The boss lady's fried rice was ready, and the aroma was fragrant.

Wei Nan said to the boss lady who was carrying the rice to pack up: "Boss lady, check out."

She handed the boss lady 100 yuan, and the boss lady saw that Wei Nan's friend had already left, so she hurried to find the change.

The boss lady found the change quickly,

At this time, the woman selling fried rice was also ready to pay, and she handed the boss lady 20 yuan.

Wei Nan took the money, chatted with the boss lady for a few more words, and praised the taste of the dishes. The woman got the change of four yuan, and seeing the two chatting, she urged dissatisfiedly: "Boss lady, hurry up, we are in a hurry."

She calculated the time and walked out of the restaurant before the woman.

Walking to the door, Wei Nan heard the woman's voice behind him and turned his head suddenly: "Boss lady, I forgot to tell you that we will come to eat tomorrow, please save a fish head for me!"

He bumped into the woman and two servings of fried rice were scattered all over the floor.

"My rice!" The woman exclaimed, looking at the food on the floor, distressed and angry, "You are walking without eyes!"

Wei Nan sat on the floor and pretended to be innocent: "Sorry, I really didn't see you."

The boss lady also hurried over: "Oh, what happened? Are you okay, Wei Nan, you are not burned?"

Wei Nan stood up: "I'm fine, boss lady, fry her two more servings, I'll pay for it."

But the woman was relentless: "You are walking without eyes, I said I'm in a hurry, aren't you delaying my time?"

Then she ordered the boss lady: "Hurry up and fry it for me, you are dawdling, it's so frustrating."

Wei Nan deliberately said loudly: "Your attitude is too bad, I apologized to you for bumping into you, the boss lady did nothing wrong, and you had eyes and bumped into me!

And you burned me, but you didn't apologize, and you even cursed me. I said I would compensate you for this meal."

The woman became even angrier: "You spilled my meal, what's your attitude? The road is so wide, I don't understand, are your two big eyes light bulbs?"

"What's your attitude again!!"

The two quarreled, and the man next to the tricycle also saw it, walked in, and hurried over to hold the woman: "Forget it, don't delay things." The man warned the woman with his eyes after he said that.

The woman muttered: "I'm starving. I'm so annoyed."

The woman smelled the fragrance of fried rice, swallowed her saliva, hesitated for a moment, and prepared to leave.

Wei Nan refused to give in: "No, this matter must be made clear."


After calling the police, Jiang Xue got off the car and saw the two quarreling. She took advantage of the chaos to come to the tricycle. This was a very ordinary passenger tricycle, the same style as the one parked on the roadside to pick up passengers.

When she opened the door, she saw a boy leaning on the seat, and he had lost consciousness.

When she observed the car, she also noticed that the key on the tricycle was not removed.

Jiang Xue sat in the driver's seat and turned the key.

Before leaving, she glanced at Wei Nan. Wei Nan saw Jiang Xue's action and their eyes met.

Wei Nan tried even harder to hold the two people back.

The man tried to stop Wei Nan, but was pushed away by Wei Nan.

Wei Nan was very strong, and the two of them could not do anything to her.

Jiang Xue took the opportunity to start the tricycle and prepared to drive the car to the police station. The man and the woman saw that the car had been driven away and the child was still in the car. This was too much.

She hurried to chase him, but was stopped by Wei Nan.

Wei Nan stopped them and shouted: "You want to run? No way!"

The two wanted to fight, and the man wanted to use violence to deal with Wei Nan first. As a result, as soon as he got close, Wei Nan threw him over her shoulder and knocked him to the ground.

After knocking him down, she proved that she was not fighting. She raised her hand and said: "You want to hit me? I hit it subconsciously. I was fighting back, not fighting. Sister, don't move. If you hit me, I will also fight."

The two wanted to run, but Wei Nan was very strong and held them back. In this way, the police arrived.

Jiang Xue was about to drive to the police station. She met the police on the road and stopped them immediately.

She explained the situation to the police, transported the child to a police car, and sent the child to the hospital first.

The rest of the people went to the restaurant with Jiang Xue.

The two wanted to run when they saw the police, but Wei Nan didn't let them run away.

They were quickly controlled by the police.

The police asked what the boy in the car was related to them, and they said he was their grandson.

Jiang Xue sneered: "Are you sure? That child's shoes cost two or three thousand yuan, and his clothes are all big brands. It's obvious that your family can't afford to wear them."

"And why would your grandson faint? The child has been sent to the hospital and will be gone soon.

He woke up. A child this old knows everything. "

"Don't lie at this time."

"Severe punishment for confession, leniency for resistance." Wei Nan shouted.

The policeman on the side coughed lightly, signaling the two not to steal the show.

The police took the man and woman back to the police station, and Jiang Xue and Wei Nan also went to the police station to take statements.

After a while, the police said the boy woke up in the hospital and said the two were human traffickers who kidnapped him.

The boy's parents have also been contacted.

The two were indeed brave.

Left their names and phone numbers.

Cooperated in taking statements.

Before the two left, a young woman in her thirties, dressed in designer clothes, with a good appearance, gentle and bright, appeared at the police station.

The woman was followed by Two men who looked like bodyguards, holding a woman who looked ordinary in her twenties.

The woman held by the bodyguard had obvious injuries on her face.

The police told the two that this was the mother of the child they rescued.

They also explained to the mother how Jiang Xue and Wei Nan saved the child.

When the other party knew that it was the two who saved her son, she immediately thanked Jiang Xue and Wei Nan.

She was sincere and wiped her tears while speaking.

The woman said that her name was Gu Tingxi and she was the mother of the child.

"Thanks to you, he is the only child in our family. He is the only one in this generation. If something happened, I would not have to live."

"Thanks to you two, you saved my son, I will definitely repay you! "

Then from the conversation between Gu Tingxi and the police, I also learned the whole story.

The woman they arrested was the nanny of Gu Tingxi's family.

She had just been promoted to a regular employee, and the other nanny didn't have time, so she came to pick up the child today.

As for the person who was arrested by Jiang Xue and the others for kidnapping the child, Gu Tingxi said that she checked and found that it was a relative of the nanny.

The nanny picked up the child from school, and the child made a fuss about going downstairs to buy something, so the driver didn't follow.

After a while, the driver went to look for the child, and the nanny said anxiously that the child was missing.

Since school was over, the woman and her husband have searched through the surveillance videos of the child's disappearance, and it was caused by the nanny's negligence.

Later, the child was found and woke up in the hospital. They asked the child and found out that it was this A nanny instigated the child to go down and buy a toy that everyone was playing with.

The child was taken away, and he asked the nanny for help loudly, but she pretended not to hear.

Gu Tingxi's husband also used his connections to check that the two people who were caught and kidnapped the child and the nanny were from the same place and were relatives.

The matter was immediately clear.

In a society ruled by law, he was so angry that he slapped the nanny a few times.

The police were called before, and now the person was sent to the police station for the police to handle.

Jiang Xue looked at the bruises on the nanny's face.

This is not something that can be caused by a few slaps.

In addition, it has only been a short time since the incident.

The other party already knew the names of the two people who bought fried rice, and also found out the relationship between the two people and their nanny.

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