The three girls were afraid that she was a liar, so they brought their friends with them. Because it was free, she ordered her friends around without hesitation. She pulled the skirt, fanned the wind, and used reflectors. But it was no longer possible to charge. She interviewed several people and confirmed two. After taking photos for a few days, she kept a 22-year-old college graduate who was a little fat and from the countryside. She didn't talk much, but she didn't complain at all when doing things. Her name is Zhao Xiaoshuang, and her internship salary is 1,800. She has to put on makeup and take photos. Even with an assistant, she is still too busy. The traffic was much larger than she expected. With her own makeup and photography, she could not handle the traffic.

She started to be busy like a spinning top. After taking photos, she interviewed photographers and makeup artists.

She had to retouch the photos and communicate with clients to confirm.

But there were really limited people available, so Jiang Xue handed over the work of making appointments and communicating with clients to Zhao Xiaoshuang.

She made Zhao Xiaoshuang a regular employee in advance, with a salary of 2,200 yuan, and then asked Zhao Xiaoshuang to continue recruiting assistants and makeup artists.

Jiang Xue taught the newly recruited makeup artists and photographers step by step.

Zhao Xiaoshuang did not expect that her first job would be so valued by the boss.

When she first applied for the job, the boss told her that the internship period was one month, but she was made a regular employee before she had worked for two days.

Her salary suddenly increased by 400 yuan to 2,200 yuan.

She originally applied for a photographer's assistant. After working as an assistant for a few days, the boss started to take the newly hired photographer and makeup artist to shoot. The two of them replaced her assistant position. She and the boss switched positions and started looking for studios with agents, recruiting people for interviews, and doing customer service work.

Although the studio she found required the boss to look at photos to confirm, she signed the contract on behalf of the boss, and the people she recruited also had to be re-interviewed by the boss, but she was the one who made the final decision on the initial interview.

As a newly graduated student, she felt it was particularly unreal to suddenly be able to control the job of interviewing, which was to control the fate of others.

After finding a studio, she became a supervisor again. The boss directly gave her a bank card and asked her to supervise the decoration.

She secretly ran to the bank counter to check, and there was 50,000 in it! !

The boss also said that if the money was not enough, tell her and she would transfer it again.

Wasn't the boss afraid that she would run away?

This was 50,000!

Well, she didn't have the courage to run away.

She didn't expect to meet a boss who trusted her and valued her so much in her first job after graduation. She worked hard to help the boss do a good job! !


Two new hires, one male and one female. The male is Wang Yongjie, a photographer with several years of work experience, and the female is Zhang Lihua, a novice makeup artist who just got her graduation certificate from a makeup training institution.

Makeup and photography both have the strong style of this era. Jiang Xue can only teach them step by step and let them learn and become familiar with her style.

Makeup artists are okay because they have a basic foundation. Young people accept new things quickly, but photographers are more difficult to teach.

There is no way to only let him take photos of designated locations, and it is expressly forbidden to take photos according to his own aesthetics and according to her requirements.

Even so, sometimes he still takes some very rustic photos that he feels good about himself.

He does not think it is a technical problem, but that the client is too ugly.

So she spent the most time on the photographer.

After she taught the two, she found that it was still not enough.

Makeup artists are easier to deal with. They have a certain foundation. The people she recruited are more than enough to do photography makeup after her training. After all, there is still post-production repair.

It is difficult for photographers to find suitable ones. Many photographers who have been working for many years have their own shooting style and are not willing to change for new styles.

After recruiting for a while, she set her sights on online.

During this period, she released photos of two other free models to maintain her popularity. In her spare time, she also posted a tutorial on the camera settings data she often used for portraits.

The response to the post was very enthusiastic.

Many photographers who imitated her shooting style began to appear in the photography area.

Several people even added her contact information and humbly asked for advice.

Because of her high photography price, some friends were added in the post, and netizens who knew the price posted her price in the post.

Different voices began to appear in the post.

"It's so expensive, is the host robbing?"

"Is there really a fool who spends so much money just to keep

Download a few photos?"

"It's free, but they only take photos of a few people. It's for making money."

"It's so easy to make money now."

"Under the guise of free, they are trying to take advantage of netizens."

Before Jiang Xue responded, the photographers were active in the post and spoke for her.

"If you think it's expensive, compare it with offline wedding photos or some artistic photos. Dongdong's price is not cheap, but if you want to achieve the effect in the big picture, the equipment will probably cost five figures."

"I am a student majoring in photography. I spent a lot of time and money to study in college. To be honest, the effect of my photos is not as good as the poster, so I think the price is worth it. ”

“If you think it’s expensive, you don’t have to buy it. If you think the price is right, you’re already out of the queue. It’s best to return some of the ones you bought before. I want Baozang to take photos for me as soon as possible QAQ”

The comments in the post were going in the right direction, so Jiang Xue didn’t care about it. Instead, she focused her attention on the photographers who helped her reply.

Jiang Xue went to see the posts they posted, and the photos they took were all pretty good.

Then she sent job offers to several people at the same time.

Some people are not in S City, some have jobs, and photography is just a hobby.

There is only one man and one woman. The girl is a senior majoring in photography at the Normal University, named Jiang Xin Yi.

Looking for internships and jobs.

She happily accepted Jiang Xue's job offer.

The boy came from another city. He was completely self-taught. His name was Chen Xin.

He was a chef at work, but he had a literary heart.

He was really passionate about it. He heard that Jiang Xue would provide equipment and the salary was good. Despite his family's opposition, he quit his job as a chef and came to S City.

In addition to her, there were three photographers, two makeup artists, three assistants, and two post-production.

Including Jiang Xue and Zhao Xiaoshuang, there were a total of twelve people.

Her makeshift team had also grown to a certain size.

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