The truth is, the truth is that the woman is still alive.

And that woman.

She is pretty.

She is pretty.

But she is very awkward and twisted.

She looks like she is forced by her family, but there is greed in her eyes when she looks at him.

So after being plotted against, he promised to arrange a project for her brother and settle the matter.

She turned around and asked someone to trip up her brother so that he could not continue in that business.

She refused when asked.

I don't know where they got the idea that he was the only son, and they thought that they could control him by getting pregnant.

This family is really bold.

There are a lot of beautiful people in Hong Kong who want to give birth to his children. He is not unsophisticated, and a village girl wants to control him.

The work behind him was almost done, so he left without saying hello and telling the company not to reveal any information about him.

Was Liu Yan really pregnant with his child at that time? ? ?

And gave birth to the child? ? ? ?

He immediately picked up the phone and called Assistant Yang, "The Jiang Xue you checked this afternoon, is she the provincial champion, right? Which province is she from?"

On the other end of the phone, he could hear the sound of the assistant turning on the computer. After a while, Assistant Yang's computer replied: "Province A."

"Where is her hometown?" Cui Zihua asked again.

"I don't know about this. I found a report at that time. She went to high school in F City."

This was the city he was on a business trip at that time!

Not long after his mother passed away, his father brought Cui Ziqian back. He was angry and went to work in the mainland to participate in the site selection and construction of a shopping mall. At that time, his work location was F City in Province A! !

"You, help me find a detailed file of Jiang Xue as soon as possible."

"Keep it secret, don't tell anyone what I asked you to do."

"Okay, Mr. Cui!" Assistant Yang agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Cui Zihua picked up his phone again and clicked on Jiang Lai's Weibo account. Looking at Jiang Lai's photos, Liu Yan's face in his memory became clearer and clearer.

Looks like.

Too much like that woman.

Cui Zihua tossed and turned at night.

He didn't sleep well at all.

He fell asleep at two or three in the morning and slept until noon the next day.

When he got up, the nurse said that his wife came in the morning and left when she saw that he was still sleeping.

Two nurses helped him wash and eat lunch. After lunch, Assistant Yang came with the information, and Cui Zihua opened the information on the hospital bed.

He immediately turned to the column of parents' names.

His mother's name was indeed Liu Yan!

The age also matched.

Jiang Xue couldn't really be his daughter, right? He thought with a bit of anticipation, but it felt too coincidental, so he was suspicious.

There was only a name and home address for the parents, and very little else. On the contrary, there was a lot of information about Jiang Xue.

Not favored at home.

Parents were partial.

Left-behind child, grew up in the countryside.

Always had good grades.

Dropped out of junior high school, studied for the high school entrance exam, and returned to school to get into the No. 1 Middle School in the city.

After getting in, she didn't go to school, but studied in the city where she worked, working and studying.

She didn't delay her studies at all, and her grades were among the best in the school she studied at the time, and she took the college entrance exam in her city.

Won the title of provincial champion in one fell swoop.

Entered Beijing University.

As the youngest daughter said, she looked very good, so when she went out to work, she began to post her outfit photos online.

Has many followers on the Internet.

Earned the first pot of gold by sharing women's clothing to earn advertising fees.

Know how to use your limited advantages.

Then open your own online store to maximize profits.

In high school, she and three classmates invested in a milk tea shop.

Soon, they opened several branches.

With 20 million yuan of financing from her classmate's father, the milk tea shop immediately grew.

During school, she signed other Internet celebrities of similar types to form a sales structure of a certain scale, set up her own company, bought factories, and produced by herself to maximize profits.

She studied Guanghua School of Management, the trump major of Peking University.

Blizzard Capital, which was established during college, and the subsequent investments were all very successful in Cui Zihua's eyes.

Especially Jingsheng's acquisition of Jinxin, which brought tens of millions of yuan in such a short time.

She was able to find problems and actually operated them. She was really bold and careful.

She immediately invested these tens of millions of yuan again. The projects were basically related to the Internet, which was her weakness, but the report was very detailed. After her investment, these companies grew significantly in scale and had a promising future.

So her investments were all successful.

In addition to physical investment

In addition to milk tea shops, there are also breakfast and braised food projects, which are also developing rapidly.

The business realization model is mature.

He has both losses and profits in his business. This Jiang Xue, looking at this survey report, is basically successful.

This is for a young girl.

For a young girl without any background,

it is really amazing to be able to get to where she is today.

This is simply a natural businessman, a material for doing business!

Can Liu Yan really give birth to such an excellent child? Cui Zihua couldn't help thinking.

It can't really be his seed!

Thinking of this possibility, his heart was hot.

Could it be God's compensation for him.

He wanted to see her!

He couldn't make it public until he was sure whether she was his daughter.

He remembered that the attending physician said before that there was a doctor in Kyoto who was very good at his disease, but he couldn't appear on camera because of his identity.

The advice given by the remote consultation was also very pertinent. .

The other party said that if he did it in Hong Kong, his current doctor would be able to do it.

He was too lazy to move.

Prepare to have the surgery in Hong Kong.

He thought it was too much trouble before because the other party could not leave the country, so he did not want to go to Kyoto.

Now he thinks he can go through the trouble.

With this plan, he immediately implemented it.

Actively cooperate with the treatment, and told the attending doctor that he wanted to see the doctor in Kyoto, or transfer to Kyoto, and let the doctor perform the surgery.

The doctor persuaded him to believe in his skills.

Cui Zihua's face turned cold, and he insisted on going to Kyoto.

Li Xi came to persuade him, and he said, Professor Li in Kyoto has better skills, so my chance of survival is greater. I will try even if there is a slight chance of improvement. What do you think?

He stopped everyone from persuading him to stay in Hong Kong.

With this plan, he was amazingly capable.

Within two days, he had appeared in the hospital in Kyoto.

Li Xi wanted to accompany him, but he refused.

It happened that a cooperative shopping mall was about to open, and she wanted to cut the ribbon.

Wait until Cui Zihua comes before the surgery.

When Cui Zihua arrived in Kyoto, he was immediately examined by the Kyoto medical team and a treatment and surgery plan was formulated.

Taking advantage of this gap, he and his investment company and employees went to Jiang Xue's film and television company to meet the director of the film and the person in charge of the company.

He did not see Jiang Xue.

Just when he was struggling with what reason to meet Jiang Xue, he and Jiang Xue met in the hospital.

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