The film was a big success, but it was a big success.

Mu Yunzhou was shocked when he heard the news from Zhao Lin.

The drama in hand, "You in Time", is about youth campus, and the shooting location is all on campus.

There is no bloody plot, and Yu Yue wrote the girl's secret love in an obscure and sour way.

Later, it was discovered that the heroine's secret love also had a secret love for her, and the two of them talked about their love very beautifully.

According to the screenwriter Yu Yue, it is very sweet.

There are a lot of emotional pulls, but the plot is very simple, and the investment is not as high as the previous drama.

The shooting time is even longer, because of the experience of the previous drama, the main creative team of the previous one is used, and everyone has been running-in, so this drama was shot very quickly.

An investment of several million.

The last drama was quoted at just over 10 million, and this drama is only in the post-production stage. The other party hasn't seen the finished product yet, but they quoted 50 million after watching one or two rough cuts! !

50 million! ! !

The total box office revenue of his previous two movies was less than 50 million o(╥﹏╥)o

He made so much money from the things he shot casually in the past few months.

This money comes too quickly! ! !

By this calculation, will the money he makes from making movies soon be enough?

With online dramas making so much money, will Blizzard Capital still let him make movies?

He also has shares in the company, although only 10%. If he continues to make online dramas, it will obviously make more money. Will he still make movies himself?

He was a little entangled and hesitant.

Then two days later, Chen Jing brought the decision of the head office, saying that he would not sell it for 50 million.

Not selling it! !

And the news was released that the price was increased by 15 million, with a total price of 65 million, and the other party agreed to sign the contract immediately.

Otherwise, wait a little longer.

Hearing the rejection and the price increase, Mu Yunzhou was a little anxious. Aren't you afraid that the other party will not buy it??? Just stop while you're ahead!

50 million is already a lot, which is several times higher than the previous investment.

As a result, within two days, iQiyi sent a message that it agreed.

Then they signed the contract and made the first advance payment.

After the contract was signed, iQiyi announced the number of views of "Xu Nana's Promotion" in the first week.

The first week's share data, roughly estimated to exceed their offer at the time, is more than 16 million!

! ! !

Mu Yunzhou was shocked again.

"Xu Nana's Promotion" will be broadcast for three weeks, so what about the second week, the third week, and after the broadcast?

I don't know how much money this drama will eventually share. It will definitely not be less than 60 million.

Mu Yunzhou took some time to open the social platform.

He knew that the marketing and promotion costs of "Xu Nana's Promotion" would soon reach the production costs of the series.

He didn't agree with spending so much money at first.

But now it's obviously worth it according to the data.

During this period, he was busy shooting a new drama and didn't pay attention to the situation online. Mu Yunzhou searched for related topics and saw Guan Weibo of "Xu Nana's Promotion" and his own Weibo account.

He knew this account. Chen Jing asked the main creative team, the male and female protagonists and supporting actors to apply for their own personal accounts for promotion.

He was busy. Except for the initial application for certification, the subsequent content was managed and released by the company.

Opening his Weibo, the certified director is a well-known director.

Then Mu Yunzhou saw the number of his fans.


He wondered if the company's marketing promotion also helped him buy fans.

But looking at the comments posted by these netizens, they are very real and active, but many people are praising him and supporting him. It must be fake and too exaggerated.

Chatted with Chen Jing privately, asking if she bought fans for him, and got a negative answer.

Chen Jing: I didn't buy fans for you, but I used your name for marketing.

Mu Yunzhou quickly searched for his name and related topics.

#Owe Director Mu a movie ticket#

#Film quality web drama#

#Mu Yunzhou screen to screen, the director's self-exile#

#Mu Yunzhou self-degradation#

#The film master's web drama downgrade#

#The film director's web drama innovation#

Multiple related topics, all of which are very popular.

There are praises and criticisms. Anyway, netizens know that he is a film director who lowered his status and degraded himself to shoot a web drama.

#Owe Director Mu a movie ticket# The hashtag has the highest popularity and was popular on Weibo on the day of its release. It was initiated by a well-known film and television blogger "Light and Shadow Magician" and quickly sparked heated discussions on social media.

In his latest video, "Light and Shadow Magician" explained the old works of Director Mu Yunzhou.

His voice is very magnetic, light and

He tells the story in the movie and has his own unique insights into some events and plots.

On the screen, the pictures of the movie flow, and every frame is the best clip and picture of his movie.

Finally, when talking about the box office, the blogger's voice became heavy. He mentioned those masterpieces that were ignored by the market and the poor box office of Director Mu's movies.

"This is not just Director Mu's loss," the blogger said, "It is a loss for all of us. We missed a good movie."

Then, the blogger changed the subject and admitted that he also "owed Director Mu a movie ticket."

He called on the audience not to despise Director Mu because he switched to online dramas, and not to think that this was self-degradation.

He emphasized that whether it is a movie, TV series or online drama, as long as the quality of the work is high, it is worth our appreciation and support.

"Director Mu is a person, he needs to live and eat." The blogger encouraged everyone to watch Director Mu's new online drama and give the talented director due support.

At the end of the video, the blogger ended with a sentence, which quickly became a popular phrase on the Internet: "Don't let art be buried because of different forms."

Netizens played memes under this other topic.

"Don't let emotions be ignored because of different ways of expression." A video of a couple quarreling.

"Don't let the work be misunderstood because of the form it presents." A master's art work.

"Don't let talent be reserved because of the stage it is displayed on." A rural old man playing the suona.

"Don't let the essence of the work change because of the platform it is presented on." A novel tweet, a story about Wanwan Eighteen × plot


This generation of netizens can play memes.

But this blogger really understands him too well. After reading it again, Mu Yunzhou was still moved to tears.

He posted it to the work group.

He wanted everyone to see his soulmate.

The group is full of the main creative staff of this shoot, as well as the person in charge Chen Jing and the staff of the online star operation responsible for promotion.

Chen Jing: Director Mu, do you also think that what this blogger said is very good?

Mu Yunzhou: Yes, I feel like he understands my work too well. Some of his ideas are what I want to express when I shoot, and many people don’t understand.

Chen Jing: Then you have to thank Jiang Xue. The first draft was provided by Jiang Xue.

Internet Star—Xiaoguang: Director Mu, please praise our company. This account is also our company’s account. The content is edited and confirmed by our department. Not bad! !

Mu Yunzhou cried even louder. He thought he had met a soulmate, but it turned out to be fake! ! It cost money! !

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