After jumping out of bed, Jiang Cheng rushed directly to the sink on the balcony.

After washing his hair, brushing his teeth, and shaving his beard, Jiang Cheng, who had blown his hair dry, opened the wardrobe and carefully selected items.

After choosing for a long time, he finally chose the American T-shirt and Semir jeans that he wore when he first came to Xijing.

——Mother Zhong hangs out with his parents more often. If his current wealth is accidentally exposed, it will be really troublesome for her to say that when he goes back.

After all, if you replace it with a normal person's thinking, a freshman who has just arrived at university suddenly has so much money in just over a month. This is simply incomprehensible, right?

Especially his mother who is a purchasing and finance background, Jiang Cheng really can't think of a suitable explanation to fool her.

Even if he lies about winning the lottery, it won't work.

Jiang Cheng was 100% sure that with his mother's stubborn and paranoid temper, she would definitely make Jiang Cheng tell her which lottery he won, the winning number, the winning multiple, the winning amount, the bank transfer record for the prize, the personal income tax payment receipt for the prize, and even the news reports at the time.

How could he get this!

What a headache!

After thinking about it, he still couldn't come up with a suitable reason. Jiang Cheng decided to keep his wealth a secret from his family for a while.

In the next few months, he could arrange for Wen Jie to put a few hundred thousand on his CCB card to make a serious stock market flow.

When he goes home during the winter vacation, he will tell his family that he has spent the past six months learning to trade stocks by himself, and he has made some money in a few months by luck. It may be easier to fool them.

After all, he is a student of the Department of Finance. Learning to trade stocks and experiencing the capital market in advance is a reasonable reason.

Jiang Cheng thought so in his heart and put on the T-shirt.

Fortunately, the clothes of Mebon are larger in size. The size I bought originally for 175cm is now just right for 183cm.

The jeans are a little worse, but everything else is fine, except that the crotch is a little tight...

Ahem, it's just a 2CM difference, is it that serious?


A few minutes later, Jiang Cheng, who had just walked out of the boys' dormitory building, saw Wang Hui and her daughter standing under the magnolia tree.

Although she is over 40 years old, Wang Hui, who has taken good care of herself, still looks radiant.

With shoulder-length hair, fair skin, and delicate features, she would definitely be considered a great beauty if she were 20 years younger.

No wonder Zhong Xier, who inherited her genes, is so beautiful.

"Xiao Cheng~"

Seeing Jiang Cheng coming out of the dormitory building, Wang Hui smiled and waved.

"Auntie Wang~"

Jiang Cheng hurried over.

"Oh my~ Let me take a good look~"

Wang Hui came over with a happy face, holding Jiang Cheng's hands to take a closer look.

"Xiao Cheng, you have grown a lot taller~" Wang Hui smiled and gestured: "You must be 1.8 meters tall, right? Ah~ You have grown into a handsome guy! Haha-Auntie, I just saw you and I couldn't recognize you~"

"No, no, it's too exaggerated~ I just grew a little taller."

Jiang Cheng smiled and said: "You look the same as before~"

"No, no, you are really much more handsome, and your body looks stronger~ It is said that the pasta in the northwest is nourishing, and it seems to be true~" Wang Hui held Jiang Cheng intimately, looking at him as if she was looking at her own son, looking left and right, but she was reluctant to let go.

"Mom... There are people coming and going here, why do you always hold Jiang Cheng?"

Zhong Xier, who was holding a parasol on the side, pursed her lips and said.

Seeing her mother and Jiang Cheng holding hands like a loving mother and a filial son, she felt a little jealous.

——I’m so angry. Jiang Cheng and I have never been so close!

“What are you talking about, little girl?”

Wang Hui said with a smile: “As a godmother, what’s the big deal for me to see my godson more? Don’t you think so, Xiaocheng?”

“Yes, yes, Auntie Wang, what you said makes sense~”

“Good boy, let’s go~ Auntie will take you to a big meal today.”

“Thank you, Auntie Wang~”

“Xiaocheng, come in a little closer. The ultraviolet rays of the northwest sun are too strong. It’s not good to be exposed to the sun too much~”

“Xi’er, hold the parasol forward a little more~ You see, Xiaocheng is exposed to the sun~”

Zhong Xi’er: (。•ˇ‸ˇ•。)

——Whose biological mother are you!


After leaving the school gate, we walked along Zhuque Street to the Xiaozhai business district. At Wang Hui's suggestion, we finally chose a well-decorated Sichuan restaurant to sit down.

Through casual conversation on the road, Jiang Cheng learned that as a photographer of BashuWang Hui, a member of the association, signed up for the Northwest photography tour organized by the Bashu Photography Association. The first stop was in Xijing.

After that, they will go north along Tongchuan, Luochuan, Yanjing and Jingbian.

"By the way, Xier, take some photos of me and Xiaocheng first."

After ordering the dishes, Wang Hui took out the camera and said with a smile: "After I go back, I will print them and send a set to your Aunt Tan~"

——The Aunt Tan mentioned by Wang Hui is Jiang Cheng's mother, Tan Weifen.

"Well, I know."

Zhong Xier took the SLR camera from Wang Hui, adjusted it skillfully, and then took two professional test shots.

"Mom, isn't your wide-angle lens inappropriate for portraits?" Zhong Xier fiddled with the camera lens and frowned: "Didn't I tell you that you must use an 85mm fixed-focus lens for portraits?"

"Oh, you kid, why are you so stubborn~" Wang Hui said indifferently: "This is a photo shoot, not a professional work, wide-angle and fixed-focus are both OK~"

"Yes, yes, auntie is right." Jiang Cheng heard this and nodded repeatedly: "The true realm of photography, people like you who can only play with equipment will never understand~"

Zhong Xier: ┏(゜ロ゜;)┛

Jiang Cheng didn't say this nonsense, but from his heart.

For example, the famous master photographer Mr. Chen only used a simple photographic equipment-a mobile phone to record immortal historical moments.

His immortal masterpiece "Charm of Ejiao" perfectly shows the confused and confused expression of the characters in the image in a warm and simple environment, revealing her unconfused and persistent pursuit of the true meaning of happiness in real life.

Another example is the "Cypress Clothes" series, which can be seen as his experimental work from documentary techniques to fashion expressionism. The shooting techniques of this series of works are novel and avant-garde, and the camera techniques are skillful. The most commendable thing is the grasp of the characters' costumes, which has reached the level of perfection.

In front of such a great work, equipment?

It's nothing~

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