Liu Yan was stunned by the beating. She thought Cui Zihua only beat her brother and not her. Who would have thought that he would suddenly slap her in the face. Liu Yan's first reaction was to explain, "I will marry again later. I don't have the ability, and my husband's family won't let me take him there, but I have paid for his expenses since he was a child." "I don't think I have done anything to let him down." So she felt that she shouldn't be beaten. "Then you know that your son is in your own mother's house, and your eldest brother's children bully him, and your eldest brother beats him. They punish him by not giving him food and locking him in the cowshed." Cui Zihua asked with gritted teeth. "They didn't do that in front of me..." Liu Yan said timidly. "Then do you know about this? Did you stop it?" Cui Zihua asked these two questions in a harsh voice.

Liu Yan was so scared that she trembled and moved closer to her second brother, afraid that she would continue to be beaten.

Liu's second brother, Liu Chuanxi, was a little scared, but he still stood in front of his sister when he saw his sister was so scared. "She was a woman, and those years were also difficult. The family was in trouble. After getting married, her mother-in-law was very fierce. Her husband had to make money to pay off the debts and support Jiang Xue and her children."

"Jiang Xue was ignored by her, let alone Qinglin."

"And Qinglin, my sister kept giving money to him until he graduated from junior high school. If she was also deceived by my eldest brother at that time, she would definitely not choose to give birth to him. You should beat my eldest brother."

Liu Dong looked at his brother with a petrified face.

No, you should speak fairly if you want to. You should also consider your brother's position.

Aren't we brothers? You suggest that others beat me? ?

Are you okay!

"She did give money, but she probably knows that the money can't be spent on the child at all." Cui Zihua said this to Liu Chuanxi.

"From childhood to adulthood, apart from the child support for your mother Qinglin and the money for your eldest brother, have you ever given a penny to the son she gave birth to? Did you only give him money secretly?" Cui Zihua continued to question Liu Yan.

"During the Chinese New Year, you gave New Year's money to the children of your two brothers, but missed him. You still think you have done nothing to him."

"When you chose to climb into my bed, you did it with the purpose of getting pregnant. Don't say you had no choice. If you had no choice, you could have chosen to call the police.

No one can disobey your will and force you to do these things. You want to be a whore and want to be a saint.

If you insisted on aborting him at that time, I believe you would have been able to abort him.

He has no ability to choose whether to come into this world, but since you finally chose to give birth to him, whether you have your own reasons or not, you should be responsible for him."

After saying these words, Cui Zihua also felt a little tired.

Sitting on the real sofa, looking at the three people.

The three of them were a little uneasy. They didn't know how to refute what Cui Zihua said.

Especially Liu Yan, she was in a state of shame and anger when Cui Zihua said her state at that time so rudely.

She couldn't do anything, but continued to look at her eldest brother with hatred.

"Okay, I've vented my anger. If you have anything to say to me, just get out of here."

The three people shook their heads hurriedly.

Liu Dong originally planned to ask for money and child support, but he didn't dare to speak after being beaten.

He was afraid that Cui Zihua would beat him again after he spoke.

"Then sign the document." Cui Zihua motioned Liu Dong to come over and sign.

He stood up shakily and looked at the document Cui Zihua asked him to sign. After reading it carefully, he didn't want to sign it from the bottom of his heart.

This is a document to terminate the adoption relationship.

If he signed it, Liu Qinglin, this child, has really been raised in vain for so many years.

"I admit that I was not very kind to him at that time."

"It was just when he was younger. Later, your son was very powerful and beat my two boys very hard."

"I never beat him again and treated him badly." Because he would retaliate, he would take it out on his two children when he was wronged. If he didn't beat them himself, he could find someone to help him.

"I have no merits, but I have worked hard. I can sign it, but you should at least show your appreciation." Liu Dong saw that Cui Zihua's expression was much calmer, but he still didn't suppress his greed and expressed his thoughts.

As soon as he finished speaking, Cui Zihua raised his hand, and he was slapped by the bodyguards waiting on the side.

Liu Dong spit out a mouthful of blood.

"What did you raise? Didn't your mother feed you?"

"You are the one who is in charge of the matter.

The credit for the household registration is yours."

"Besides, your sister gave me money. What hard work did you do?"

"You stained my carpet. It's disgusting. I won't let you pay for it. It's a compensation for your mother raising him." After saying that, he signaled the bodyguard beside him and asked the lawyer to add this and print a new copy.

There was blood on Liu Dong's lips. After hearing what Cui Zihua said, he swallowed it hard and didn't dare to spit it out.

"As for you..." Cui Zihua said and looked at Liu Yan.

Liu Yan waved her hand hurriedly, "I don't want money."

"I will sign whatever you want me to sign." Liu Yan said quickly.

Cui Zihua smiled, "You are my son's biological mother anyway."

"I did pay money to support him. I am not a person who can't tell right from wrong. "

After saying that, Cui Zihua took out a stack of 10,000 yuan from the drawer of the coffee table and counted out 160,000 yuan.

"He went out to work after he turned 16. The cost you gave him should not exceed 10,000 yuan a year. I will give you 10,000 yuan a year. This is 160,000 yuan. It is my thank you."

The money was placed on the coffee table, and Liu Yan did not dare to take it.

She looked at the carpet that was spit on by her eldest brother. How could it be worth 200,000 yuan?

With this money, you can buy a small house.

Who would buy a carpet?

She was afraid that if she took the 160,000 yuan, she would spit it out in other names.

"I don't want the money. As you said, I gave birth to him and have the responsibility to raise him." Liu Yan refused.

"Oh?" Cui Zihua was quite surprised. He thought she would be eager to accept the money.

"Are you sure?" Cui Zihua asked.

Liu Yan looked at the money and wavered in her heart, but finally nodded firmly, "I don't want it. "

Liu Dong was so angry.

Why are you pretending to be so noble?

You don't want it, but I want it. You can take it down first and give it to me later.

He wanted to remind him, but he didn't dare to say it.

"You still have three children. If you don't want the money, then don't take it. But don't worry about the future. I will let Qinglin and your other three children help you in your old age and see you to the end of your life."

Liu Yan wanted to complain. It's like Jiang Xue said, an average of more than 200 yuan a month, right? With one more child to share the burden, everyone will pay less for the old-age money.

She just thought about it in her heart and didn't dare to say it out loud.

The lawyer took out a newly printed paper and asked Liu Dong to sign it. Liu Dong was reluctant, but he still signed his name and pressed his handprint.

I thought everything was over, but Cui Zihua spoke again: "Liu Yan, your two children are in Kyoto, right? They are my son's brothers and sisters, and Jiang Xue is also, and they are sent to do such hard work.

I am very satisfied with your performance today. Don't be angry even if I hit you. As a father, even if he is made of clay, he would be angry if he heard that his son had been tortured so much.

I will help your two children find easy and promising jobs when they return. "

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