The two of them were very happy.

"Hello, sister-in-law~ I'm Jiang Xue! You're so beautiful!!" Jiang Xue stood up immediately and greeted her politely and actively.

"Hello, Xiaoxue, my name is Cheng Guo. You're also very beautiful."

"Then I'll call you Sister Cheng Guo! Please sit down."

Cheng Guo handed the gift she had just bought to Jiang Xue. Liu Qinglin said he would take her and her sister to dinner. While waiting for Liu Qinglin to pick her up, she bought a very delicate gold bracelet weighing more than four grams at the gold shop.

The price was neither expensive nor cheap, just over a thousand yuan, and the gold jewelry could also maintain its value, so she bought it as a meeting gift.

"It's beautiful, Sister Cheng Guo, you have a good taste, I like it very much. I didn't prepare a gift for you, just order whatever you want from the menu, I'll treat you."

Then Jiang Xue introduced her the contents of the set meal she had ordered before, and asked if she wanted to add anything. Cheng Guo saw the prices on the menu and it seemed that today's meal was about the same as the gift she bought.

"Then we won't be polite, um, the red wine is good, let's have an expensive one, and two desserts, these two." Liu Qinglin looked at the menu, added wine and dessert, and was about to see if there was anything else to add. His girlfriend nudged him with her elbow, and then said to Jiang Xue: "The set meal you ordered should be enough, no need to add more."

Jiang Xue called the waiter and replaced the wine in the set meal with a better one, and then added the two desserts that her brother had just mentioned.

"If she hadn't been stood up and couldn't find anyone, she probably wouldn't have remembered me. It's a good meal, order whatever you think is expensive, don't be polite to her." Liu Qinglin said.

"These are enough. Don't waste it." Cheng Guo said.

Liu Qinglin gave up.

"You have to book in advance to get a seat at this restaurant, right? Didn't you tell Xu Mo in advance? He stood you up like that?" While waiting for the food, Liu Qinglin remembered that he came because his sister stood him up, so he asked dissatisfiedly.

"It's his birthday today, I wanted to give him a surprise, so I didn't tell him, who knew his parents came over, and he ate with his parents in the evening." Jiang Xue explained, afraid that Cheng Guo didn't understand, Jiang Xue explained to Cheng Guo again: "The Xu Mo my brother said is my boyfriend."

The food was served quickly, and the three of them chatted while eating, and the atmosphere was also very good.

In the middle of the meal, Xu Mo sent a message, "My parents didn't tell me, I forgot my birthday. You sent me a message to let me come over. Are you planning to celebrate my birthday?"

"Yes." Jiang Xue replied.

"My parents know that I have a girlfriend, and they asked me to ask you if you want to go out for dinner together?"

Jiang Xue took a picture of the food she was eating and sent it to Xu Mo.

"We're eating. You should accompany your parents for dinner."

"Is it the restaurant we agreed to eat together but it's hard to book a table?" Xu Mo asked.

"Yes. It's delicious." Jiang Xue replied.

"Did you go there alone? Sorry, I'll make a reservation next time and you can accompany me for dinner again." Jiang Xue smiled and sent a message: "It's okay, I definitely won't eat alone."

"I made an appointment with my brother and his girlfriend, who is a super gentle lady. I won't chat with you anymore. You should accompany your parents. Happy birthday."

Seeing that Jiang Xue said that she had dinner with Liu Qinglin and Liu Qinglin's girlfriend, the guilt of missing the meal prepared by his girlfriend in advance was slightly reduced.

Putting down the phone, Xu's mother asked curiously: "Have you asked your girlfriend to come over to eat and meet us?"

"She's already eating, so she won't come. We'll see each other again in the future."

Xu's mother expressed her understanding with a little disappointment. Both of them are students. It will take a long time to take the next step. It's not known if there will be any mistakes in the middle. It's normal for a girl not to want to meet a boy's parents.

Asked for some information about his son's girlfriend, but Xu Mo was very tight-lipped and refused to say anything.

"Then you can call all your roommates out, it will be more lively with more people." Xu's father suggested.

"No need, just the three of us will eat." Xu Mo said with a little resistance.

"You can ask, you are studying at Peking University, your classmates and roommates are your future resources, you should maintain them well."

Xu Mo asked in the group of their dormitory that his parents were coming and invited everyone to dinner, asking if everyone wanted to come.

Wei Yang replied in the group first, "It seems to be your birthday today? Did your parents come to celebrate your birthday specially? Where are you eating? I will go there for a meal later."

Xu Mo posted the location of the restaurant in the group.

The other two roommates said they would arrive in half an hour.

Xu Mo told his parents about his roommates coming, and his father

The mother asked about the three roommates, and Xu Mo briefly introduced them.

After hearing that the three of them were recommended, and some of the results they had achieved in previous competitions, both parents felt that their son's roommates were very good.

They told Xu Mo to get along well with his roommates, and then looked at the menu to add some dishes.

The three of them came together, and they bought a gift for Xu Mo together.

The atmosphere was lively during the meal, and Xu's father took care of his son's roommates warmly.

After the meal, Xu's father suggested that they go to sing together, and they just happened to go to get the cake they ordered and blow out the candles in the KTV.

Then the six of them went to the KTV, ate the cake, sang the birthday song, and blew out the candles in the KTV.

His parents were not arrogant, and they sang with their roommates. The atmosphere was very lively, and Xu Mo was a little anxious as the time was getting later and later.

But they were all celebrating his birthday, so he couldn't suggest leaving early.

He could only watch time pass.

Qin Liang noticed Xu Mo's state. He didn't sing and frequently checked the time on his phone. He came over and asked him what was wrong.

"Tell my parents that we have an early class tomorrow and we'll end it. I have to go find my girlfriend. It's twelve o'clock." Xu Mo said and looked at the time again.

Qin Liang nodded to show his understanding, and then he went to talk to the other two. Then the three of them collectively said they would go back to the dormitory, and ended today's party.

Xu's father went to pay the bill. The place where they sang was not far from their school. The three of them came by bike. After Xu Mo said goodbye to his parents, he asked the three of them to ride two bikes back. He rode his roommate's bike and rode quickly to the downstairs of Jiang Xue's house.

Sent a message to Jiang Xue, asking if she had returned to the dormitory or was at home.

No reply.

I looked at the time. Jiang Xue had an early class today. She usually slept at this time.

Maybe she slept.

I looked up at the dark lights upstairs. I didn't know if Jiang Xue was there, so I went back to the dormitory.

After hesitating whether to go back to the dormitory, she finally decided to go upstairs to take a look.

After Jiang Xue finished her meal, the three of them walked around and then separated.

When they got home, Xu Mo sent her a message saying that his parents had invited his roommates to dinner and they were going to sing after dinner.

Jiang Xue replied, "Have fun with your friends' parents."

Then she looked up at the happy birthday balloons and the glittering light strips she had arranged, and ran over to turn off the light of the light strips.

It would be a lie to say that she was not disappointed.

But Xu Mo was not only her boyfriend, and there was no rule that he had to spend his birthday with his girlfriend.

He had parents, classmates, and friends.

And she hadn't told Xu Mo about these things she had prepared, so there was no need to be angry.

After digesting the negative emotions by herself, Jiang Xue put the cake in the refrigerator and didn't move anything else. She removed her makeup, took a shower, changed into pajamas, and played with her phone on the bed for a while. When it was time for her biological clock to go to bed, she fell asleep in a daze.

When she woke up again, Jiang Xue was awakened by a gentle and dense kiss.

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