The old man was very happy.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Love or not, whether you are born or not, if you are not my child, then who gave birth to you?" Jiang's mother said impatiently, adding firewood to the pot hole.

"Then why do you treat them differently when they are obviously all your children?" Jiang Xue said, looking at her younger brother and sister playing in the sand pile outside the gate.

"Why are you worried about Jiang Lu getting hot, but not worried about whether I am hot or not?" Jiang Xue asked again.

"How old are they? How old are you? You are still comparing laziness with your brothers and sisters. Aren't you ashamed?"

"Haha, mom, have you forgotten that I washed my own clothes and cooked for myself when I was seven or eight years old. When Jiang Lu and Jiang Chao were this old, I went to the fields to work like adults." Why is she so double-standard? Her brothers and sisters are still young and are children, but she is not. Why?

"Didn't your father and I work outside at that time? There was nothing we could do."

"Yes, you had to go out to work, so I had to be left at home, which would delay you. Then why am I a left-behind child, but they are not? Am I different from them?"

"You must argue with me today whether I am partial or not, right? If you don't want to work, just get out. Why are you talking about this?" Jiang's mother felt that her obedient daughter had challenged her authority. She couldn't answer these questions and didn't want to answer them.

She used her usual force to suppress them and pulled Jiang Xue out of the kitchen.

Jiang Xue struggled with all her strength to stop her from pulling.

"You did it, why don't you want to admit that you are biased? They are all your children, why do you treat them differently?" Not only did she not love him, but she also used her mother's identity to coerce her and morally blackmail her.

"Yes, I am biased, I just love your brother and sister more. I am annoyed when I see you, go to a cool place and don't delay me from cooking." Jiang's mother was an adult after all, and she was stronger than Jiang Xue. She pulled her clothes, dragged her to the yard, and threw her hard.

Jiang's mother thought about it and felt that she was still alive, so she came to kick her, but Jiang Xue was no longer the little girl who was scared to death when she was beaten when she was a child, dared not resist, and curled up to let people beat her.

Although she was very weak now and her head hurt a lot, she hugged the kicking leg tightly, and there was a burning pain on her head. Jiang's mother was pulling her hair, and Jiang Xue endured the pain and bit the leg she was holding hard.

Jiang's mother gasped when she was bitten.

"Let me go!" Jiang's mother shouted loudly.

Jiang Chao and Jiang Lu, who were playing outside, saw their mother beating their sister and hesitated to come in, fearing that they would be hurt. When they saw their mother screaming in pain, they immediately ran in.

The two tried to pull Jiang Xue away, but Jiang Xue's mouth and hands did not loosen. The tighter her mother pulled her hair, the harder she bit, until she smelled blood in her mouth.

When Jiang's father came back from work and saw this scene, he quickly threw away the sickle in his hand and separated the two.

"Xiaoxue, what are you doing? Look at how you bit your mother's leg." Jiang's father checked his daughter-in-law's leg and saw the teeth marks bleeding. He turned his head and asked Jiang Xue accusingly.

"I'm your mother. You dare to bite me. I think you are thinking of rebelling." Jiang's mother exclaimed.

"If I don't beat you to death today, I'm not your mother." Jiang's mother said she was going to beat her with a broom. Jiang Xue would not stand there stupidly and let the broom fall on her. She walked to the sickle that Jiang's father had just thrown away, picked up the sickle and said, "You can't kill me with a broom, use this, and stomp my neck in half."

He ran to the well and picked up the kitchen knife that had just been peeled by the pool, "You can use this, it's sharper." After saying that, he threw the kitchen knife at the feet of the two.

"Xiaoxue, put down the sickle first."

Seeing that Jiang Xue was unmoved, Jiang's father changed to persuade his wife, "Mother of the child, you are so old, why are you still arguing with a child? Don't argue with the child."

Jiang's mother didn't listen, but became even more angry, "Look at your good daughter, I'm her mother, she dared to bite me!!"

Jiang's father tried to calm the emotions of the two, picked up the kitchen knife on the ground and handed it to his son, indicating that his son should take the knife away.

"This is outrageous. Do you want to kill me, your mother, with a sickle? How could I give birth to such an ungrateful person like you? You are still studying, but you have learned to treat your elders like this in school? I should have strangled you when you were born." Jiang's mother was shocked by her usually honest and obedient daughter, but she was more angry and felt that her mother's authority was challenged.

"Okay, Liu Yan, stop talking and stop irritating the child."

"Shut up, you are the only one who knows how to pretend to be a good person,

She was spoiled by you." After Jiang's mother yelled at Jiang's father, she came over to grab the sickle.

"Don't come over." Jiang Xue warned.

Seeing that her mother didn't listen, Jiang's mother tied her legs to the wall to prevent the old hen from struggling before she could be stabbed in the stomach by Jiang Xue's sickle.

At the same time, the rope tied to it was broken by the sickle. The chicken struggled and fluttered, and the ground in the yard was covered with chicken blood.

Jiang's mother was really scared at this time. Jiang Xue had just stabbed the chicken with a sickle without blinking. She couldn't help but wonder if she would get closer.

The blood on the ground and the dying chicken frightened her.

"I am a person, not a cat or dog, not a chicken or duck that can be slaughtered by anyone. Although you are my mother, you can't beat or scold me, otherwise. . ." She looked at the chicken that had stopped fluttering and gradually lost signs of life.

"It's against the sky, woo woo. . . Why did I give birth to her? It's a great rebellion. "

"Xiaoxue, how can you talk to your mother like that? Be obedient and put down the sickle."

The voice in her ears became blurred. She saw Jiang's mother crying and returning to the kitchen. Jiang Xue's heart also relaxed because of Jiang's mother's departure.

The sickle in her hand fell to the ground with a sound. Her consciousness was blurred, and her body fell to the ground with it.

"Xiaoxue, Xiaoxue, what's wrong with you? Why is your body so hot? Do you have a fever?" Jiang's father checked on his eldest daughter who had fainted. He felt the unusual heat on Jiang Xue's body, and she lost consciousness.

He picked her up and was about to go to the health center. Jiang's mother, who was in the kitchen, heard the call and came out of the kitchen. She saw that the child's father had walked out of the door with Jiang Xue in his arms. She sighed, hurried back to the room, and chased after him with the money.

In fact, Jiang Xue woke up not long after. She did not return to the busy age of thirty. She was still fifteen years old. Watching her parents running around, fetching water and feeding medicine, she pretended to be weak and continued to close her eyes, and then fell asleep again. When she woke up again It was already dark outside.

Jiang Lu was already asleep in the bed next to her.

Her family now lived in a row of four bungalows that had been built only a few years ago.

Jiang's father and mother had one room, she and Jiang Lu had another, the main room was in the middle, and Jiang Chao's room was at the edge.

Her fever had subsided, and her mind was much clearer. Thinking of how she had questioned her parents during the day about whether they loved her or not, and even killed a chicken, she felt a little ashamed.

Only when her mind was not clear would she ask the questions she had always wanted to ask since she was a child, even though she had made peace with herself and no longer cared about these things after growing up.

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