The old man was very happy.

"What's the background of Wang Zhicheng?" Jiang Xue asked.

Cui Zihua organized his words and explained to Jiang Xue.

"He is a friend of my brother Cui Ziqian. They grew up in the same circle. They played together when they were young, but they seemed to have a falling out when they were older. I don't know the specific details."

"Wang Zhicheng opened some entertainment venues in Hong Kong and the mainland."

"Saunas, foot baths, karaoke dance halls, etc. Everyone in the circle knows that there are few clean people running these industries, so most people don't want to marry their daughters there."

"This is also one of the reasons why my eldest daughter disagrees."

"In addition to this, it's also because the composition of the Wang family is too complicated."

"Oh?" Jiang Xue looked at Cui Zihua curiously.

"Because the Wang family has mines."

"There are coal mines and jade mines in the mainland. There are also some oil fields and minerals abroad."

"We made money in the mainland in the past few years, but due to the mainland's policies in recent years, it has become less and less profitable."

"At present, the Wang family is mainly engaged in some foreign businesses. On the surface, there are jewelry and import and export businesses, and they also do smuggling work behind the scenes. They just sell things from one country to another country abroad. They have their own connections in various countries and do a lot of business."

"Their family is different from ours who do business honestly and accumulate wealth."

"So I don't want my eldest daughter to be with him If he gets involved, he is not a good man, no matter his family or himself. "

"There is another reason. Wang Zhicheng has four brothers, and the oldest is about my age. He is the oldest son. His parents passed away two years ago. The head of the Wang family is Wang Zhicheng's eldest brother, Wang Zhili. The other brothers are also doing well. So no matter how big the Wang family's business is, it's just his brother who is more powerful. Basically, it has nothing to do with Wang Zhicheng. "

"Jiang Xue, aren't you going back to the mainland? Go back first. I will investigate Wang Zhicheng carefully. If it is really him, I will not let him go. "You still want to marry his daughter, it's just a dream.

After talking with Jiang Xue, Cui Zihua immediately had someone investigate Wang Zhicheng.

You don't know until you investigate. You know that just after the New Year, Wang Zhicheng's industries in the mainland were investigated and rectified. The operators involved in pornography, the people who introduce prostitution, and the owners of various stores were controlled.

Wang Zhicheng seemed to have been imprisoned, and was later exposed by the Wang family.

No criminal record, no need to go to jail.

Cui Zihua asked Li Xi if he knew that Jingqi and Wang Zhicheng were dating.

"I know." Li Xi said.

"Didn't I explain to you before that he was not good enough?" Cui Zihua asked doubtfully.

"I was not satisfied at first, but my daughter liked him. They have been dating secretly for several years."

Cui Zihua couldn't help frowning and took out the investigation report. Li Xi looked at it without much expression, obviously knowing it.

"I know, it's just closed for rectification. It can be reopened after rectification."

"Although he didn't inherit the Wang family, he also inherited a lot of shares and money, so he doesn't have to worry about money in the future.

In addition, he still has some ability. The entertainment company he is currently running is also doing well, and the profits of these stores he opened are also considerable."

"You said before that Cui's gave Jingqi who she married to you to choose, and now it's not given to her, why do you still care who she is dating!"

"I'm her father!!" Cui Zihua said with gritted teeth.

"You are now saying you are her father again. Your will and your divorce from me two days ago were so official. I thought my two children were not your biological children." Li Xi said sarcastically.

Unable to convince Li Xi, Cui Zihua knocked on his daughter's room and walked in.

Cui Jingqi's words were similar to Li Xi's.

"You said before that you would help me find a son-in-law. I gave up Wang Zhicheng and decided to listen to you because his family was too good or too capable. Now you are going to give your property to Jiang Xue. Why can't I choose him?"

"Do you think he has a good family and is capable?" Cui Zihua asked suspiciously.

"Of course, the Wang family is no worse than ours. Besides, you are prejudiced against him like many people, he is very powerful."

"There are so many brothers in the Wang family, and the industries they are engaged in are so complicated, but Wang Zhicheng organized prostitution, and he did all kinds of crimes and illegal things. How good can his character be?"

"Dad, you don't understand him, he is very self-disciplined! Besides, Wang Zhicheng said that he didn't know, and it was the people below who deceived the superiors and concealed the truth.

If he knew that it was illegal to do these things openly, he would have been in jail now. "

"In addition, I am still relieved about Wang Zhicheng's relationships with women. He is about the same age as my uncle, but compared to my uncle's girlfriends who change one after another, I have been studying abroad for these years, and he has been in the mainland and Hong Kong. Have you heard of his gossip?"

"He is a few years older than me, but he is more motivated and better than other young men I have met."

"Dad, I am an adult too. Don't worry about who I marry and who I fall in love with."

"You can control who I marry, but you can change my will and return the property to me, and I will listen to you."

Cui Zihua was almost vomiting blood because of anger!

Why didn't he realize that his wife and children were so confused before.

"Just talk about it, you are an adult too, don't think about getting living expenses from me anymore, go find your mother, go find Wang Zhicheng. "

"Also, tell Wang Zhicheng that if he marries you, I won't give you a penny as a dowry. He can't expect to get any benefit from the Cui family."

"I won't care if you come back crying in the future. I will change my will and donate your share after I die."

"I keep my word. In this way, I'll see if he is still willing to marry you."

"Dad! I'm your daughter. Why do you embarrass me and treat me like this?"

"How can I have a father like you?" Cui Jingqi cried in self-pity.

"I don't understand either. How could I give birth to such a stupid daughter like you. "

Cui Zihua left disappointed after saying this.

Cui Jingqi didn't let him go. During the struggle, Cui Zihua, who had not recovered yet, was stopped by Cui Jingqi's crying and stopped. He stopped her and pulled her arm. Then his eyes went dark. Cui Zihua immediately squatted down carefully to protect himself from falling. His mind was confused and he slowly lost consciousness.

It was unknown how long he fainted, maybe a few seconds or a few minutes.

When he woke up, his eldest daughter just stared at him blankly.

"Jingqi...did you call...the doctor?" Cui Zihua asked weakly.

"Oh, Dad, you're awake. I'm so scared. I'll go call him right away." He ran back quickly.

Cui Zihua looked at the clock in the room. At this moment, the last bit of warmth in his daughter's eyes was gone.

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