The company will also work hard to develop a new business.

"We should be able to meet some agents and distributors this time. We will try to find some offline sales channels for Zhujian. I don't know if a week is enough. The software I asked Lu Rang to order on the distribution platform has been completed recently. I asked Li Chao to find someone to try it out. You can also try it here. If there are any functional problems, ask Lu Rang to fix them."

"Well, I will follow up. Be careful on the road."

Speaking of distribution software, after a period of accumulation, there are currently more than 3,000 registered store owners and more than 500 store owners who have opened memberships.

It was just a website before, and then a forum for communication was built. Now the sellers in the forum are quite active every day.

Many novices who want to open online stores but have no source of goods find their website. They have manufacturers of multiple categories and competitive products that are lower than the market price. There are tutorials and experience in the forum. At present, they have a certain reputation among the store owners.

However, with the emergence of Taobao's own distribution platform function and the establishment of the 1688 wholesale website, it is estimated that there will be an impact on this platform, so Jiang Xue and her brother explained their guesses.

The distribution platform has always been managed by Liu Qinglin. At the beginning of the creation of this platform, there was no intention to make a profit. It was just to increase a sales channel for their products. However, with the development to the present, the number of consignment store owners and manufacturers has increased. Liu Qinglin has assigned three employees to this website to handle the content maintenance of this platform and the management of the forum.

With employees, there is a fixed monthly expenditure, so the paid membership version was updated later, and some functions became paid functions.

The free functions of the website can actually be used normally by stores, but it is a castrated version with restrictions. If you want unlimited use, paying for membership is the best choice.

The annual agency membership fee is 498, which is not much, but it is enough for daily software maintenance, expenses, and development costs.

In addition, there is some advertising income from the forum.

It has gradually become profitable.

The reason why Liu Qinglin still asked Lu Rang to spend money to customize the software is that he thinks that although platforms like Taobao will definitely build their own distribution platforms in the future, relying on their own resources and launching related functions will swallow up most of the market.

However, there is no news yet. On the contrary, all official documents or news this year are that the country vigorously advocates the development of e-commerce. Many ordinary people want to open stores in addition to buying things online to develop consumption habits.

Not everyone has the source of goods. Without the source of goods, the word "agent distribution" appears in front of these people, solving their immediate problems.

This is also the reason why they have more and more members.

Maybe many novices paid the membership fee, opened for a period of time without profit, and quit.

Or some store owners persisted and began to switch from agency distribution to stocking and shipping their own goods.

Many members have lost, but more people will come in the future.

He still thinks it is very promising.

They have more and more members, and some functions need to be upgraded. The current income is sufficient to support it, so Liu Qinglin thinks that they can invest in software development costs to try. Because of their pioneering nature, they may not be able to capture a part of the customer base first.

Jiang Xue thinks that her brother may be right. The distribution platform has been managed by her brother since its creation. Jiang Xue does not participate in any operations and lets her brother do whatever he wants.

Jiang Xue also did not take the income. The income from the distribution platform was reinvested or used for daily expenses. Even if there is a big profit in the future, it is the hard work of her brother.

Including the profits from her brother's online store, Jiang Xue has not shared them for a long time. The money her brother helped her with is far greater than these incomes.

Liu Qinglin also knows that she is not short of money, so he does not have to share a part of it with Jiang Xue as before.

Instead, he knows that his sister is in school and takes over all the affairs of the cosmetics company.

The cosmetics company is basically managed by her brother. She is responsible for the marketing of her own online account and occasionally gives some business suggestions.

The rest are completely hands-off. Xu Wenyang is busy with research and development, working in the laboratory every day, dealing with raw material formulators. As the company's orders grow and the number of employees increases, all the responsibilities fall on Liu Qinglin.

From small things like recruiting personnel and various expenses, to big things like ordering materials and cooperating with OEM factories, all are handled by Liu Qinglin.

Zhu Jian has been developing steadily, and his brother has played a big role in it. He has done a lot, so Jiang Xue can be so clear.

Free time, with energy to do other things, very relieved, and not worrying.

Although brothers should settle accounts clearly, they can also help each other and grow together.


In addition to being busy with Zhujian's affairs, Liu Qinglin also signed up for some management courses in nearby colleges and universities, and was busy every day.

His temperament, his way of dealing with people, and the feeling he gave people have changed dramatically since the first time they met.

His online store business is basically managed by Chen Hua, and a part of the profit is given to Chen Hua, while the distribution platform is managed by Li Chao, who pretended to be Yu Juan's boyfriend in his hometown last time.

Li Chao is also smart. He didn't take charge of such an important matter when he first came.

When he first came, Liu Qinglin arranged for him to place orders and ship them, and manage warehouse inventory.

The salary is much higher than being a network administrator in his hometown.

He placed many orders for consignment, and he had the idea of ​​opening a store for consignment.

But his workload is still quite large.

He also didn't want to stay in the warehouse with the printer and the express delivery slips all the time.

Do some work that doesn't require much technical skills.

He told Liu Qinglin his idea, "Can I use our dropshipping software to open my own store?"

"After get off work, you can use your own time. It's not recommended during working hours." Liu Qinglin knows Li Chao well, and he has a high EQ. He won't ask such questions for no reason, so Liu Qinglin didn't show any special emotions after hearing it, but waited for his next words.

"I don't want to open a store to make money. I think that if I open a store on the distribution platform, I can better provide some opinions during use and the functions I need, which will facilitate the update of subsequent functions.

Then I want to post data on the forum from the perspective and identity of an entrepreneur to attract people to use our platform."

"Not only that, I think I can open more accounts. There are many merchants in the group who occasionally post data from their own stores. Our company also has its own online store, and the daily data is also very good. I have joined many Taobao groups or merchants' forums to post. I start with a picture and the content is all edited."

"Advertisements posted in this way have a dazzling data background and can attract many people to notice our distribution platform."

Liu Qinglin approved his idea.

Then Li Chao was transferred from the warehouse to manage the entire distribution platform.

After his promotion and marketing.

More and more members registered and paid.

The reason why Liu Qinglin made software was also because Li Chao managed to attract more and more members to this platform.

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