After eating the food Xu Mo packed for her, she went back to school.

Jiang Xue's legs hurt so much that the afternoon class was not very important, so she simply skipped it.

Tomorrow is the weekend, and after skipping the afternoon class, Jiang Xue packed her things for her business trip. She planned to fly to the clothing factory in City C, Jiangsu Province this weekend. Now that she would not be attending the afternoon class, she called her assistant to see if she could change her flight ticket and leave early.

Netstar Media specializes in this department of Taobao. As the business of many Taobao stores has improved, the supply of the factory cannot keep up. Because of its strong sales ability, the company has discussed with many source manufacturers that are good at other categories to be suppliers.

There are employees who are responsible for selecting products and goods, who come to select products and get samples.

Collect various brands and distribute them to the company's employee team. After receiving orders, the company will integrate the orders to place orders and ship them.

This process has been followed. Several stores have very good sales. Then the person in charge of the Taobao department of the company, her name is Huo Ying, who was previously responsible for the operation of Wendi. As her ability was demonstrated, she began to take over the entire Taobao store business.

She proposed a very interesting idea. This time Jiang Xue went there to chat with her and visit their clothing showroom in City C, Jiangsu Province.

This business trip, Jiang Xue took Xia Xiaoyue and an assistant with her.

After confirming that there was a ticket for the change, she packed her things and slept again in bed. When the time was almost right, their car came to pick up Jiang Xue and they went to the airport together.

At the same time, she sent a text message to Xu Mo to inform him that she would not be in Kyoto on weekends, and asked him not to miss the trip. It happened that his parents were coming over, so he should spend time with them on weekends.

After the plane arrived, we transferred to a car and arrived that night. We stayed in the hotel arranged by the company. The next morning, Jiang Xue took the two of them to see the exhibition hall.

The exhibition hall is still located next to the original factory. At the end of last year, the dormitory building was rebuilt, and some other infrastructure except the factory building was demolished and rebuilt. Another vacant piece of land next to the factory was also bought. After the relevant units directly approved it, the fourth floor was quickly built.

Then through professional planning, the dormitory and office and leisure areas were separated, and each building and department was well organized.

The newly built house had just been put into production and used for a short time, and it was the first time Jiang Xue had seen it.

Huo Ying and the factory director Zhou Qiming introduced the situation of the factory to Jiang Xue.

Then they came to the exhibition hall.

Jiang Xue's first glance was the dazzling array of clothes inside.

There were all kinds of styles and colors, dazzling.

Huo Ying introduced to her which ones were produced by their factory.

Including Wendi's products and the products produced by the company in her store, they were all displayed separately.

Which ones are samples from designers trained by the factory.

Then which ones are produced by nearby cooperative factories, and samples from factories in other cities that make good single products.

There are also some clothing products from domestic second-, third-, and fourth-tier brands. They used several good online stores to negotiate good purchase prices.

"The clothes here are selected after screening by our employees, and there will be updates every week in the future."

Then they came to the door of a small office, and Huo Ying introduced to her that each office is a separate team, and the size of the office is different according to the size of the team.

Focused on introducing her to several stores that are currently doing well on Taobao, the members they are responsible for, and some sales data.

Find their stores for Jiang Xue to see.

There are Ye Zi's large-size women's clothing, and a women's clothing store that makes pants.

The ones with good business sell clothes of different styles, but it is obvious that they have a good eye for selecting products.

He took Jiang Xue to see the built studio and some shooting rooms, and finally took her to the first floor where the courier packs and ships every day.

"The volume of goods shipped from our factory is very large, so we have negotiated with two express delivery stations. We can get the lowest price for express delivery by only doing our own delivery and return express delivery."

She took Jiang Xue to her office and handed her a set of plans she made.

While Jiang Xue was sitting on the sofa, Huo Ying explained: "We have a complete model and system, with our own suppliers, manufacturers, and logistics system. I think the current delivery volume can be multiplied several times through my ideas."

Jiang Xue raised her eyebrows, and then curiously flipped through the plan she prepared.

After reading it all,

Huo Ying's plan can be summarized in two words, that is,


Taobao store fission.

Or it can be said to be a group system, central control.

She mentioned a popular Taobao brand store that sells Korean clothes on the market, and their operating model.

The other party broke up the designer department, the product page team, and the departments that connect production and orders.

Each department took one person, and three people formed a group.

Once the company and the team are profitable, the enthusiasm of employees will be improved.

Three people in a group, the number of selections increased, and many popular models were selected for their brand.

The plan detailed the disadvantages of this model. Because of the limited advertising space, their company’s internal competition is very serious.

And because the quality of the supplier’s brand is uneven, the reputation is also polarized.

Jiang Xue knows this brand. It has been the head of Taobao women’s clothing for many years in the previous life.

There are also group model 2.0 and 3.0 versions later.

But in the end, it faded out of the public’s view because of the uneven reputation quality.

But it was once glorious.

"The model I proposed is different from theirs. Compared with their several brands, we prefer fission incubation of more individual stores. If there are individual stores that are doing well, such as Wendy's store, your boss Jiang Lai's store, and stores with attribute labels such as Ye Zi's large-size women's clothing and Jia Jia's small-size women's clothing, we can also concentrate resources to build brands and form more professional teams to distinguish them from the original groups."

"The big waves wash away the sand, and through fission, those who can bring profit value to the company remain."

"Because our company has these top talents and hot-selling stores, we have our own Our own factories also have negotiating value when other factories take goods, so we have supply chain advantages. "

"Giving power and sharing profits to these groups, these people may come up with more good ideas and bring greater benefits to the company."

"But to build our own full-category supply chain, because of the season, color, popularity, the human resources and financial resources required, the initial support investment is relatively large."

"So Mr. Zhang and Director Zhou are not optimistic, and they want to take steady steps. What do you think, boss?"

After Huo Ying finished his long speech, he looked at Jiang Xue, who was listening attentively, with expectation on his face.

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