from my makeup videos! "

"Yeah! It’s so nice to be your friend. You are so nice. If you were a man, I would never have a crush on your brother. I would definitely love you to death. "

"If I were a man, I would marry you home, let you cook delicious food for me every day, and help me grow to 200 pounds. "

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