After the renovation, she had to go and see how her house was decorated.

Jiang Xue arrived in F City on the 12th and went to the new house to check. The hard decoration of the new house had been completed. She came back to inspect the house this time. If there were no problems, she would pay all the money.

Basically, the decoration was done according to her requirements. There were also some points that she was not satisfied with and could not stand. Jiang Xue asked the designer to redo the work.

She bought curtains and furniture for the house while she had time.

To prevent odors, if she planned to move in later, she only needed to buy home appliances.

If she went to S City to study in high school, she might not live in this house for long.

When she bought this house, she planned to live in No. 1 Middle School for three years of high school, and also because of the future increase in the price of houses near No. 1 Middle School.

The current No. 1 Middle School is in the old campus. In a few years, the No. 1 Middle School will expand the enrollment and there will not be enough space, so all the students will move to the new campus, because the location of the No. 1 Middle School is equivalent to the city center.

Later, she plans to study on a temporary basis. There are tutors in S City to help her, so her grades should be fine. Now she just needs to wait for the exams and the results to come out, and see what the school here says. If the No. 1 Middle School disagrees, she can go to the No. 1 Middle School in the county, as long as the No. 1 Middle School in the county is willing to let her go.

If the No. 1 Middle School in the county also disagrees, she can go to No. 2 Middle School or No. 3 Middle School.

In this case, this house is a bit redundant.

Let's put it aside first, it will go up after all.

Now she has to take the exam first, and the results must be very eye-catching. Only in this way can she have the capital to negotiate these things.

On the morning of the 15th, Jiang Xue rushed back to the county and stayed in the hotel that had been booked in advance.

Teacher Yang and his friends arrived at the hotel in the afternoon, and Jiang Xue appeared in the hotel at the agreed time.

Entering the hotel, some memories of the high school entrance examination in the previous life gradually revived. The rooms booked by the school for students have two price levels.

One is the standard room, which costs 50 per night and has two beds.

The second is the dormitory, which costs 20 per night. There is a mattress on the ground, with men and women on each side. Many people sleep in one room, and the teacher also sleeps in the dormitory.

The price is not so expensive at ordinary times. During the high school entrance examination, the rooms are tight, so the store has raised the price. Not only the store booked by the school has raised the price, but the whole county has basically raised the price.

When she took the high school entrance examination in her previous life, her mother gave her the money for the dormitory, but she had the money in Grandpa Jiang's book, so after she arrived in the county, considering the environment on both sides, she upgraded herself to a standard room.

After the upgrade, she found that it was not much more expensive, because she was sharing the room fee with other girls who had booked the standard room before, so it was only a little more expensive than living in a dormitory.

With money in hand, she ate like her classmates during those days, bought snacks and small treats, and went to the Internet cafe and bookstore with her classmates.

She bought nice stationery, and Jiang Xue secretly bought herself a few novels. Jiang Xue still remembers that they were Ming Xiaoxi's novels, Ming Ruo Xiaoxi Part 2 and Part 3.

When she was in junior high school, her classmates brought her the first part and she read it twice. She always wanted to know the following plot. This time she saw it in the bookstore. One book was 18 yuan and the other was 25 yuan, which was 43 yuan in total. She hesitated for a long time in the bookstore and finally decided to buy both.

She didn't remember how many times she read those two books later. Jiang Xue still remembers the names of the heroine and the male protagonist and the male supporting role in the book, as well as the names of the two books. One is called the brightest sunshine in winter, and the other is, a hopeless fairy tale.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xue plans to find an opportunity to go to that bookstore again and buy all three books in that series.

The bookstore seems to be not far from the examination room.

This book was something she had been dreaming about since she was young, and it was one of the few books she had ever gotten.

I may not read it again after buying it, but putting it there is also a kind of encouragement for me.

Thinking back to reality, Jiang Xue found Teacher Yang, who took out the admission ticket from her bag and handed it to her, "Take the exam well tomorrow, don't lose the admission ticket, be sure to bring all the pens and rulers, and don't forget to write your name." Teacher Yang knew that Jiang Xue was a child who could be trusted, but she couldn't help nagging.

"Yeah, I will prepare the exam things carefully, take the exam carefully, and don't make low-level mistakes, Teacher Yang, don't worry."

"The teacher believes in you."

"By the way, Teacher Yang, are Chen Ting and the others here for the exam?"

"Yes, Xing Lili, help me call Chen Ting and the others, and tell them that Jiang Xue is here." Teacher Yang shouted to a girl not far away. Before Jiang Xue came, the two students were asking why Jiang Xue would come to take the exam.

After a while,

Chen Ting and Ma Linlin both ran down from upstairs and saw Jiang Xue and said happily: "You are back for the exam!"

Teacher Yang saw a few girls chatting and went to do other things.

"Jiang Xue, do you have a place to stay? We have discussed with the students who booked the standard room before. We will give them some extra money and squeeze into the standard room with them. There are too many people in the dormitory! Do you want to squeeze in with us?" Ma Linlin asked with concern.

"I have a place to stay. Isn't Su Yuqing with you?" Jiang Xue asked puzzledly when she saw only two people.

"Her mother came with her to prepare for the exam. She didn't come with us. There is also your cousin. He and a group of boys in our class, Jiang Yu and Liu Qiang, also found a house outside. I knew it earlier and I would have found a hotel outside with other people in the class. The one booked by the school was too crowded and too crowded." Ma Linlin looked a little lonely when she talked about Su Yuqing, and she felt a little regretful when she talked about other people looking for houses outside. Thinking of the environment in the hotel, Ma Linlin's emotions were too normal. In her previous life, she was also a person who participated in the complaints.

"You seem to be in the same examination room as me. I found a hotel near the examination room. It only takes a few minutes to walk to the examination room. Do you want to tell the teacher to stay there with me? This way, you don't have to get up early to take the bus to the examination room tomorrow, and you can go back to the hotel to rest at noon."

The two were crazy excited because of Jiang Xue's words. The candidates in their school lived together. Some were close to the examination room, which was fine, but if they were far away, it would take time to go back and forth on the road.

In addition, even if they discussed with the girls in the standard room to squeeze together, it would still be crowded to sleep with two beds together.

Not only that, there were too many people and it was too noisy. They couldn't calm down even if they wanted to read more books before the exam.

Many of the classmates went out to find a house to live in. The house they found was better than the school environment and closer to the examination room.

I just don't know if the teacher will let them go since they have already booked it.

"Is it expensive? How much is it per night?" Chen Ting asked hesitantly.

"Don't worry about whether it's expensive or cheap. I'll treat you. When you make money in the future, you can come back."

Chen Ting was still a little hesitant. When Ma Linlin heard that Jiang Xue was treating her, she immediately pulled Chen Ting to tell the teacher in charge.

At the corner of the stairs, Chen Ting grabbed Ma Linlin, "Linlin, I don't think this is a good idea. Let's stay in the hotel that the school provides. This will take advantage of Jiang Xue too much."

"Jiang Xue has a job and should not need this money. I want to go, you have to accompany me. At worst, as Jiang Xue said, we can make up for it when we have money in the future. I'll go to the teacher and tell him that I'm going. You go to the room and pack our things. That's it, go quickly." Chen Ting could only listen to Ma Linlin and go back to the room to pack.

The teacher was reluctant to let them go at first, saying that it was already decided.

After the statistics were done, Ma Linlin pestered the teacher for a while, and the teacher returned the money. She also went back to the room to see if there was anything missing.

Jiang Xue waited for more than 20 minutes before two people came down with a bag each. Jiang Xue planned to take a taxi, but the two wanted to take her to the bus. They said they had asked the front desk how to get there, and took her to find it. The three of them took the bus to the hotel, which was shaking for more than half an hour.

After arriving at the hotel, Ma Linlin, who was originally determined, hesitated when she learned that Jiang Xue had booked a separate room for them.

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