After the meeting, Liu Qinglin was very happy.

"Sister Cheng Guo, I don't have much contact with her, but she is really nice. I hope you can think it over before making a decision. Once you make a decision, stick to it and don't hurt her." Jiang Xue didn't say much.

"I should think it over carefully. Thank you for today. Don't you have an appointment in the afternoon? Please send me to the place in front where I can take a taxi and I will take a taxi back to the company."

"It's still early for the appointment. It's not too late for me to give the gift directly." After saying that, he started the car and sent Liu Qinglin to the factory.

Jiang Xue drove to a cafe.

She and Huang Can made an appointment in this cafe.

Originally, they made an appointment at the end of September, but their schedules conflicted. Jiang Xue was busy at that time and missed Huang Can's time in Kyoto, so the two met now.

Huang Can has changed a lot from what I remembered.

Now she has neat short hair, delicate makeup, a Hermès bag, and a new autumn suit from a big brand.

"You're doing well." Jiang Xue joked.

Huang Can smiled and carefully placed the bag on the table, and said to Jiang Xue: "I made a big decision to buy it."

"There's no way to do it in our line of work. We meet people in the circle, so we have to have one or two sets of clothes that can be shown off." Huang Can explained again.

Jiang Xue ordered coffee, and before the waiter brought it, Huang Can chatted about this and that, but never got to the point.

Xu Mo finally finished his work today, and called to say that he went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables in the afternoon, and was now cooking at home. She wanted to end this date quickly and go home for dinner.

Seeing that Huang Can hadn't gotten to the point, Jiang Xue said: "Just say whatever you want to say, I have an appointment for dinner later."

She and Huang Can were not familiar with each other when she was working before, regarding the relationship between the former boss and the former employee. This meeting was also to thank her for helping her contact some celebrity models to speak out when she encountered rumors last time.

Jiang Xue knew that the other party must want to ask her for something when she met her. Within her ability, she was willing to help her according to the situation.

"In addition to doing various makeup businesses, I now have a partnership with someone to open a makeup training institution." Huang Can did not beat around the bush and spoke.

"Yeah." Jiang Xue nodded to show that she was listening.

"Because of my profession, the source of students is stable and the business is pretty good."

"Then I saved some money."

"I didn't buy a car or a house with this money, but I planned to invest it in my boyfriend."

"But it's still not enough."

"When I was chatting with Zhao Lin, I knew that you are now investing. I want you to see my boyfriend's new script." Huang Can finished her purpose in one breath.

"What project is your boyfriend doing, script? Filming a TV series, or a movie?" Jiang Xue asked puzzled.

She thought Huang Can was doing makeup training, and asked her for help, maybe to recommend her students to her stores for internships and help her arrange employment for her students.

Unexpectedly, it was not. I wanted her to invest.

Or it was an industry that I had never been involved in and was unfamiliar with.

"It's movies. My boyfriend is a very talented director. He had experience in film creation before, and the films he shot were all well received online but not popular. Summarizing the previous failures, this time the script is very good. I feel that he can turn things around." But because of his previous experience, no one was willing to invest in him.

She was just a makeup artist. Although she had contact with many celebrity models, there were not many people who could invest real money.

It happened that Jiang Xueqing helped her, and she asked for a meeting. Jiang Xue had pushed her away because she was busy at the last time and thought that they would not be able to meet. Unexpectedly, Jiang Xue made another appointment with her later.

Jiang Xue's photography agency has been developing better and better in the past two years, with branches in various cities.

Unknowingly, the scale of the photography chain has been getting bigger and bigger.

Because she is a good friend of Zhao Lin, she often hears Zhao Lin praising her boss.

Her students have cooperated with Jiang Xue's photography studio, so they have a certain understanding of the scale of her company.

Jiang Xue is young and generous. Zhao Lin only has a small position in the company, and the money she gets every year is more than what she earns from hard work.

As her boss, he must be richer.

That's why Huang Can found Jiang Xue.

She knew it might not work, but seeing her boyfriend's frustration and depression because he couldn't find investment, she still wanted to help him to the best of her ability.

"I'm sorry, most of the projects our company invests in are related to the Internet. We have never been involved in scripts and movies, and we don't understand them. And as far as I know, filming movies is quite expensive.

I may not be able to help you." Jiang Xue thought about it and politely refused.

"Why don't you take a look at the script and think about it?" Huang Can asked again without giving up.

"This script is really good."

"Take a look." Thinking of the fact that the other party had helped her not long ago, Jiang Xue agreed to it when she saw her like this.

"Okay. "Jiang Xue took the script handed over by Huang Can.

On the way home, Jiang Xue bought half a roast goose from a roadside stewed food shop. There happened to be a disc store next to the stewed food shop.

Jiang Xue walked in, reported the name of Huang Can's boyfriend, and bought the discs of two movies that Huang Can said his boyfriend had made. The online reviews were good, but as Huang Can said, they were not popular.

When she parked downstairs, Jiang Xue saw that the lights in her house were on.

She brought the key and did not use the lock to open it herself. After arriving home, Jiang Xue knocked on the door, and Xu Mo came to open the door for her in his home clothes and apron.

After opening the door, he quickly retreated to the kitchen, waved the spatula and said to Jiang Xue, "We'll have dinner in twenty minutes. Go take off your makeup and change into home clothes."

Jiang Xue changed her slippers and went to the kitchen to see what Xu Mo had cooked. "It's a hard dish. Chef Xu's cooking skills are gradually improving. He dares to challenge such a difficult dish."

"I made it according to the tutorial. I don't know if it tastes good. "Xu Mo replied.

"Looks good, I'll go take a shower." Jiang Xue said.

After taking a shower, removing makeup and changing into home clothes, Xu Mo's meal was served. The taste was standard, not bad, but not delicious either.

The two ate and chatted while eating, and they ate happily.

After dinner, Jiang Xue washed the dishes, and Xu Mo cleaned the table and took out the trash.

After Jiang Xue finished washing, he hugged Jiang Xue's waist from behind and waited seriously.

Just hugging and holding hands, he started to be dishonest. Jiang Xue felt a warm touch in her ears, which was a little itchy.

Jiang Xue turned her head and smiled to avoid him. His kiss went from her ears to her lips, and then they kissed each other while brushing. Later, he didn't wash the dishes, washed his hands, and the two kissed from the kitchen to the living room, and then to the bed in the bedroom.

After the rain, the two were affectionate in bed for a while. It was still early to go to bed. "I bought two movie discs. Let's go to the living room to watch a movie. "Jiang Xue suggested.

"Then you go put it away, I'll go cut some fruit and clean up the kitchen."

"Okay." Before Jiang Xue put it on, she read reviews of two movies online and chose one of the topics she was more interested in.

Put it on the DVD.

At this time, Xu Mo also brought a plate of fruit and put it on the coffee table. He sat on the sofa and called Jiang Xue over. Jiang Xue leaned in and nestled in his arms. He took the remote control and pressed the start button, then took a blanket, unfolded it, and covered the two of them.

After everything was ready, the movie started.

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