After the incident, Lin Yuanxing was in trouble.

Jiang Xue thought that the matter would come to an end. She didn't see Lin Yuanxing for several days.

The month of the college entrance examination was approaching.

On the way home from school, Jiang Xue met Lin Yuanxing's mother again.

Compared with the arrogant look last time, she looked very different.

Her eyes were red and swollen, and her face was haggard.

Her arrogance was obviously not as arrogant as before.

"I'm sorry for finding my fault in the school last time. Yuanxing has scolded me when I got back."

"Yeah." Jiang Xue hummed, waiting for her next words.

"Can you forgive my son? Even if you lie to him, tell him that you are not angry anymore and ask him to take the exam well and get good grades." Since Lin's mother was pulled back from school by Lin Yuanxing last time, she was angry and quarreled with Lin Yuanxing.

After that day, her well-behaved and sensible son seemed to have changed.

He didn't go to school.

He did nothing during the day and just slept at home. When asked, he just thought that going to school was boring.

At night, he sat in the living room watching TV and playing video games.

She was scolded by her husband, saying that she shouldn't go to the child's school to question him at a critical moment, and also went into the child's room to read the child's diary and rummaged through the child's things.

The couple quarreled over this.

But no matter how much they quarreled, they still had to take care of it. The two took turns to talk to the child, promised, and scolded him when they were very angry, but her son was not moved at all.

In just a few days, as the college entrance examination approached, the nerves of the couple were almost weakened by torture.

"Your son probably felt embarrassed in front of the girl he liked, so he avoided going to school. Can you ask that girl to persuade him?" Lin's father suggested.

"My son didn't have the heart to study before because of her. Didn't you see the girl's temper? She has no manners at all. She is also from another place. Xiaoxiao told me that she is just a transfer student in this high school. Her class is also a transfer student class. Her hometown is in the countryside. I don't allow such a girl to be my daughter-in-law."

"You are confused! Even if they are dating, the other party is only in the first year of high school, and your son is in the third year of high school. It will take a long time for them to get married! It's not certain whether they can hold on until this time. You are crazy and do something unnecessary."

Her husband's words made her fall into deep thought.

After thinking for two days, she felt that her face was nothing, so she stopped Jiang Xue after school.

"I beg you, the college entrance examination is coming soon. After working so hard for so long, it all depends on the college entrance examination. Please help me persuade him. After he passes the college entrance examination, we, as parents, don't care how you want to talk." Jiang Xue interrupted after hearing this: "Didn't Lin Yuanxing's class teacher tell you clearly that your son is wishful thinking, and I don't like him. I don't know him, and we have no relationship." Her son's class teacher said it, but she said she didn't believe it. Her son has been liked by little girls since he was a child. He is handsome, has good grades, and has a good family background. As a local of S City, his family has several houses and his own factory. She hopes that her future daughter-in-law is an only child with the same conditions. She found out that Jiang Xue was from Province A and was born in a village below the poverty line. She has younger brothers and sisters. Her parents sell vegetables. She was studying at Experimental High School on a temporary basis, and she suspected that she had bad intentions and wanted to marry a local classmate as a rich son-in-law. "What's wrong with my son? You are a foreigner, why do you look down on him?"

Jiang Xue couldn't help rolling her eyes.

The mother and son seemed to be mysteriously confident and didn't understand what people said.

Her son is not RMB, everyone has to like him.

"I don't know your son, please don't block the road, if you do this again, I will call the security guard and the police."

"Don't leave, you haven't promised me yet, persuade my son to go back to take the exam. How can you be so cruel."

Mother Lin grabbed her back seat and stopped her from riding away.

Jiang Xue immediately turned her head to the security guard who was watching the situation here and shouted for help.

The security guard came and Jiang Xue thought she could leave, but who knew that this woman was crying and talking to the security guard about her difficulties as a mother and complained about her cruelty. The security guard also persuaded her in return.

"My classmate, why don't you help persuade him? The college entrance examination is really important, just a few words."

Jiang Xue exhaled and said to the middle-aged woman: "Call your son now, I'll talk to him."

When Lin's mother heard this, she immediately stopped crying, took out her mobile phone and called her son, but her son didn't answer.

Hang up and called the home phone again.

The nanny answered, and Lin's mother asked

The nanny handed the phone to her son. If he asked, she told him it was Jiang Xue's phone call.

The nanny did what Lin's mother said, and Lin's mother handed the phone to Jiang Xue.

Jiang Xue took the phone and stepped back.

She told the security guard, "Stop her and let me finish the call."

The security guard nodded in confusion.

"Hello!" Lin Yuanxing's surprised voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I'm Jiang Xue."

"I heard that you didn't go to school or take the college entrance exam for me?"

Without waiting for the other party to answer, Jiang Xue continued: "Forget it. Don't blame me for being tired of studying, cowardly, and cowardly. I can't bear it.

Or do you think I will be soft-hearted if you do this? Everyone who knows about this will think you are a romantic who fights against your parents for love?? Haha, I just think you are stupid. Seeing you escape and even giving up the future, I think you are childish and immature."

"I don't know why you like me. It's nothing more than my good looks and good grades. These are external factors."

"But looking at what you are doing now, I am very glad that I rejected you. You will like someone who meets a little Are you a person who can only escape from things like a coward? Are you a person who can treat important exams as a joke? You are not responsible for your own future and are not worthy of trust. "

"If you continue to improve yourself after being rejected and work hard to make yourself better and more outstanding, I can still look up to you. If you do this, I really look down on you. That's all I have to say. Whether you take the exam or not, whether you go to school or not, you are responsible for yourself. Just don't put the shit pot on my head. "

After saying that, he hung up the phone and returned the phone to Lin's mother, "I persuaded you, I can leave now, please don't show up in front of me in the future, I am not interested in marrying into your local wealthy family."

After saying that, he ignored Lin's mother, whose chest was heaving due to Jiang Xue's breath, and rode away.

Lin's mother was very angry and felt that Jiang Xue was too rude. How could she say that to her son.

If the security guard hadn't pulled her, she would have rushed up to snatch the phone.

Jiang Xue rode away after saying that. She didn't have the chance to say anything more. Lin's mother hurried home thinking she would see her angry son. Unexpectedly, when he got home, his son was writing a test paper at his desk.

Lin's mother did not dare to disturb him. When Lin's father came back in the evening, Lin's mother told him what happened today.

Father Lin thought for a while, went to his son's room, talked with him for more than half an hour, and said to his wife after coming out: "Your son will go back to school tomorrow. Don't bother him during this period before the college entrance examination."

"Although the girl's words are not pleasant, they are useful to your son. Don't get involved in these things. From the tone of the girl, she should have an opinion. She doesn't like your son at all. You shouldn't get involved at that time. Let it go. No matter whether she is local or foreign, this kid can really marry a girl with opinions and likes it. It's also a good thing for his character."

"What's wrong with my son's character? I look down on outsiders! Look at those outsiders in your factory. They seduce a man who can be their father's age without any shame!!"

"Don't argue. At least I don't want to argue with you during my son's college entrance examination. If you also think about your son, just shut up." After that, he took his coat, changed his shoes and left.

Mother Lin was left alone and wanted to lose her temper, but she didn't dare to speak too loudly.

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