The next morning, Jiang Xue called Zhao Xiaoshuang and told her that she would not go to the studio today and to call her if she had anything to do.

She had money in her pocket, so she didn't want to squeeze into the bus. She took a taxi and went to her brother's store.

She thought for a long time after hanging up the phone yesterday.

Although she and Liu Qinglin were not siblings from the same father and mother, they were half blood relatives.

And their situations were actually quite similar in some ways.

Her father didn't love her mother and she grew up with her grandmother. In this small family of parents, brothers and sisters, she seemed to be extra.

Liu Qinglin was the same, which meant he had no father or mother. His grandmother and uncle's family probably didn't treat him well, otherwise he wouldn't have missed the New Year.

In that case.

Can the two get along like family members?

She has made money now, and thinking of some rumors about him in her previous life, maybe she can help him.

This is why she came here today.

The car drove for less than an hour and arrived at the destination. Jiang Xue got off the car.

When she opened the door and entered the shop, she heard her brother and the barber who cut her hair before arguing.

"Didn't you ask for leave? Why are you here again?"

"We agreed to meet at the store. We'll leave when my sister comes."

"Then you asked me to ask for you yesterday. It was totally unnecessary." After saying that, Chen Hua looked at his friend whose mood had obviously improved because his sister was coming, and asked gossipingly: "Is she really your biological sister? Look at you, it's like your girlfriend is coming to see you."

"Nonsense, didn't you say that we look alike? Stop talking nonsense, take out the trash, it's full." Just as Chen Hua bent down to clean the trash can, the door was pushed open from the outside. Chen Hua thought it was a customer and said, "Welcome~"

"Brother." Jiang Xue called out, then said hello to another barber, and smiled.

"Speak of the devil, and the devil will appear." Chen Hua whispered, and Liu Qinglin nudged him with his elbow when he heard it.

Chen Hua immediately smiled and pulled up a bench beside him and said, "Sister, come and sit down! I'm your brother's best friend, my name is Chen Hua. Do you remember me? I cut your hair for you. I see your hair has grown a lot. Do you want to trim it?"

"Thank you, but no, I plan to grow it longer and change to a different hairstyle." Jiang Xue replied.

"Okay, sister, do you want some water? Have you finished your meal? Here are some candies and biscuits for customers. Do you want some?"

"Okay, Chen Hua, hurry up and clean up the store. We're leaving." Liu Qinglin interrupted Chen Hua who was chattering.

"I've taken a leave today. Let's go and take you around." After saying goodbye to Chen Hua, the two left.

Their store was near the Trade City, and across the street from the Trade City, there was a newly opened shopping mall with a lot of food on the underground first floor. The two looked around and decided to go in and have a bite to eat.

"Explain why you moved to a new job. Wasn't your previous job good? The salary was high."

Liu Qinglin had been to Jiang Xue's shop before and knew that he could earn 40 yuan for a makeup. According to the number of tourists every day, his sister could earn 7,000 to 8,000 yuan a month, even if she didn't make 10,000 yuan. With a junior high school education, it was really good to get this salary. He didn't understand why she quit.

Thinking of his salary of only more than 2,000 yuan, his sister's image immediately became taller in his mind.

I heard that his sister's grades were not bad. She was reading while working and planned to go to high school and college.

She was smart and studied well.

She was only 15 years old, but she was more thoughtful than him as an adult.

She was worthy of being his sister.

"Are you unhappy with your job? They bullied you because you were young,"

"No, I took the initiative to resign." Jiang Xue explained quickly.

"Since you plan to continue your studies, why don't you go back to school? If your parents don't support you, I've saved some money in the past two years. I'll support you first. Don't forget to pay me back when you make money."

"Really? My schooling is very expensive. High school tuition and living expenses, university tuition and living expenses, are a lot of money, and may use up all your money. Are you sure?"

"Of course! But you can't rely on me all the time. Don't you have winter and summer vacations? You are also good at making money. I am just helping you!"

Jiang Xue smiled, and a warm current surged in her heart.

"Thank you, brother, but what I earned in the past few months is enough to support myself."

"Since you have earned enough, why don't you

Go back to school. At your age, it is more important to go to school. "

"Brother, look at the newly built shopping malls and residential areas outside, the increasingly upgraded mobile phones with more functions, and the increasingly popular Internet. You may not understand what I am saying. It is developing too fast, and there are too many opportunities to make money. If I go back to school and get blocked within the school walls, I will feel that I am losing out."

Liu Qinglin really couldn't understand.

In fact, he lived a muddle-headed life. After graduating from junior high school, he started to work. Because he couldn't stand the rules and regulations in the factory, he worked as an apprentice in a barber shop. He washed hair for a month and began to learn to perm, dye and cut hair for people. The apprenticeship period was more than half a year. The salary was very low and barely made ends meet.

Later, he gradually became more skilled and the salary was not high, about two thousand.

He would save a fixed salary of one thousand every month.

The rest of the money was used for food, Internet access and rent.

Chen Hua said that he saved money to honor his grandparents and to get married in the future.

But he didn't need to. He didn't even have a home. He shared the cheapest house with his friends. Even if a customer expressed his interest in him, he would stay away from them. Dating was not only a waste of time and money, but if a girl wanted to marry him, what would he use to marry her? He should not harm the girl.

As for giving the money he earned to his relatives, whether it was his grandparents or his uncles and aunts, he didn't want to spend a penny on them.

No matter how he played the family card, or He would not give it to Jiang Xue even if he was forced to do something violently.

He knew clearly from a young age that money was his own money when he had it in his hands.

None of his relatives deserved anything in return, and he felt that he was kind for not taking revenge.

As for this sister, he didn't know what was wrong with him. It might be that he had been alone for too long, and Jiang Xue and he had too many similarities, so there was a feeling of sympathy.

That's why he said he would support her schooling, but it's not impossible to support her, just like lending her money in advance, and this sister is quite capable, even if she uses his money, he shouldn't be solely responsible for it, she can earn it herself.

I don't know if 500 a month is enough, and he feels a little reluctant to spend more.

With these thoughts, he proposed to support Jiang Xue's education.

So when he learned that Jiang Xue would not use his money and that what she earned was enough, he was actually relieved.

"So Jiang Xue, you think going back to school will affect your ability to make money, and it's enough to support your own schooling, so how much money have you made in the past three months?"

"It should be more than what you have earned in the past few years of work. "Liu Qinglin showed an expression of disbelief. In addition to his salary, he went to the Internet cafe after get off work in the past two years to help people play games and cheat. He now has 30,000 yuan in savings!!

She has only been working for more than three months, and she has more than him. I didn't realize that his sister likes to brag.

Seeing that he didn't believe it, Jiang Xue took out her mobile phone, opened the text message, and turned to the consumption reminder sent by the bank.

Handed it to him.

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