The two of them were kidnapped, and the two were kidnapped.

Gu Xun'an was kidnapped again.

Gu Xun'an is Gu Xiting's son. He was registered in his mother's household, so he took his mother's surname.

Jiang Xue was shocked when she heard the news.

This child is really unlucky.

Speaking of Gu Tingxi, since she was kidnapped last time, she and her mother moved out of the original community and did not go to school. Instead, they started to find teachers to study at home.

Cui Zihua basically did not come to their side.

In addition, the nanny and bodyguards dared not relax for a moment.

Always supervise.

It has only been a few months since the last kidnapping.

Everyone is a little relaxed.

Especially Gu Xun'an, at this age, he can't go to school, can't go to school, and doesn't like to stay in the house all the time.

Every weekend, other friends don't have to go to school, so I want to run out and play with them.

The place to play is in the community.

Gu Xiting saw that the child was really uncomfortable, so he let the child play in the community.

In addition, the nanny had to follow him all the time.

The bodyguard also watched from a distance.

The child is not a small child, and when playing, he is in a very small area.

Gu Xun'an is eight or nine years old and is the age of being naughty.

The nanny followed him, and he didn't feel anything at first.

Later, after a long time, he and the children who played with him began to deliberately get rid of the nanny, or hide and let the nanny find them.

This time is the same.

He ran and hid, avoiding the nanny's following.

Then Gu Xun'an and two little boys of the same age came to the underground garage to play.

There was a cat in the underground garage, and it gave birth to a litter of kittens.

One of the children even brought cat food from home to feed the cat.

After the mother cat ate, a little child remembered that clean water is also important for stray cats.

Several little girls immediately went to find containers to get water for it.

The two little boys who played with him said that when they went to get water, Gu Xun'an did not leave, but stayed in the garage to play with the cat.

Then when they came back, Gu Xun'an was gone, and they thought he had gone home.

So they missed the opportunity to find him in the first place.

The nanny looked around but couldn't find the child. She asked the friends who played with Gu Xun'an, ran back home to check, but he didn't go home. She and the bodyguard walked around the community but still couldn't find him.

She panicked.

After looking around for a few more times, she really couldn't find him, so she called Gu Tingxi who was practicing dance with Jiang Xue in the dance studio outside.

At that time, Jiang Xue saw that she looked very bad and left, and didn't know what happened.

After about eight or nine days, Jiang Xue didn't see her.

The chat records of the two people, they chatted every two or three days before. After not contacting for such a long time, Jiang Xue took the initiative to send a message.

Then Gu Tingxi told her about her son being kidnapped.

Out of concern, Jiang Xue called her, and Gu Tingxi on the other side kept crying when she answered the phone.

Tell Jiang Xue how the child was lost.

The police said that it had been lost for so long, or he was transferred to a very far place and it was difficult to find him.

Or he was in great danger.

For a moment, Jiang Xue didn't know how to comfort him.

"Kidnapping is usually for money, we didn't even receive a call."

"I feel that it was done by the child's father and his wife. The woman also went to Kyoto after the New Year. She didn't return to Hong Kong. I suspect that she was also responsible for the last kidnapping. It didn't work once, and it happened again!!!"

"Woo, what should I do, my little treasure."

"No news is good news. We will cooperate with the police to actively look for it, and we will definitely find it." Jiang Xue comforted him dryly.

Hang up the phone. Jiang Xue pondered for a few seconds and called Cui Ziqian.

Cui Ziqian surprisingly didn't know about this.

It was only when Jiang Xue told him that his elder brother had this woman outside that he knew about it.

After listening to Jiang Xue's story, Cui Ziqian smiled bitterly and said, "It's just like what my elder sister-in-law did." He told Jiang Xue that Cui Zihua had a son in his early years, who would be in his teens if he were still alive.

The boy was hit and killed by a car on his way home from school.

The driver who picked him up also died in the car.

The incident happened in Hong Kong. The driver of the truck was investigated later. Everything seemed too normal.

Fatigue driving, didn't see, didn't pay attention, and that road was also the road he often walked recently. This incident seemed like an accident.

At that time, the police and traffic police all determined it to be an accident.

Although the elder brother suspected it, he had no evidence.

The perpetrator was sentenced, but he hasn't been in prison yet. He had an oral sex with someone in prison.

The driver died in the detention center after a fight.

"People outside say that my eldest brother is taking revenge for losing his child."

"This is not the Hong Kong of the past. It is a society ruled by law. My eldest brother's hands are not that long. At most, he will give money to let the people inside suffer a little, but he will not kill him."

Cui Ziqian's people saw the eldest sister-in-law and the wife of the deceased meet after the incident.

The driver's wife and daughter disappeared later. She found out that they went abroad.

But there was no obvious evidence, so it was left unresolved.

Cui Ziqian told Jiang Xue what he thought, and then said to Jiang Xue: "I don't know what my eldest brother thinks, I think the matter is related to my eldest sister-in-law."

"It's been eight or nine days, and the child is probably gone." Cui Ziqian stated.

Jiang Xue hung up the phone and was silent for a long time.

A living person, gone just like that.

Maybe because there were too many things in the daytime, Jiang Xue began to dream at night, and in the dream, the previous life and this life were mixed together.

She dreamed that Liu Qinglin was found.

Liu Qinglin was also hit and killed by a car.

Cui Zihua cried while holding the body.

The dream was a mess, both real and unreal.

When Jiang Xue woke up, she felt a headache.

Connecting the past life with this life.

In fact, Jiang Xue and Liu Qinglin have always been cautious about the Cui family.

Passively waiting, except for cooperating in lying to make Cui Zihua think that Jiang Xue is his daughter.

In fact, she did not take the initiative to do anything else.

But is it really necessary to be so passive? ?

There is a feeling that the fate is in the hands of others, and it may explode one day.

She and her brother have to do something.

Liu Qinglin's wedding date is approaching, and Sister Cheng Guo has found out that she is pregnant. They have been busy with the wedding recently. Jiang Xue called her and could hear his happiness through the phone.

Liu Qinglin and Jiang Xue told each other what they were busy with. Fortunately, the wedding photos were taken in advance, otherwise Cheng Guo would be tired.

Asked Jiang Xue if the dress size she ordered before would still fit on the wedding day.

We were getting married soon, and I wondered if my belly would still grow.

Liu Qinglin talked a lot to Jiang Xue.

He said that Sister Cheng Guo went to the hospital for an ultrasound and the baby had a heartbeat. He felt very magical when he heard it.

He felt the joy of being a father for the first time.

He was filled with happiness.

Jiang Xue chatted with him for a few words, and hung up the phone without saying anything about Cui Zihua.

After hanging up, Jiang Xue called Cui Ziqian to ask about the current situation. As a result, Cui Ziqian told him on the phone that the child's body had been found.

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