The two of us are so busy that we have to work together.

"In order to maintain the relationship for a longer time, I hope to share these daily expenses with you. I don't like AA. I hope that we can have a healthy relationship based on our own income.

I don't mind who pays more or less, and I don't think boys should spend more, because we are all students, and our consumption should not exceed your current affordability. I don't want you to give me things that you think are of equal value in return for me, and pursue a sense of equality like a scale, buy me those expensive things, and affect yourself."

Jiang Xue is very satisfied with Xu Mo's personality and temper so far. He is much more mature than boys of his age, and he knows how to advance and retreat. The two get along well.

So she hopes that this relationship can be maintained for a long time. .

This is why she chose to talk about these issues openly.

"I know." Xu Mo said.

He laughed after saying that, and laughed happily.

"What are you laughing at?" Jiang Xue asked curiously.

"I'm very happy that you can tell me this." Xu Mo replied.

"But I may not be as poor as you think, so you don't have to worry too much about me."

After Xu Mo finished speaking, he got out of the car, took Jiang Xue to an ATM not far away, inserted his bank card and entered the password to let Jiang Xue see his balance.

Jiang Xue took a look and didn't expect that there were more than 200,000 yuan.

"Have you forgotten that I won a prize for participating in the competition, and the school also provided scholarships for the three years of high school. Didn't you even look at the names?"

"And in the third year of high school, plus the tutoring during the summer vacation, I was recommended by Beijing University, and I also won the gold medal. With the title of Beijing University recommended student, will my tutoring price be lower?"

"My parents didn't ask me for the money, and let me arrange it myself."

"I also have a passbook in my mother's name. Because I didn't have an ID card when I was a child, I couldn't open a card. I saved some New Year's money from my childhood. And this time I received the admission notice from Beijing University, the elders at the entrance banquet, the relatives and friends of my parents, and their colleagues. All of them are in that passbook. These add up to tens of thousands of yuan."

After checking the balance, the two returned to the car, but did not drive away immediately. Instead, one sat in the main driver's seat and the other in the co-pilot seat, and continued to chat.

"My family is not a wealthy family. We can't compare with Tan Xiao's family. There is a big gap, but we can still be considered well-off.

My grandmother and my father are now working for Tan Xiao's father.

My hometown is a small city. Strictly speaking, I am also a left-behind child, but my mother sacrificed herself and became a left-behind woman at that time, staying at home to take care of me, my aunt who was in high school at the time, my grandfather, and me.

My grandmother was one of the first to go out to work. In the 1980s, my father was not very old, and my aunt had just started elementary school. She went south to S City.

Taking care of Tan Xiao's father was not my grandmother's first job, but it was the job she did the longest.

As Tan Xiao's father grew up and his business grew bigger and bigger, Uncle Tan treated my grandmother as his own. As a relative, my grandmother also treated me well. My grandmother bought a house for my father and my younger aunt with the money she had saved for so many years.

My father bought a house earlier, in S City. Not long after the purchase, the news of the house demolition had not come out yet. My grandmother received internal information and asked my parents and my household registration to move here from my hometown. Only then did my parents reunite and I transferred to S City.

At that time, I was just in the fifth grade. Later, when the news of the demolition came out, my parents took out their savings and borrowed some from my grandmother's family. They added money to exchange two houses. We lived in the big one and rented out the small one. "Taking this opportunity, Xu Mo also told Jiang Xue about his family.

In fact, what he said was not complete. His grandparents did not have a good relationship. Grandma Xu was a capable and hardworking woman.

When she was young, she was dissatisfied with her family being too poor. She left her children and husband in her hometown and went out to work alone.

Grandma Xu used the money she earned to pay off debts, renovate the house, and support Xu's father and younger aunt to study, eat, drink, and grow up.

Xu's father was studying in a technical secondary school, and he fell in love with Xu's mother in school.

They planned to get married after graduation. When Xu's grandmother found out, she was not satisfied, thinking that they were both too young. She thought that he should work for a few years and then find a girl in a big city. He should not get married so early, but Xu's mother was already pregnant with Xu Mo.

After getting married, Xu's father and mother followed Xu's grandmother to S City. Xu's father entered a company of Tan Xiao's father through the relationship of Tan Xiao's father.

From the grassroots to now, he has become a small management.

Xu's mother was pregnant at the time. She was waiting for the birth at home. When Xu's grandmother was free, she would come to see her and would be picky about her hygiene, cooking, some housework, and living habits, which led to constant conflicts.

Later, Xu Mo was born. Xu's father was very busy with his career. He and Xu's mother, who was raising the baby alone, often quarreled over trivial matters. The mother-in-law was picky and would not lend a hand except for her mouth.

Her husband went out early and came back late, so Xu's mother took Xu Mo back to her hometown in a rage.

Her mother's family was not far from her husband's family. With the help of her parents, she was not so busy as a new mother.

At that time, Xu's grandfather contracted a mountain to plant fruit trees. My sister-in-law's studies were also very tight, and there were signs of premature love. Later, she reconciled with Xu's father, and Xu's mother did not continue to return to S City.

Instead, she stayed at home.

They started a life of living apart.

From Xu's mother's perspective, she disliked her mother-in-law very much. Although this mother-in-law had been working very hard, earning a lot, and providing a lot of support for her small family, she was particularly picky about her daughter-in-law and was also very strong towards her children and family members.

In the words of her sister-in-law, she was a slave outside and a king at home.

She made all the decisions and made all the decisions on big and small matters.

Xu Mo had very good grades when he was a child, and he was basically the first in their small place.

When Xu Mo was in the fifth grade, his mother-in-law bought them a house in S City. Later, depending on whether the house was demolished or not, she insisted that the whole family move their household registration there.

Xu's mother meant to wait until they graduated from elementary school, but Xu's grandmother said no, they had to move immediately.

Then they moved their household registration and found connections to transfer schools.

When Xu Mo first transferred to that elementary school, the whole class was basically locals, and even the teacher switched between local dialect and Mandarin in class.

Xu Mo couldn't understand it at all.

The courses were not synchronized. He had never learned English before. His classmates were unfamiliar. The teacher was talking about the scriptures in class.

His grades in the previous school were very good, and he was always the first in the grade. However, he did not do very well in the entrance examination for the junior high school here.

Xu's mother complained to Xu's father more than once that he should transfer to junior high school. Anyway, he had to ask for help from others and he could get into a better junior high school by finding connections in junior high school.

"This is what you said about how good and smart the child's grades are. What's the use of having good grades in his hometown? He showed his true colors in the big city here."

"A talented person will not be buried in any school. Instead of complaining here, find a way to catch up with the child's grades."

"What class do you go to? Our family is not short of money. You just need to take good care of the children and husband." These are the original words of Grandma Xu.

"I have been giving birth to children and raising them since I graduated. I also want to have my own job and my own life." This time, Xu's mother did not listen to her and insisted on going out to work.

During that time, the house was a mess, and the school was also a mess.

But it didn't last long, and everyone found a point of harmony.

When Xu Mo was in junior high school, his mother would prepare breakfast for him in the morning, and then they would go out together, he would go to school while his mother would go to work.

After school in the evening, he would go to his father's workplace with his card to eat, and then go home with his father.

On weekends, he would clean the house with his mother.

His mother did not give up tutoring him, but her work had exhausted her.

Xu Mo told her that he could do it.

He really could do it.

With his own drive, he caught up with his English, and he began to rank among the top, and was admitted to the Experimental High School in the junior high school entrance examination.

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