After signing the contract and getting the key, Jiang Xue immediately pulled the network cable and assembled a desktop computer.

By the way, she bought a new mobile phone, replaced the previous phone card, and restarted the phone. When she saw the text message from Qiuxia, she realized that her father had come but couldn't find her, so she was anxious to call the police.

Not long after the mobile phone was turned on, Jiang's father called.

"Where on earth have you gone? I can't get through to you on the phone. You've quit your job, and you're a girl running around everywhere. Aren't you afraid of being abducted?" Jiang's father's full-throated voice came as soon as the phone was connected.

"My phone is lost." Jiang Xue replied.

"Where are you now? Come back to me quickly. I'm at the house you rented now. Haven't you quit your job and are planning to go back to school? Come back as soon as possible and go home with me."

"I'm not going back to school for the time being."

"Come back first, and we'll talk when we meet."

After hanging up the phone, she put her ID, bank card, and other things in the new house she rented.

She brought more than 2,000 yuan in cash.

After taking a bus, she returned to the rental house.

After calling Jiang's father, Jiang Haiyang came to Jiang Xue's rental house in a hurry with a black handbag.

"Dad." Jiang Xue called out.

He walked into the house, looked at the things in the house, and frowned when he saw the cosmetics and clothes he had never seen before.

Seeing the pile of books on the table and spreading out the papers with dense words on them, he felt relieved.

"Where have you been these days? Why did you quit your job?" Father Jiang asked patiently.

"I went to the city center and wanted to change jobs, so I quit."

"I heard from Qiuxia that your previous job also paid 2,000 yuan a month, isn't it pretty good? Why do you want to change jobs?"

"If it doesn't work, I will change it."

"Aren't you working here to make money to go back to school? Isn't making money your primary goal? Can't you just endure it?"

"Why should I endure it? I don't want to endure it."

Jiang Haiyang frowned: "You are not doing anything illegal, are you?"

"Or are you planning to sell your body."

"If you dare to do these shameful things, I will break your legs. I won't just talk like your mother."

He couldn't help but think about this. This happened in the village last year. A girl who had been working outside and came back to build a house for her family, and everyone praised her for being filial, turned out to be a prostitute outside.

In this way, no matter how much money you make or how well your house is built, people will look down on you.

Jiang Xue looked at him calmly without answering, but her eyes were as cold as ice, which made Jiang Haiyang realize that what he said was a bit too much.

He quickly explained, "I'm just worried that you'll go astray. You're only fifteen years old, still a child, you don't understand a lot of things, and there are some things you must not do. You're getting braver and braver now, like a different person."

Jiang Xue smiled bitterly, "I also want to be a child, carefree, well-fed and well-clothed, can you give me such a life?? I earn money to pay for tuition, earn money to eat, earn money to buy new clothes and shoes, instead of picking up things that others don't want, dirty, broken, and rotten, instead of explaining to you for a few dollars, a dozen dollars for materials, class fees."

"I'm sorry, my parents are limited, and they treat you badly in terms of money."

"My parents bought a house in the county, you come home with me, I'll ask someone to find a relationship to get you transferred to a school in the county."

"The house has been bought, how big is it, how many rooms are there."

"More than 80 square meters, three rooms." Seeing that Jiang Xue's attitude had changed, Jiang's father hurriedly answered when he asked about the house.

"Is there a room for me?"

"There are three rooms. You and your sister will live in one room."

"With such a small area, the room must be very small with three rooms. I don't want to share a room with Jiang Lu. I want a room of my own. Is that okay, Dad?" Jiang's father thought of his little daughter's excitement and joy when she got her own room. He would be unhappy if she shared a room with her sister. Jiang Xue completely occupied the room, and he could foresee that his little daughter would definitely make a scene.

So Jiang Haiyang also hesitated.

"Come back with me first, and then we'll go to the

We'll talk about it later."

"You can go back, but let's make it clear first. You have to pay for my tuition, living expenses, and pocket money according to the standards of most classmates. You have to buy me two sets of clothes and two pairs of shoes every quarter. I don't have to do endless housework. I have my own separate sleeping space, a desk, chair, and lamp for studying. You have to respect me, don't beat or scold me casually, and help me out when someone bullies me. You have to trust me unconditionally and stand by my side. These are very basic and very simple conditions. If you agree to me, I will go home with you."

"I can't make the decision either..."

"Hahaha, you can't make the decision. Are you trying to say that my mother is the boss of my family?" I laughed and laughed and my tears were almost uncontrollable.

"My mother is the boss. You can secretly give your private money to grandparents, lend it to your aunt, and lend it to your friends. I have been studying at home for so many years, and I don't have enough to eat or warm clothes. Have you ever secretly given me a penny? ”

“You can’t make decisions, but you can buy birthday gifts for Jiang Chao and Jiang Lu, reward them for their academic progress, and take them out for a feast when they make mom angry. What have you done for me? Am I not your daughter? They all say that my mom is partial, so what about you? Aren’t you partial?”

“Your heart is also partial to me, but you are better at hiding it than my mom. On the surface, you seem to be so good to me, but what have you actually done for me?”

“You are not poor, you have money to buy a house in the county, you just don’t want to spend a penny on me, and think I am not worth your money.”

“Since you think that I am not raised by you and I am not of the same mind as you, then stop pretending to be a loving father and mother, leave me alone, and let me fend for myself.”

“Xiaoxue... "Father Jiang was at a loss when facing his daughter's accusation.

Jiang Xue lowered her head, not wanting him to see her red eyes.

"You go home, I will stay and continue to make money. When I have the ability, my grandma will keep a record of the money you gave me every year, and I will double it back to you then. "

After Jiang Xue finished speaking, she pushed Jiang's father out of the door.

She locked the door, sat against it and let out a long breath.

It seems that it still doesn't work. Her shell is still not strong enough.

Hasn't she decided to treat her relatives as strangers, and not be sad or happy when facing their kindness or harm?

The decision is good, but as long as she is allowed to communicate face to face, she still can't control her emotions.

Looking at the closed door, Jiang Haiyang's heart is mixed.

I can't help but reflect on whether I have really ignored a lot of things over the years.

Raised his hand to knock on the door and put it down again, wanted to explain something but found that he was powerless to refute.

Thinking that he went to Jiang Xue's workplace in order to find Jiang Xue these two days, the shop owners knew that he was Jiang Xue's father and were particularly polite.

"You have raised a good daughter, polite and hardworking."

"At a young age, she is eloquent and hardworking."

"I saw that she came out to make money just after her ID card was approved. She is very good at makeup and will have a great future."

". . . . . . . "

All praise.

His impression of this daughter is still that she has no sense of existence and stays quietly aside.

It seems that she has grown up since the day she rebelled and quarreled with her mother.

Jiang Haiyang sighed and left.

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