The only way to get a good impression is to go to a foreign country.

"Do you know her?" Li Xi asked.

Cui Ruilin looked through Jiang Xue's information and couldn't help but sigh, "My idol is even better than I thought."

Li Xi grabbed her little daughter's wrist, "Tell me about her in detail."

"This is a blogger I follow. She used to post some of her outfit videos on forums, Weibo, and external social media." Cui Ruilin said and quickly showed Li Xi the other party's account.

Because Cui Ruilin followed her account or learned from her, her employees focused on some of Jiang Xue's data.

She was very interested and wrote it down. When her mother asked, she told her in detail.

Talk about the appeal and sales ability of Jiang Xue's account.

Li Xi originally thought that she was just someone with some influence on the Internet. She heard that during the Double Eleven last year, her store sales were very high, including sales during an event.

And every time she launched new products, some popular styles were hard to find.

Li Xi's own company also has clothing-related businesses, so she knows a little about the industry.

She just opened an online store and didn't expect the business to be so good.

"My team has calculated her costs, her monthly sales, and her profits. Don't look down on her because she is an online store. Her annual income is equivalent to that of a small or medium-sized company."

Then they talked about her personality, style, and reasons for her success, and analyzed them very well.

Li Xi didn't expect her little daughter to know her so well.

"Dad seems to have paid attention to her too. I recommended her to him at first." Cui Ruilin just finished saying this, and her wrist tightened.

"Mom, what's wrong with you? You don't look good? By the way, why did you...check her information?"

"When did your dad know about her? When!!" Li Xi asked anxiously.

"At that time, Dad had not yet gone to Kyoto for medical treatment. He was still in Hong Kong. During the summer vacation last year, I wanted to start a business. I told him in the hospital. Later, I saw the Weibo push of Dad's mobile phone system. There was news about Jiang Lai. Generally, it will be pushed only if you follow her. Mom. What is the relationship between her and my dad?"

"She..." Li Xi didn't know whether to tell her little daughter for a while.

If she didn't say it, she would probably know it soon.

Cui Zihua has decided to recognize her and wants her to take charge of Cui's.

She just didn't expect that she had been kept in the dark for so long.

She didn't know at all.

As a result, she is now completely passive.

Cui Zihua will sooner or later push this daughter named Jiang Xue to the public.

The two daughters will also know sooner or later.

So after thinking about it, she decided to tell her little daughter.

"She is your father's illegitimate daughter! Your father also wants her to inherit Cui's!" Li Xi said with gritted teeth.

Cui Ruilin was surprised, "Didn't you say it was for my eldest sister... my future brother-in-law."

"Does my eldest sister know?" Cui Ruilin asked again.

There are only two daughters in their family. Before, my father had no health problems, and the two sisters had never considered the issue of Cui's ownership.

Because my father was still young.

When my father was sick, my parents discussed it and didn't hide it from her. She was still young, and basically had nothing to do with her. My eldest sister was not very interested in managing the company, so the family planned to find a son-in-law for my eldest sister some time ago.

How come another daughter suddenly appeared, and this daughter was someone I knew.

"Call your eldest sister and ask her to come back." After thinking about it, Li Xi told his youngest daughter, "Ask your eldest sister to call Wang Zhicheng as well."

Liu Qinglin and Cheng Guo originally scheduled their wedding for early May. After Cheng Guo became pregnant, she squeezed into the subway during the morning rush hour to get off work. There were too many people, and she was squeezed and had spotting.

The doctor asked her to rest in bed and not to get too tired.

I took a leave of absence from work, got the marriage certificate first, and planned to postpone the wedding until the baby was pregnant.

It just so happened that Cui Zihua knew that Liu Qinglin was going to get married, and it was just right that it couldn't be held in May, so he asked Liu Qinglin to wait until he returned to Cui's house to hold the wedding later.

He wanted people to know that he also wanted to marry a daughter-in-law and have grandchildren.

Hearing that his pregnant daughter-in-law still squeezed into the subway to go to work, he waved his hand and gave Jiang Xue a luxury car.

"You don't have to pay this back, you can also give one to your sister-in-law. It doesn't have to be the same price, otherwise it's too high-profile. But it can't be too bad, otherwise the safety factor will not be good.

Your brother's car is not very good either, I'll transfer some more money to you, or you can help her replace your brother's car."

"Find a way to give it to my brother, I'll accept your car, how much is it

I'll give it to you. I'm not short of money, okay! Also, it's time to change my old car. I've been too busy to look at it. The one you chose is quite suitable for me. "

"As for my sister-in-law, I'll give it to her personally as her sister-in-law! If you want to give it back, you can give it to her openly!" Jiang Xue has been in contact with Cui Zihua more and more recently, and the two have become more familiar with each other.

They are so familiar that they can joke with each other. At the same time, Cui Zihua has also taught Jiang Xue a lot of management and business experience that no one can teach or learn from textbooks.

Then the Cheng family originally postponed the wedding because their daughter was pregnant, but they didn't set a deadline for the postponement, so they were a little dissatisfied with Liu Qinglin.

They also bought a house in the neighborhood of their father-in-law and mother-in-law, and also bought a house near Cheng Guo's unit, and renovated it. They thought that they didn't have any money. They could pay for it, but the wedding had to be held.

Having said that, the man still hasn't set a date.

Now many people know that the Cheng family is going to marry off their daughter. Will they be criticized for not holding a wedding?

Cheng's sister-in-law chatted with Cheng Guo's sister-in-law Jiang Ge about this. Cheng's sister-in-law guessed that Liu Qinglin was afraid of spending money, thinking that they had already obtained the marriage certificate and were pregnant, so they should save as much as possible.

Jiang Ge also thought so, but she still needed to maintain her sister-in-law, so she said: "No, Liu Qinglin is not such a stingy person, the two of them may have other plans."

Cheng's mother heard the conversation and scolded her sister-in-law.

"Qinglin's child is so young. It's normal to have no money after buying a house.

We can pay for the wedding. I have told the child. The child and my daughter have discussed it. Don't hold it for now. Guoguo said that her belly is getting bigger, and it won't look good in a wedding dress. If it doesn't work, we can hold it after the baby is born. But we won't not hold the wedding. We will definitely find a chance to hold it in the future. My son-in-law said so, so I believe it will be done. I believe in my son-in-law!"

Cheng Xiaogu was a little unhappy about what her sister-in-law said. After the people left, she said to Jiang Ge, "Your mother-in-law is the mother-in-law who is more and more satisfied with her son-in-law."

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