After the meal, the two of them went to the hospital.

I went to get a facial and massage. Cheng Guo was not the only one who was invited. Tan Xiao had asked her out a few times. She was too busy before and didn't have time, so she asked her out this time.

The three of them got together and had a meal first. After the meal, they went shopping in the mall. Jiang Xue bought several sets of clothes for Cheng Guo and paid for them with her brother's card.

Jiang Xue also advised Cheng Guo to spend money when she should and not to be polite to her brother.

Tan Xiao looked at her and felt more and more wronged. She told Jiang Xue about her experience like pouring beans.

She was in love again. The man gave her a cheap earring that made her allergic and a small bouquet of flowers in exchange for her sneakers worth nearly 3,000 yuan!

Cheng Guo and Jiang Xue were curious about Tan Xiao's experience, and then they came to the massage and beauty shop where Jiang Xue usually did it.

After taking a shower, changing into a bathrobe, lying on the bed, and listening to Tan Xiao's experience.

Tan Xiao did not go back this summer vacation.

Or it can be said that she went back, and then stayed at home for a few days, and said that she was going back to Beijing to study, and then left home.

I heard that Jiang Xue had plans to go abroad. She didn't know what to do after graduating from college, so she also prepared to take the postgraduate entrance examination and prepared to go abroad.

Then with her ability, she couldn't apply for any good school by her own efforts.

But she had money.

She already had dividends from Youcha, and she didn't need to touch this money. Her grandparents and her father gave her living expenses, pocket money, and New Year's money given by relatives during festivals. No matter how lavish she was, she couldn't spend it all in her daily life.

Then she signed up for a training institution organized by a senior who had returned from studying abroad on campus.

Help plan what to learn and take the exam. In addition, she also helped recommend foreign universities and majors, a one-stop service.

Tan Xiao paid the money without hesitation.

Then, he studied hard.

She couldn't hold on any longer, but she fell in love with the substitute English teacher.

The teacher was a graduate student at the School of Foreign Languages.

He spoke English very well.

He was tall and handsome.

He was humorous, gentle and considerate.

Then Tan Xiao fell in love with him again and started a secret crush.

When she told Jiang Xue about it, Jiang Xue said angrily: "If you like him, chase him. If you can't catch him, talk to him. If you still like him, continue to chase him. If he doesn't like you, chase him. Only teenagers have secret crushes, adults play straight!"

Then, she confessed her love to him at Jiang Xue's instigation, and succeeded. She and the English teacher went from a secret crush to an underground love.

The question is that training institutions prohibit teachers and students from dating.

So they can't be open, they can only talk secretly.

Jiang Xue heard this and remembered this incident. She still thought it was unreliable at the time.

Tell Tan Xiao to be careful about discrimination and not to fall in love.

Tan Xiao felt that she had grown a lot after experiencing the last secret love.

Reassure Jiang Xue!

Then because the other party was her English teacher, in order to prevent her boyfriend from thinking that she was too stupid and useless, Tan Xiao's English improved by leaps and bounds.

Then not long after they talked, she received a breakup text message unilaterally.

It said that they felt that they were not suitable after getting along. Fortunately, the two did not have deep contact and were adults. If they were not suitable, they would break up.

Tan Xiao was a little sad, but she felt that it was just a relationship. If they were in love, they would talk, and if they were not in love, they would break up. Breaking up and divorce were different. They did not require the consent of both parties. One person could propose it.

She felt a little uncomfortable and doubted that she was not good enough, but she did not force it.

"I know you broke up. It was not bad at the time. You said you were not worthy of him. He was very outstanding and a very good person. It's only been a few days. Why did you become so angry when you mentioned it?" Jiang Xue asked curiously.

"Because not long after we broke up, I heard gossip from classmates that her ex-friend and the boss of their training institution, their senior sister, officially announced that they were together!!"

"The gossipers said that the two had a good impression of each other for a long time. It's just that the senior sister had concerns and didn't agree to be with him."

"Then the institution closed late two days ago, and there was a drunkard causing trouble. I, the ex-boyfriend, was a hero and saved the beauty, and finally got her back."

"I immediately asked the gossipers what day it was, and it was the day the other party broke up."

"It was really seamless."

"I was so angry that my liver hurt."

I went to question the man, and the man said a lot of his mental journey like a short essay.

What he loved was always the senior sister.

He thought it was impossible to be with the senior sister, so he had to settle for the second best, and then he was with the confession.

After being together, I found out through getting along that if he didn't love, he didn't love.

The person he loved was always the senior sister.

"Although we talked secretly, the other party's every move showed that he was happy.

He liked me, and he even pulled my hand and hugged me. If you don't like someone, you would do this to the opposite sex? ? ? "Tan Xiao was still very angry when she said this.

"This is the standard way of looking for a better partner while still riding a donkey." Cheng Guo said angrily.

"And he is obviously playing both sides." Cheng Guo concluded.

"Yes, so I'm curious about how you handled it later?" Jiang Xue knew Tan Xiao, and seeing that Tan Xiao was obviously only halfway through his words, she immediately asked curiously.

"Jiang Xue, how would you handle this kind of thing if you encountered it?" Tan Xiao asked back.

"Expose the two of them, tell the senior sister about this scumbag, and prevent her from being deceived." Jiang Xue said.

"I did the same thing, but the senior sister didn't believe me, and said that I seduced him and had a crush on him, saying that he showed the chat records of the two of us to the senior sister, and it was indeed me who was more enthusiastic and proactive in the chat records."

"The senior sister also refunded my tuition and stopped me from going to that training institution again. And he even talked bad about me in front of everyone."

"I'm so angry when I think about it now! !"

"This guy is really good!" Jiang Xue sighed.

"This senior is also blinded by love." Cheng Guo said.

"Then, was it solved?" Jiang Xue asked.

"It was solved. Wasn't my dad in Kyoto recently? Then he found that I was in a bad mood, and I couldn't help but tell him the whole story."

"How did your dad help you solve it?" Cheng Guo also asked curiously.

"My dad is a big mouth. He went back and told my stepmother, and then my stepmother helped me solve it."

"Don't keep us in suspense. Tell us how it was solved." Jiang Xue urged.

"She asked me about the timeline of the relationship, understood the whole process, and took me to report the training institution. ”

The reasons for the report were varied.

Fire protection, taxation, qualifications, and she even called the Consumers Association to say that the agency charged exorbitant fees.

Before the staff came to handle the matter, her stepmother took the contract she signed up for and the lawyer's letter and came to her house, demanding compensation for double the tuition.

Otherwise, she would sue their agency.

She also asked the senior sister to apologize in public for slandering Tan Xiao for seducing her boyfriend and ruining her reputation.

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