After the school term started, Jiang Xue agreed. After the college organized several lectures by professional course teachers and entrepreneurs, she felt that she benefited a lot and she really chose the right major. It is what she needs now. She has a lot to learn. The learning of new knowledge made her realize that some of her previous ideas were one-sided. As she learned more, her way of thinking gradually changed. When she first created the milk tea shop, she didn't think too far ahead. The profit was considerable, so she opened a few more stores to make money together. She thought about occupying the market through franchising in the future. She expected to be steady and rolling development, just like her photography studio. Through learning, she got in touch with the successful experiences of successful companies. She knew that the market was huge and her way was too slow. Accepting investment from investors can not only quickly leverage the market, increase the value of one's own company, and get some help from investors, but also make more money during the bonus period.

So even if Tan Xiao's father does not invest, she plans to wait for the two stores in Kyoto to open, take her own plan, and find some investment companies through the channels of Kyoto University to learn about it first.

"Jiang Xue, please help me draw it. I always feel that I always put on too much makeup when I put on my own makeup." Tan Xiao's words interrupted Jiang Xue's thoughts. Seeing that Tan Xiao was drawing eyebrows, Jiang Xue took the eyebrow pencil and helped Tan Xiao draw it.

After finishing her makeup, Tan Xiao fiddled with her hair again. She felt that the shoes she had worn were not suitable for the clothes Jiang Xue picked for her, and then she began to try on Jiang Xue's shoes.

Jiang Xue urged several times but it didn't work. She had no choice but to send a message to Xu Mo to ask him to order first, and said a few dishes that she and Tan Xiao liked to eat.

Finally, when the two appeared at the door of the hot pot restaurant, Jiang Xue looked at the time and it was already twenty minutes from the time they agreed. Xu Mo and his two roommates had arrived long ago, and the dishes were ordered and the pot was boiling.

Jiang Xue and the other person came in and apologized to the three for being late.

Xu Mo introduced his two roommates to Jiang Xue, and their names were professional.

Jiang Xue also introduced her own name and major as well as Tan Xiao's.

Then everyone sat down one after another, and the two checked a few dishes according to the dishes they ordered, and when everything was ready, they started eating lively.

All the young people gathered together, and the atmosphere became very harmonious in a short while.

Coupled with the lively atmosphere of eating hot pot, the distance between them was quickly shortened.

They joked with each other, especially with the only couple Jiang Xue and Xu Mo at the scene, gossiping about how the two got together, and then talked about how to eat the ingredients they ordered, and talked about the meals in the school cafeteria and some professional teachers.

The delicious shops around.

After a hot pot meal, although Tan Xiao had just experienced the pain of being scumbag, in such a pleasant atmosphere, the sadness in her heart gradually dissipated.

After eating, Tan Xiao and Xu Mo had a dispute over who should pay for the meal.

Tan Xiao offered to pay.

Xu Mo insisted that he pay.

Jiang Xue pulled Tan Xiao, but Tan Xiao didn't seem to get her point and insisted on treating.

Tan Xiao said to Xu Mo: "I'm richer than you, so I'll pay!"

After saying that, he realized that it was not good to say that, and then he said: "Jiang Xue helped me a lot today. I told her that I would treat her. You can treat me next time." Then he handed his card to the waiter first, and went to the front desk with the waiter to pay the bill.

It was just a small episode. After the meal, Jiang Xue told Xu Mo that he and his roommates would go back first. She and Tan Xiao would not go back to the dormitory today, and they parted ways at the door of the hot pot restaurant.

Before Xu Mo left, he wanted to say that there were many people, but he didn't say it in the end.

After everyone left, only Jiang Xue and Tan Xiao were left. Jiang Xue said to Tan Xiao, "You're the one who's asking me to pay. Xu Mo brought his roommate with him, so let him pay."

Tan Xiao listened to Jiang Xue's story and looked at her strangely, "It's not much, just over 300."

"It's not much for you and me, but for ordinary students who still get living expenses from their parents, more than 300 is a lot."

"Then wouldn't it be better for me to pay? Those who have more pocket money can pay more for daily expenses. Those who have less money can pay less."

"Isn't Xu Mo a boy..." At this point, Jiang Xue closed her mouth and realized her problem.

But Tan Xiao understood Jiang Xue's implication, "Jiang Xue, are you worried about Xu Mo spending money?"

Jiang Xue nodded.

"You've been dating for several months now, how do you divide your daily expenses when you date?

"Tan Xiao asked curiously.

"Overall, he pays more. I will pay part of it, and then I buy things for him, but he will also pay it back."

"Has Xu Mo ever told you that he has financial pressure?" Tan Xiao asked again.

Jiang Xue shook her head.

"In fact, it's not just with Xu Mo, but also with me. You always have a feeling that if I spend 100 on you, you must pay me back 120, for fear of taking advantage of me."

Tan Xiao said it, and Jiang Xue recalled her past experiences, and it seemed to be true.

"I think you don't have to worry about these things, just accept it calmly. You don't have to feel too burdened whether you spend money on him or on you, and don't worry too much."

"If you are really worried that Xu Mo doesn't have enough money, you can also bring it up, and the two of you can negotiate how to solve it. ”

Seeing Jiang Xue thinking seriously, Tan Xiao added his thoughts: "I like to spend money on others. I can't help but want to spend money on friends and people I like, because I think money is the best thing in my cognition. Good things need money to buy, so I want to share the things I think are important with good friends or people I like. But I was extreme before, and I was almost using money to buy friends. It was only when I met you that I changed my mind. ”

"In short, you are beautiful and smart, and you can make money. Accept it calmly and give it back calmly. Don't worry too much about who gets more and who gets less. "

Jiang Xue didn't expect to be taught a lesson by Tan Xiao.

The key is that she always felt that Tan Xiao, who was confused, said something that directly hit the psychological problems she had always wanted to avoid.

Jiang Xue thought about why she was friends with her before, and it was this feeling on her.

Because of her good family conditions, she is not anxious about the future, she is very simple and does not have so many bad thoughts, she is optimistic and cheerful, generous, and does not care much about returns when she treats people. She is very confident when buying things.

These are actually the characteristics she once envied.

She really has a lot of money now, and in the eyes of many people, she is a very, very high-quality, excellent person.

But some childhood experiences still disturb her with various problems.

She did not enter into marriage in her previous life, and she did not have a long-term intimate relationship.

In fact, it has a lot to do with her own psychological problems.

Now that she recognizes this problem, the next step is to solve it.

Jiang Xue decided to continue to talk to a psychologist tomorrow, and then find an opportunity to talk to Xu Mo openly and clearly.

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