The more you go, the more you will be in trouble.

Jiang Xue was confused by Yu Juan's remarks and didn't know how to answer.

On second thought, this idea didn't seem to be a problem, so she gave Yu Juan an idea, "If you have money, you can go to a sperm bank abroad to select sperm and transplant it into your body to have a baby yourself."

"Domestic laws and regulations don't allow it for the time being."

"This kind of thing can only be done by foreigners, and we don't know the IQ, EQ, and intelligence of sperm. I know a very smart boy who looks okay. Do you think I can have a baby with him secretly?" Yu Juan asked doubtfully.

"This is not a good idea..." Jiang Xue answered uncertainly.

"According to our country's laws, even if the woman gives birth to a child without the man's consent, the man must bear the responsibility of raising and educating the child. Generally, men probably don't want to be lent sperm..." Jiang Xue said uncertainly.

"Then it has been lent, he doesn't know, don't tell him about the child, do you think it's okay?" Yu Juan asked again.

"What do you mean??? What do you mean it has been lent?" Jiang Xue asked incredulously.

"I'm pregnant." Yu Juan said calmly.

She was shy about this matter, and she deliberately said this in a calm tone.

Seeing Jiang Xue's shocked look, she felt even more embarrassed.

"I'll digest it..."

"You said you were pregnant." Jiang Xue said, looking at her belly and asked, "How many months."

"Just got pregnant, I bought a pregnancy test stick, two bars, I haven't gone to the hospital to confirm it yet." Yu Juan answered.

"Who is the father of the child? Is he unwilling to take responsibility, or what, what made you decide to secretly give birth to the child?" Jiang Xue asked again.

"He and I are not in love."

"The pregnancy was just an accident. We were infatuated and had sex after drinking. Hormones were at work. That's how it can be considered."

"He didn't know I was pregnant either."

"There's a big gap between him and me. The age gap and the education gap mean we are not the same kind of people." Yu Juan was a little frustrated when she said this.

"How many years difference in age? Is he a college student? That's nothing. You are very good. Education doesn't mean anything. For example, my sister-in-law didn't care about my brother's low education before." But my sister-in-law's parents cared a lot at the time, but Jiang Xue didn't say this.

"The gap between a doctor from a prestigious university and a junior high school student who has a junior high school diploma but doesn't necessarily have junior high school knowledge reserves." Yu Juan said with a wry smile.

"The age difference is also three or four years."

Jiang Xue thought that the other party was studying for a doctorate or had a doctorate, and was three or four years older than Yu Juan.

She didn't consider the three or four years younger at all.

"Besides, I don't want to get married. I think I can raise a child by myself. Many families have fathers, but the role of fathers is not that big."

"Instead of facing problems such as cheating, domestic violence, widowed marriage, and mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship after marriage, it is better not to get married."

"I won't get married, I won't tell him, and I will give birth to this child secretly. The child's father has a high IQ, is tall, looks good, and has very good genes. Do you think this is okay? Isn't it a bit immoral?" Yu Juan asked worriedly.

"He doesn't even know that you have to bear the difficulties of childbirth and raising children, and he just gave sperm, so don't talk about morality. When you did it, you should have thought about the possibility of pregnancy, but did you make this decision based on careful consideration and a responsible attitude towards yourself and your future children?"

"You have the courage to bear the consequences, and you don't regret it in the future."

"Whether to give birth or not, your uterus, only you can decide." Jiang Xue expressed her own views on this matter.

"Well, I will consider it carefully." Yu Juan answered solemnly.

"Then when we get to S City, I'll take you to the hospital to confirm it?" Jiang Xue asked.

"Thank you, Jiang Xue. Fortunately, you are here. Otherwise, I don't know who to tell these things to."

"I'll check the hospitals near the hotel on my phone and take you there for a check-up tomorrow morning." Jiang Xue said, and immediately took out her phone to check.


After Jiang Xue checked, she made an appointment for the obstetrics and gynecology department tomorrow morning on her phone.

Thinking of what happened to people around her recently, Jiang Xue said with emotion: "I dreamed of the scene of us setting off fireworks together during the Chinese New Year a few days ago. It feels like it's only been a short time. It feels like everyone has grown up. My brother got married and had a child, Tan Xiao will get married soon, and you are pregnant too. You may have a baby in a few months. And Chen Hua is also married. I heard that the child is almost one year old and is now taken care of by the girl's parents." As for Chen Hua, Jiang Xue didn't

Yes, but because the wedding was held in his hometown, he couldn't go back and forth on the same day because it was too far.

Liu Qinglin went and brought a gift money to Jiang Xue.

The person he married was a customer service girl in their Taobao store.

The two worked together and soon fell in love. After she got pregnant, Chen Hua went to the girl's house to propose, and then took the girl to meet her grandparents and got married.

"What about you and Xu Mo? When are you going to get married?" Yu Juan asked.

"I have no plans to get married or have children. I just think that the little baby in my brother's house is noisy. I have been in contact with him. He is more annoying than cute when he is asleep and wakes up."

Yu Juan smiled, "He will be cute when he grows up."

"You have been dating for four years, right? Have you never considered getting married?" Yu Juan asked puzzled.

"The marriage system seems a bit anti-human to me. People are inherently a little tired of the old and like the new. The marriage certificate can only restrict some people, not everyone." Jiang Xue said.

"People who are restrained rely on self-discipline, not external discipline. This kind of people, even if they don't have a marriage certificate, they have their own set of self-discipline standards."

"I am a person who can restrain myself, but I can't bet 100% on Xu Mo."

"We are actually almost married now, just missing a piece of paper, but with that piece of paper, if we get divorced in the future, my car, house, and company may be divided into half for him. He will use my money to marry another beautiful girl and raise their children, then I will lose a lot."

"Not getting married can avoid this problem." If you don't get married, you don't have to talk about marital property agreements and prenuptial agreements.

If you really get married, she thinks it's very hurtful to talk about these things.

So not getting married is the best plan.

Yu Juan frowned. She agreed with what Jiang Xue said, and felt that if they really loved each other, they shouldn't mind these external factors. In her eyes, Xu Mo and Jiang Xue are particularly well matched in terms of appearance, education, and IQ.

She thought they would get married naturally.

"Do you love Xu Mo?" Yu Juan asked doubtfully.

"Of course." Jiang Xue answered affirmatively.

Without any hesitation.

Jiang Xue guessed why Yu Juan asked this question. If you love someone, why don't you get married just because you are afraid that half of your property will be divided in case of divorce.

Yu Juan probably thinks like most people that if you love someone, you should form a family with that person, and love should be unswerving and regardless of gains and losses.

"I love Xu Mo, but I love myself more."

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