The two of them were very busy, and the two of them were very busy.

Wang Yulan came early, not only rented her own house, but also asked the parents of students in the No. 1 Middle School in the city to prepare all the toiletries, quilts and mosquito nets for Jiang Xue in advance.

She accompanied Jiang Xue to the school to meet the teacher, sent her to the temporary dormitory, made her bed, and told her to go to the railing on the south side of the exam to get lunch every day at noon.

Jiang Xue felt that it was not necessary to be so troublesome, she would eat in the cafeteria.

Seeing her godmother busying around like this, she was very moved, so she didn't want her to be too tired or troubled.

But Wang Yulan insisted.

"Many parents who accompany their children to school here are like this."

"I asked the students inside, and all of them said that the food in the cafeteria of No. 1 Middle School is particularly unpalatable. Only by eating well can you get good grades."

"It's just these ten or twenty days. I won't be hard-working, but you will be hard-working at school. It's settled. I won't disturb your studies. I'm going back."

Because her godmother accompanied her to register and communicate with the teacher, the teacher and classmates all thought that her godmother was her mother, and Jiang Xue did not explain.

The first time she went to get food, Jiang Xue found that not only her godmother, but many parents, delivered lunch to the students inside through the gap of the railing. She then understood what her godmother meant when she said that everyone did this.

The students stood at this end of the railing, holding the lunch box, standing or squatting, and started eating directly.

They would communicate quietly while eating.

After eating, they gave the lunch box to the family members who came to deliver the food, and then the students went to class.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Xue felt a little moved.

The environment was obviously very bad, but Jiang Xue could see the warmth.

In this world, it turns out that most parents still love their children.

As Jiang Xue approached, she heard her godmother and the parents next to her discussing their children.

"My daughter is a daughter." Wang Yulan said.

"She has very good grades. The teacher said that with her grades, she will definitely go to a key university."

"My daughter is not rebellious, she is very well-behaved and especially obedient."

Wang Yulan was full of pride.

Then she saw Jiang Xue and immediately greeted her warmly, "It's time to go home. You must be hungry. Come and eat."

Help Jiang Xue get the lunch box.

Ask her if she is hungry.

Jiang Xue opened the warm lunch box in her hand, which contained a combination of meat and vegetables, neatly arranged.

Jiang Xue was indeed hungry and ate with big mouthfuls.

The food was delicious, and several of the dishes were her favorites.

While eating, her eyes were jealous.

Afraid of being seen, she kept her head down and ate.

Several parents also praised Jiang Xue politely when they saw her appear.

The godmother looked proud.

She also had people delivering food to her, and she was loved, which was great.


Then we went to class.

Jiang Xue's sudden appearance made the classmates curious.

However, for a stranger, the upcoming college entrance examination was more important.

So everyone was just curious and discussed at first, and did not pay too much attention afterwards.

Because there were papers every day, there were too many things to do, and there was no time to be distracted.

After two or three days of classes, Jiang Xue found that the entire learning atmosphere of No. 1 Middle School in the city was more difficult than that of S City.

There were requirements for the hair of boys and girls, and the same was true for their work and rest.

We had to get up at more than five in the morning for morning self-study.

Evening self-study was not until 10:30 in the evening.

When you enter the class, you are quiet, and when you sit down, you study.

Although Jiang Xue's grades were also the first in the school before, the gap with the following few was not big.

If you don't pay attention, you will be caught up.

Arriving at the No. 1 Middle School, Jiang Xue felt that the test papers were much easier, and the learning progress and depth were also much worse than those of the Experimental High School in S City.

As a result, since she came here, her grades in various subjects have been far ahead of other students in the class.

After a few times, her classmates couldn't accept it.

They are also a key school in the city.

It is already one of the top high schools in their city.

Is the gap between them and a big city like S City so big?

So big that they fell into self-doubt.

The teacher was very surprised and praised Jiang Xue constantly, asking her to share some tips with everyone during the evening self-study.

Jiang Xue agreed and said a few tips and review methods that she had summarized and that Xu Mo had taught her.

All the students in the class gave mediocre feedback.

One of the students stood up and asked unfriendly: "Is it really fair to enjoy good educational resources but go back to a place with poor education to compete?" His tone was indignant.

Jiang Xue glanced at the expressions of other people in the class. It seemed that everyone had this idea. .

At one time, I understood

The idea of ​​home.

She suddenly came back at this time, and her grades were absolutely overwhelming.

This made the other students who were already tense feel pressured, and thus felt unfair.

Seeing these faces that were a little unfamiliar, but young and a little persistent, and confused about the future, Jiang Xue felt a little soft-hearted, so she explained: "The reason for the poor education and low scores is actually very simple, that is, the unequal distribution of educational resources.

This world is full of too many unfair phenomena. Compared with the high schools in the county, our No. 1 Middle School in the city not only has a stronger faculty, but also has all kinds of hardware facilities. Is this fair to the high school students in the county?"

"Maybe someone will stand up and refute: What's unfair about this? After all, everyone relies on their own efforts to get into the No. 1 Middle School in the city.

Then have you ever thought deeply about a question? It is precisely because of the environment in which everyone has grown up that has better educational resources than towns and villages that they can successfully enter the ideal high school to study. And all this is out of reach for children from villages and towns.

In addition, the rapid economic development of big cities naturally attracts many outstanding talents to gather there. There are higher consumption and higher incomes, so good teachers are needed. The sources of education will also gather in big cities, not only schools, but also various cram schools. Students living in big cities have received educational opportunities that are different from other areas as early as kindergarten.

As for me, I came from a small town junior high school in the county below. Through hard study in junior high school, I successfully entered our school. In high school, I went to a high school in S City to study on a loan basis, but not everyone wants to go to that school. The first condition is the corresponding academic performance, followed by a considerable amount of tuition fees.

Even if these requirements are met, does it mean that you can be the same as them? This is not the case. Students who study on a loan basis are at the bottom of the food chain in that school, and even teachers are reluctant to assign them to the loan class.

Every time the results are the same, most of the students in the loan class are at the bottom of the school ranking.

So everywhere is divided into three, six, nine levels.

The most important thing is to rely on yourself.

The high school I studied on a loan basis is not the top high school. I have a classmate who directly obtained the qualification for admission to Kyoto University with his excellent performance in the competition. But in In the best high school in S City, there is a high school that competes with him, and there are as many as 11 recommended students.

Because that school is famous for the competition, they have teachers who have won gold medals in previous years and are very experienced.

So is it fair?

In contrast, in our province, there are only five students in many high schools who are lucky enough to get the opportunity to be recommended by top schools.

In our city, there is not a single one this year.

Is this fair?

I think it is actually fair.

I have heard a saying before that the success of one generation requires the efforts of several generations.

The wealth that people in those prosperous and developed cities have now is likely to have been accumulated through the unremitting struggle and efforts of several generations.

Instead of arguing about whether it is fair or not, it is better to study hard in this limited and last time, not only in high school, but also in future universities. Seize every opportunity to move forward and go out.

Go to first-tier cities, stand firm, so that your children will not lose at the starting line, and do not complain about unfairness. "

Jiang Xue spoke on impulse and said whatever came to her mind.

She was talking about her own thoughts, and whether they would listen to her or not was up to these people.

After Jiang Xue finished speaking, all the students present fell into deep thought.

Jiang Xue returned to her seat, took out the test paper and continued to work on it.

After a while, some scattered applause broke out.

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