After returning home, Jiang Xue and her godmother packed the things and put them in the refrigerator. Jiang Xue also saw clearly what was in the refrigerator.

Salted pork, Chinese sausage, and two chickens that had been killed, cleaned, and chopped.

Dried lettuce, dried beans, some pickled vegetables and sauces, sesame oil ground from sesame grown in the village.

There were also some cakes that could only be bought in the hometown.

And so on. . .

The things might not be of high value, but there were many kinds of scattered things, and it could be seen that the person who prepared these things had her heart.

Especially after traveling so far by train to bring them here, Jiang Xue was touched by the thought.

"Your godfather and I are coming here to celebrate the New Year with you."

"Really!" Jiang Xue said in surprise.

"Of course it's true. Your household registration has been transferred. I heard from your brother that you and the other kids celebrated the New Year together last year. In previous years, it was just the two of us. This year, we celebrate together, and it's more lively." Jiang Xue felt very happy to hear the news.

"Why didn't you tell me in advance so that I could prepare in advance."

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you in advance."

Jiang Xue had already thought it was a surprise, and she chatted with her godmother and godfather about their recent situation.

She asked about some things about the student aid network, and had a lot to say. Before she finished, her brother called and asked her to go to his house.

Just opposite, Jiang Xue didn't even change her slippers, and pushed open her brother's door. As soon as she entered the door, there were fireworks, cheers, flowers, cakes, and friends who said blessings.

Her godfather and godmother were also behind her.

It was obvious that they knew about it.

Everyone sang Happy Birthday to her together.

"Is it my birthday today... I think so... I forgot, woo woo..."

She said she really forgot.

She was born in winter, so her name contains "Xue".

When she was a child, her grandmother said that it was snowing outside when she was born, so her grandfather named her Jiang Xue.

It is easy to remember the date when the Chinese New Year is approaching, but she seems to have never celebrated her birthday so formally since she grew up.

Because no one cares, and no one remembers.

Even if it is mentioned and remembered, no one thinks it is important to celebrate her birthday formally, including when she has a job and grows up, at most she will give a red envelope or buy a gift.

It is still what boys do after they have a girlfriend in their previous life.

But because it is close to the end of the year, there are gifts, but people have already celebrated the Chinese New Year at home.

She herself did not pay special attention to it. Even if she had money, she did not buy herself a cake and invite three or five friends to celebrate her birthday formally.

She felt that it was too hypocritical to pay special attention to it.

There has never been so many people like today, celebrating her birth and the day she came to this world in a surprise way.

She was surrounded by everyone to blow out the candles and make a wish. Everyone presented her with gifts of their choice.

Just... quite touching.

"Brother, did you ask them to come and prepare these?" Jiang Xue walked up to her brother and asked softly while eating the sweet cake.

"Not really, I never thought about celebrating my birthday. Your godmother reminded me, and I contacted Chen Hua on the way here. They prepared the cake and made the decoration."

"Thank you." She secretly decided in her heart that she would send birthday wishes and birthday gifts to her brother's birthday, godfather's and godmother's birthday, and friends around her birthday.

The meaning of a birthday is that someone will remember your birthday.

The happiness of being remembered and remembered is not only her, but everyone needs it.

"I'll give you your birthday gift later. I asked my friend to buy it for me, and it hasn't arrived yet." Liu Qinglin's words aroused Jiang Xue's curiosity, "What is the gift?"

"You'll know later." Liu Qinglin decided to keep it a secret.

"I'm looking forward to what my brother will give me."

"By the way, has everything been dealt with in H City?" Jiang Xue changed the subject.

"Yes. All have been transferred out."

"What's wrong with the wound on your face? Did someone beat you up?" The bruises on his face were too obvious. Although they had faded a lot after a while, they were still obvious if you looked closely.

"Too high-profile, I almost suffered a big loss." Seeing his sister looking at him worriedly, Liu Qinglin described his experience in H City in detail.

The North-South Trade City plans to officially open after the New Year. Those who have rented and bought shops in the old clothing city have moved out one after another, and those shop owners who haven't bought shops are getting more and more restless.

Knowing that Liu Qinglin and Brother Zhong have houses here, a small number of people gritted their teeth and came from Liu Qinglin and the two of them.

while subletting the shop at a high price.

For the shop with a better location, Liu Qinglin's transfer fee reached 120,000 yuan.

More than half of the 20 shops have been transferred.

The principal has been returned, so he is no longer in a hurry.

There is also a large number of people, led by Liu Jun's brother-in-law, who boycott Liu Qinglin's behavior.

After Liu Jun went to talk to Liu Qinglin, he also saw the sublease advertisement posted by Liu Qinglin, so he went to tell his brother-in-law that he couldn't help him. He knew someone who had multiple shops in the North-South Trade City, and the transfer fee would start from 100,000 yuan. ·

Liu Jun's brother-in-law's surname is Tang, Tang Wengang. When he heard 100,000 yuan, he thought it was a cut of his flesh! At the same time, he regretted it very much. He didn't make a reservation when Liu Jun asked him to.

But now he was asked to pay 100,000 yuan to make a reservation, and he was reluctant to do so. He asked Liu Jun for Liu Qinglin's information.

It turned out that he was not a local merchant. Although his hometown was in the county below, he came from S City.

How dare he do that when he is still young and has no local connections?

And the guy surnamed Zhong is also a foreigner who came to their side and infringed on the interests of their local merchants.

It can be said that the North-South Trade City was prepared for the demolition of the Old Clothing City. There are people in the North-South Trade City who got the news, so both the time and the price are targeted at the merchants in the Old Clothing City.

There were not enough shops for everyone, and with these outsiders messing around, they will have no shops to rent.

Liu Qinglin and Zhong Guoqiang are not the only ones who rent multiple shops, but they are too high-profile.

One was the first to go in and choose a shop, and the other was the second.

His brother-in-law was also one of the first few to go in, and he has rented out 40 or 50 shops. 40 or 50 shops, a transfer fee of 100,000 yuan, 4 or 5 million.

He is too dark and too much.

He occupied their shops and wanted to make more money from them.

Tang Wengang told some merchants in the Old Clothing City about the news he got.

These people were close to him and often drank and played cards with him.

Most of them were unwilling to spend a lot of money to buy the products because they couldn't order them from the store. They talked about this while drinking and became more and more angry. Someone suggested that they teach the two a lesson.

They agreed immediately.

Several people immediately discussed how to implement it.

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