The new experience was only for two days, and the car was parked in the parking space downstairs most of the time.

There were not many opportunities to drive. As the year was coming to an end, the cram school and home were only two points. I didn't have to go to the cram school every day, but I didn't stop studying. I got a lot of high school entrance examination papers from the cram school to do.

After finishing, the teacher corrected them and explained them according to the weak parts.

At the same time, Jiang Xue was also looking at high school courses. The high school entrance examination was not the end, and there was a more difficult college entrance examination, so she started learning in advance.

Because she had taken leave to go back for the exam before, the cram school teacher who took her learned that her hometown was in the countryside, and she came to their cram school for tutoring because she worked and made money but didn't give up her studies.

He still had to take the final exams and the high school entrance exam next year. He did not give up the high school entrance exam, so the teacher automatically added an image of him in his mind, that of a poor rural girl who worked hard for her studies.

Who knew that this impression only lasted a few days, and he saw this poor rural girl he thought of driving a car worth 100,000 or 200,000 yuan to tutor.

"Aren't you short of money?" asked Mr. Wu from the tutoring class.

"I made some money from my small business, so I'm not short of money." Jiang Xue replied.

Mr. Wu: "..."

"What's wrong?" Jiang Xue was puzzled.

"Before, I thought your family was in financial difficulty. Since you are doing some small business here, I should be able to do without you. What are your plans for high school?" Mr. Wu asked.

"I plan to contact the high school I'm admitted to after I finish the high school entrance examination. If they are willing to issue a transfer certificate, I may find a high school in S to study on a temporary basis. I will go back in the last semester of the senior year." Teacher Wu nodded, "Have you chosen a temporary school?"

Jiang Xue shook her head: "No, because everything depends on my junior high school entrance examination results. In addition, our results there may not be recognized by the schools here. We'll see when the time comes. If it doesn't work, I'll find a private high school to study on a temporary basis." She has the experience of her previous life. In this life, she should be able to do well in the exams by self-study and studying in cram schools.

In addition, she is actually not sure how long she can stay in S City, including which university to apply for and what major to study. She has not made a decision yet.

The last time she went back to F City, the reason for buying a house was not only because her student status was there, No. 1 Middle School was the best choice, but also because she had plans to make cosmetics and brands in the future. If she has the ability to build her own cosmetics processing factory in the future, she may set up her base in the newly built F City Industrial Park in a few years.

If she doesn't choose S City, the cost of big cities is high and the burden is heavy.

In the next few years, I have the impression that in order to establish the image of an international city, many manufacturing industries can only choose to move.

In this case, let's solve it from the source first.

However, it is too early to say this now. There are still too few people who can use it.

In addition, domestic cosmetics and skin care products have been completely squeezed by Japan and South Korea in 2008, including in the next few years, and there is no room for growth. If she plans to take this path, she will have to make a lot of preparations and efforts.

"I know your grades. If you plan to study in S City, you can consider the high school department of Experimental Middle School."

"I consider it. It doesn't necessarily require me. Even if it is a part-time study, it is difficult to enter the Experimental High School." Jiang Xue certainly considered it, but the Experimental High School is notoriously difficult to enter. The requirements for students in this city are very strict, let alone those from other cities.

"Since I mentioned it, I must think you can go. I didn't tell you before that I thought you might not be able to afford the high tuition fees. Now it seems that you should have enough money."

"The tuition fees are not a burden." Jiang Xue immediately expressed her attitude.

"Do well in the high school entrance exam. I can see your efforts and talent. My wife is a teacher at the Experimental Middle School. When your high school entrance exam results come out, I will ask her to take you to try the assessment of the borrowing class. In the face of absolute results, I will give you the green light, but the Experimental High School has a borrowing class, and the overall learning atmosphere may not be as good as the class in the school, but with your self-control, I believe you will definitely be admitted to the ideal university in three years."

Teacher Wu was also a teacher in a key junior high school before.

Suddenly, his family encountered misfortune. The salary of teachers in tutoring institutions outside was much higher than that of the school. He made up his mind and quit his iron rice bowl in the school and started to be a tutor.

In the tutoring class, he had the fullest classes and his salary was indeed much higher than that of the school.

The generous salary also comforted him to quit the teaching job that everyone envied.

He himself was a new citizen who passed the exam in a small town and stayed in S City, so for Jiang Xue who also came from a small place, out of a teacher's love for talent, he could help her.

Want to help.

Jiang Xue is the most calm and focused child he has ever seen, not impatient or impatient.

Study with a plan and purpose.

As long as this kind of child continues to be stable, he will definitely have a great future.

"Thank you, Teacher Wu!" Jiang Xue thanked him solemnly.


At the same time, the express delivery company that Liu Qinglin cooperated with stopped operating, and he also started to take a vacation.

Chen Hua and Yu Juan were busy selling rice balls, and they were very busy.

He calculated the bills of the past few months. It happened that he hadn't seen his sister for several days, so he planned to go to his sister's house, and the two of them divided the money.

Liu Qinglin started his Taobao store in mid-October last year.

At that time, he and Jiang Xue each invested 30,000 yuan, and Jiang Xue later added 100,000 as a deposit for the second batch of goods. The initial order of 300 boxes was 40,000, and a small amount of goods was purchased. The computer rent was about 10,000.

At the end of November, all 200 boxes had been sold, with a revenue of nearly 100,000 and a profit of 54,000.

Adding the profit from small items and the remaining money, the total is 80,000.

As the number of things increased, it was inconvenient to send and receive express delivery in the house that he rented that was not on the first floor.

He found a new house and paid a quarter of rent.

He bought computers, shelves, tables and chairs.

The staff also changed from him and Chen Hua to five people.

The store stocked more small commodities and also got lower prices.

In addition to the 100,000 deposit for the boxes, he paid another 50,000 for the goods. After settling the employees' wages, all the income was basically spent, and only a few hundred yuan was left.

In December and before the holiday in January, 300 boxes were sold, with 150,000 in account and more than 80,000 in profit.

After deducting the cost of other small commodities and the various expenses of workers' wages, he made 50,000 in one and a half months.

Jiang Xue Makeup School deducted the discount and the referral fee to the female teacher, and the account was nearly 100,000.

This order also made a profit of 50,000.

At this point, his store was truly profitable.

He now has 280,000 yuan at his disposal.

There is still a balance of 210,000 yuan for the makeup case.

There is no rush for this, no need to settle it all at once, just set aside 100,000 yuan for backup.

Liu Qinglin called Jiang Xue over this time just to divide the money they had invested at the beginning, 160,000 yuan together.

The remaining 20,000 yuan, 10,000 yuan each.

Carrying the vegetables and money, he arrived at his sister's house. She had gone to the cram school and had not returned yet. Liu Qinglin took out his spare key and entered the room first.

While washing the vegetables under the kitchen faucet, he could see downstairs from the kitchen window sill and saw Jiang Xue getting down from the driver's seat of a white car.

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