After a long time, the two of them were still in a mess.

When they arrived at the place where they had agreed to meet Jiang Hang, Jiang Hui, who was wearing glasses, was standing next to Jiang Hang.

When she saw him, she just said hello.

Then he rode ahead of her.

Jiang Xue sat on the back seat of Jiang Hang's bicycle. While Jiang Hang was riding, he listened to him chattering a lot.

What about the dog at grandma's house gave birth to a litter of seven puppies.

How many points did he get in the last exam? How many points did Jiang Hui get.

Proud that Jiang Hui's test score was not as high as his, he asked her if it was fun to go out to work, and whether S City was really like what they saw on TV.

Thinking of meeting him in the last life, he was wearing glasses, and he looked gentle and refined, which was too different from his childhood.

But he was exactly the same as the Jiang Hang in his childhood memory, with endless things to say and full of energy.

Jiang Xue followed his topic, and after they both arrived at grandma's house, they were still not satisfied with the chat.

He wanted to stay at grandma's house for dinner, but was dragged away by Jiang Hui.

When they arrived at grandma's house, they were also questioned.

Asked how she had been doing in the past six months.

Inquired about how much money she made and what job she was doing.

"Your parents are under a lot of pressure. They borrowed money to buy a house in the county. The income in the county is not as much as before working outside. It is very difficult to support your brother and sister to go to school in the county. Since you have already graduated and gone out to work, you should help your mother earn money for two years. When you are old enough, you can find a husband and save some dowry for yourself."

"They don't have to buy a house if they are under a lot of pressure. I want to make money for my own education. This time I came back to take the exam."

Grandma couldn't believe it, "Didn't you drop out of school? Why are you coming back to take the exam?"

"Keep your student status, you need to come back to take the exam at the end of the semester, and you have to come back to take the high school entrance exam next year."

"Do you still want to go to high school and college?" Grandma Jiang asked in surprise.

"Yes, like my elder sister." After Jiang Xue finished speaking, she saw disapproval in Grandma Jiang's eyes, "Your grades are much worse than your elder sister's, and your brain is not as good as hers. Go to work properly. Taking leave to come back will waste time and salary. It's so difficult to get into high school, don't do useless things."

"Try it." Jiang Xue did not jump out to refute, but just smiled and said try.

Refutation will only lead to endless self-proof and debate.

Time will prove everything.

The number of junior high school students in the town who are admitted to the county's No. 1 Middle School every year can be counted on two hands.

The school has more than 300 candidates, plus the non-key high schools such as No. 2 Middle School, No. 3 Middle School and No. 4 Middle School, the number of students who can go to high school every year does not exceed 30.

Students and parents who do not pay much attention to learning, as well as backward educational resources are all reasons.

This is also the reason why my elder sister was able to get into high school and then into college, and the whole family thinks she is excellent.

Aunt Jiang, apart from anything else, is really a very far-sighted parent. She is very strict with the studies of her three children.

Especially after Jiang Xian was admitted to university, Jiang Hui, who failed the high school entrance examination, was directly forced to repeat the first grade by Aunt Jiang. The naughty Jiang Hang was even more controlled by her and locked in the room to do homework every day.

During the summer and winter vacations, Jiang Xian came back to tutor her two younger brothers.

So the three children of Uncle Jiang's family in the previous life all went to high school and university.

When it comes to children's education, Aunt Jiang has always been one step ahead of Jiang's mother.

Jiang Lu and Jiang Chao failed to get into high school in the previous life, and finally went to technical secondary school.

But Jiang's mother did not look for her own reasons.

Instead, she thought that the children were too stupid and not working hard enough.

It was not until Jiang Xue was admitted to university in the previous life that she was proud of herself.

She began to look at her straight in the eye and tried to ease the relationship with her.


Jiang Xue had dinner at her uncle's house and refused her aunt's invitation to let Jiang Xue sleep at her house.

Jiang Xue took the key and went back to her room with her aunt, holding the bedding prepared by her grandmother.

The young aunt helped her make the bed. When she left, she said to her, "You are right to study hard and pass the exam. Come on."

Jiang Xue smiled and nodded.

She lay on the bed, looking at the ceiling above her head, and slowly relaxed.

Her mother should be back tomorrow, and she didn't know what would happen then.

But just thinking about facing her made her feel tired.

There is an exam tomorrow, so why not run by yourself after the exam in the afternoon.

Take a bus to the county town, and then take a bus to the city.

After finishing the house business in the city, go back to S City.

With this idea, Jiang Xue added the feasibility in her heart.

The other party in the direct conflict is her mother. She is angry every time, and she will hurt the enemy by 8,000 and herself by 10,000. There is nothing she can do to her.


If you can't afford to offend, you can afford to hide.

Just run away tomorrow.

Just do it!

Covered with a cotton quilt full of sunshine, Jiang Xue fell asleep peacefully.

She got up early the next day and went to her grandmother's house for breakfast. After breakfast, she rode her bike to school. After the English test in the morning, she felt that she had basically got all the answers right.

At noon, Jiang Xue bought some fruits and had dinner at Teacher Yang's house as agreed. The teacher's wife was also at home. She handed over the tuition for the next semester to Teacher Yang and asked him to help her register.

When the results came out, she asked Teacher Yang to help her get the transcript.

"Such a good and obedient child, but your parents don't love her well." The teacher's wife looked at her with loving eyes.

"Some people may have a shallow relationship." After Jiang Xue said this, the teacher's wife looked at her with more loving eyes.

During the chat, Jiang Xue also learned some things about Teacher Yang's wife and Tian Yuan's mother.

Teacher Yang and Tian Yuan's mother were both students of the Normal College. The two fell in love when they were in college.

As graduation was approaching, Tian Yuan's mother was pregnant, and the two families discussed marriage.

Tian Yuan's mother was from S City. After graduation, her family was demolished and their lives became better and better. They got married despite the inequality between the two families.

After marriage, they lived in S City and worked in the grassroots system. The salary was not high, and there were a lot of social relationships.

After returning home, the two quarreled constantly and divorced peacefully within two years.

After the divorce, the child went with the mother who had better conditions. Teacher Yang couldn't stand the intrigues at work at that time, so he resigned, returned to his hometown, and continued to teach.

After a few years, he met his current teacher's wife and got married.

It's not that they don't have children, but one of the children fell into a pond and drowned when he was a child.

At one time, the teacher's wife couldn't stand it and almost died with the child.

His health also became bad.

Later, he slowly recovered, but he didn't have any more children. Instead, he used his meager salary to help some students in need.

Jiang Xue suddenly understood why Teacher Yang, who couldn't swim in his previous life, would save another drowned child.

He must have wished that there was someone like him who could save his child.

After leaving the teacher's house, he continued to take the exam in the afternoon and patiently finished the last test paper.

He should have done well this time, as the school test paper was relatively simple.

After saying goodbye to his friends, Jiang Xue planned to go back to the hotel to pack up and take the last bus to leave.

Before he reached the school gate, Jiang Xue saw Jiang's mother standing at the gate looking around.

After a short distance, Jiang Xue warned herself in her heart to treat it with a normal heart. No matter whether what she said was right or wrong, she should not debate or argue with her, and be mentally prepared. Jiang Xue walked not far from Jiang's mother and called out, "Mom."

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