After the exam, she was asked to explain the questions she didn't know.

Jiang Xue thought that he only meant to explain the questions she didn't know, but it turned out not to be the case.

She received a message from Xu Mo on QQ when she got home that day.

He asked Jiang Xue to sort out the previous test papers and give them to him tomorrow morning. He was free now and would not worry about disturbing him. He asked Jiang Xue to ask him any questions she didn't know in the future.

Jiang Xue sorted out the large stack of test papers she had done according to his request. The next day, as soon as she rode out of the gate of the community, she saw Xu Mo waiting there on his bike.

Jiang Xue handed him the test paper and asked curiously: "What do you want my test paper for?"

"Analysis. Is it this bag? Give me the things, and you go to school and study hard." Xu Mo took the things and urged Jiang Xue to go to class.

Then there was no contact for two or three days. When he contacted Jiang Xue again, he had a notebook with a detailed score-raising plan written on it.

Not only that, Xu Mo sorted out all the questions that Jiang Xue was prone to make mistakes, changed the question types, and reprinted the test papers.

He helped her sort out the summary of comprehensive science knowledge and asked her to memorize it.

He selected the test papers for her to avoid her wasting too much time on repeating the questions. He only targeted her weak areas and ticked the questions she needed to do. He let Jiang Xue do the questions and he would correct them.

Because Jiang Xue lived in the school from Monday to Friday, Xu Mo helped her make a weekly study plan and urged her to implement it. There were also assessments on the weekends.

His actions made Jiang Xue feel that she was unworthy of it. Looking at what he sorted out, it was obvious how much effort he put in, and he was ready to tutor her for a long time. Jiang Xue felt that she had taken up too much of his time.

When Jiang Xue raised this point, he looked at her seriously and said, "Didn't we agree to take the exam to Kyoto together?"

"Take the exam to Kyoto together, and then what?" Jiang Xue asked casually.

He didn't answer directly, but whispered, "You're asking even though you know the answer."

Then he changed the topic to her studies.

Jiang Xue had learned some information about Xu Mo from Tan Xiao before.

His family was well-off. His grandmother took care of Tan Xiao's father when she was young, and now she's older and still works for her father.

His parents were working class. Because of his grandmother's work, they bought a house in S City early and moved their household registration there.

Young love is completely different from what you talk about after entering society. She only knew some of Xu Mo's affairs when Tan Xiao told her before. The two of them never discussed family and relatives when they were together.

He was too sincere and too good, which made her retreat a little.

Having this idea, she immediately rejected it.

Jiang Xue told herself in her heart that others treat you well because you are good, you deserve it, accept it calmly, enjoy the present, and don't have too heavy a burden.

Be mentally prepared and smile at him again.

After he stopped going to school, he worked as a part-time tutor for Mathematical Olympiad in an institution, teaching junior high school students who were planning to participate in the competition.

Because of his recommended status, the institution offered her a very high price to hire him.

The courses were usually held on weekends, so Xu Mo asked Jiang Xue to find him at the tutoring institution where he worked, and then sit on his desk to do homework. After he came back from class, he would open a small class for her.

A group of tutoring teachers teased him, saying that he was too hard and had to work two jobs.

They asked him if there were any vacancies in his private tutoring class, as a student also wanted to have the academic master tutor high school knowledge.

Xu Mo felt embarrassed by the teasing of these teachers, and went to see if Jiang Xue felt uncomfortable or embarrassed when being teased.

If so, he could stop her.

Would Jiang Xue feel embarrassed because of being teased? No.

"There is only one vacancies, and it has been reserved by me. This is my private tutor, so your student should forget about it!" Jiang Xue responded to the person who spoke in a joking tone.

The cram school teacher always called her Xu Mo's girlfriend every week when she came over, and Jiang Xue accepted the title openly.

However, her rumored boyfriend did not have any pink bubbles towards her and kept a distance.

Jiang Xue would secretly hold his hand, and he would act like a young wife being teased and told her to stop making trouble, pushing her away, "You can hold my hand after the exam."

The most common thing he said to her was, "Focus on your studies."

"Don't look at me, look at the questions."

"Be more serious."

"Don't be like this."

The more he did this, the more Jiang Xue teased him, deliberately showing her special attention to him, and almost losing interest in studying.

At this time, he would say a little aggrievedly: "Do you still want to go to Beijing University!"


What if I can't get into Kyoto University?" Jiang Xue asked curiously.

"There are alternatives." Xu Mo opened a page of his notebook and told Jiang Xue about several other universities. The score lines for some majors last year, no doubt, these schools are all in Kyoto.

"Then I'll try my best and see if I can go to the same school as you!" His eyes lit up again because of Jiang Xue's words.

He was really planning their future seriously.

He was working hard for the two of them to be in the same school or city in the future.

Xu Mo's kindness to her made her feel unreal.

But she also enjoyed it.

She was a little touched.

Jiang Xue corrected her attitude towards learning.

The topic returned to learning.

"I think your grades can be improved."

"This is the test paper with your wrong questions printed out. I'll help you change the question type and do these questions again later. Don't make mistakes again. If you make mistakes again, I'll punish you."

"How to punish! "Jiang Xue became more energetic and asked curiously.

He chuckled: "I will punish you to write two more papers." Jiang Xue pouted in dissatisfaction.

Time slowly turned the page in the busy study and jokes.


In the first semester of senior year, Jiang Xue's grades became stable because of Xu Mo's help.

First, she was in the top three in the class, then the first in the class, and the first in the grade.

Not by luck, but by strength.

And she can consistently get the first place in big and small exams.

The head teacher often sighed at her.

It's a pity that her student status is not in this school, which is a pity.

Ask her if she has any learning experience that can be improved and share it with classmates.

Jiang Xue really wants to tell the head teacher, because of the credit of the previous first in the grade.

She has the previous first in the grade behind her!

It's just a thought, she doesn't dare to say it.

No one in the class, including the teacher, noticed any signs of the two.

Everyone agreed that the two were not familiar with each other and didn't talk much.

Because everyone was busy with their studies in the third year of high school, Jiang Xue didn't tell her about her and Xu Mo's situation even when chatting and laughing.

In 2010, Jiang Xue turned the page in the test paper that she couldn't finish.

This year, her godparents knew that she was under a lot of pressure in the third year of high school, so the things they sent arrived, but they didn't come.

Liu Qinglin and the heads of several companies around her also knew that the boss was in the third year of high school this year and was very busy with studies. If there were any problems that he couldn't handle or solve, he would ask her on weekends or holidays.

If she could solve the problem herself, she would never bother the boss.

In 2011, in the boredom, tedium, and exhaustion, spending time with Xu Mo on weekends was like a reward for her.

It made the last semester of the third year of high school not so difficult.

It left many happy memories.

Time came to May.

The countdown time for the college entrance examination became less and less, and it became a two-digit number starting with three.

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