The two sides agreed to cooperate.

Jiang Xue took out the partner distribution contract that had been prepared by the lawyer.

Xu Wenyang could choose two options. One was that he didn't have to invest a penny, and with his current technology, he could get a 10% equity share.

Another option was that the company needed to invest 1 million yuan in the early stage, and the other party could invest 300,000 yuan and get a 20% equity share.

After reading it roughly, Xu Wenyang threw the document on the table and said dissatisfiedly: "Even if I invest 300,000 yuan and get 20%, it's too little. I am willing to invest more money and have a larger share."

"As the founder, I must guarantee my right to speak in the future. I see your value, let me show you ours."

After that, Jiang Xue handed the information she had prepared to Xu Wenyang.

The data inside is the growth rate and sales volume of her brother's two Taobao stores.

Especially the second one, which made a product popular in a short period of time, the data is very good.

There are also some merchants that Jiang Xue has cooperated with, the data after their own promotion, as well as the fan growth ratio, the number of views of posts and blogs, etc.

While Xu Wenyang was watching, Jiang Xue said her thoughts: "First of all, I plan to give up offline and only do online."

"We can't be like some big companies and big brands. They have money. They can invest in TV ads and magazines for marketing. We don't have as much money as them, and our brand awareness is not as loud as them. If we choose the same way as them, then we will be courting death. So I plan to give up traditional marketing methods and only do online promotion."

"Not only that, I plan to give up offline sales platforms and only focus on online. If we do offline, the payment period and the pressure on payment can drag down the company's cash flow. I would rather use the money we invested on products. So what we need is to become popular overnight and quickly earn the first pot of gold."

Xu Wenyang nodded in agreement.

This is also the reason why he chose Jiang Xue. Her ideas are really too advanced.

When many brands did not pay much attention to the online market, she not only saw it, but also gathered some influence.

Jiang Xue is different from traditional brand companies. Choosing online is a shortcut. No one has taken this road yet. Whether it can succeed is still unknown.

"Last time I told you that selling people as a brand is very important for me to make a big splash in the early stage."

"So you should also be able to see how important I am in our current cooperation system."

Xu Wenyang nodded in agreement, but still had doubts: "Your fan base may be a big hit in the early stage, but a product cannot be short-lived. Your fan base alone is not enough. How can you guarantee the subsequent competitiveness of the product?"

Before Jiang Xue spoke, Liu Qinglin, who had been quiet on the side, took over Xu Wenyang's question: "I said that I would only do online promotion. It is impossible for my sister to do the promotion alone. If my sister did a good job in the first promotion of the product in the early stage and it exploded, then this product would have a certain degree of popularity and reputation on the Internet. As a merchant, it must be We should seize the opportunity and find more experts who are active in forums and blogs to promote this product. "

"Consumers are planted with the seeds of a good product and intend to buy it. If we don't do offline brands, we need to layout various online e-commerce platforms. In addition to opening our own brand stores, I think we can distribute the products widely and give profits to some small and medium-sized Taobao stores, and sell them across the board. Rapidly increase the market share and popularity of the product. When customers see so many sales channels, they will trust them more and place orders. "

"Some merchants are profit-driven and wait and see. In the early stage, we may need to contact these merchants to put our products on the shelves. If there are merchants who sell well in the future, they will take the initiative to contact us. "This experience is the conclusion drawn by Liu Qinglin through the sale of makeup boxes.

His boxes went through the wholesale channel this year, and he really made money. When the boxes were first made, Jiang Xue asked him to apply for an appearance patent, and he posted the patent photos in the store.

The factory owner knew about it, but seeing that he shipped so much, he couldn't help asking him if he could accept the order if someone else wanted to order the makeup case. He didn't refuse, but said to the factory owner: "If he orders it, you can accept it. I'll sue him when he starts selling it, and I can make a profit." His tone of joking shocked many people.

So there are no imitations on the market for the time being, but some wholesalers have contacted him to wholesale


He sold several batches wholesale, and other merchants began to sell on Taobao. He thought it would have an impact on his store sales at first, but later found that he was overthinking.

The effect of one person selling this product is different from that of five or ten people selling it together.

The exposure is different.

The market is bigger than he thought, and his total shipments are more than before.

Liu Qinglin thinks that this model can be used to change the form of her sister's cosmetics in the future.

Jiang Xue looked at his brother in agreement. His brother's idea coincided with hers. If you want this product to exist in the market for a long time, Jiang Xue also thought of a common model in the future, distribution,

And her brother's method is similar to distribution.

After reading the information, he also listened to what Jiang Xue and his sister said.

"Twenty is too little, you can increase it. As for money, I can invest 500,000." It happened to be all the balance on the card his father gave him.

"Let's do this. The three of us will invest 500,000 yuan each, with you accounting for 30%, my brother for 30%, and me for 40%." Jiang Xue said, and then she saw that Xu Wenyang didn't react as much as before, and he obviously accepted Jiang Xue's allocation.

"If there is no doubt, it's decided like this."

"Okay." Xu Wenyang replied.

"Okay." Liu Qinglin listened to his sister, and he just happened to have so much in his account at the moment. He couldn't help but think that he might have given Xu Wenyang 30% at first, giving a relatively low amount at first, and then gradually increasing it. If he gave 30% at the beginning, the other party might still think that 30% is too little and want more.

Now, Xu Wenyang happily agreed to 30%.

"Then it's settled. We need to sign a formal contract to bind each other." After saying that, she took out three copies of the contract. She filled in the money to be invested and the company's share on it, and signed her name on all three copies. After writing, she handed the pen to the two people, and the two looked through it and signed their names.

"We've signed the contract, and now we're in the same boat. Our first priority is to find an office. Brother, have you looked for a suitable office recently? Don't look for one that's too big. Money should be spent wisely."

"Then don't look for one. I've rented a house. You can work from home first." Xu Wenyang said.

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