There is a China Resources Vanguard downstairs of Qinyang International.

Pushing a cart from the entrance and walking in, the two walked side by side in the dazzling supermarket shelves.

Jiang Cheng pushed the cart, counting the daily necessities in his mouth, while Lu Xin stayed quietly beside him, with a happy smile on her delicate face.

From the perspective of outsiders, they looked like a young couple with talent and beauty.

Because Lu Xin had just moved to a new home, Jiang Cheng did not rush to the fresh food area of ​​the supermarket first.

Instead, he took her around the daily necessities area first.

When they came out, the supermarket shopping cart was already full of daily necessities such as toiletries, paper products, pots and pans.

Then they came to the fresh food area, swept away vegetables, fruits and meat, and ended this shopping trip.

When paying the bill, Lu Xin refused to let Jiang Cheng pay no matter what, and took the initiative to rush to the cashier to pay.

Jiang Cheng smiled and did not stop her.

With Lu Xin's frugality, a monthly salary of 3,000 should be enough for her daily expenses.

Carrying large and small bags, the two returned to their home on the 16th floor.

Jiang Cheng stayed in the living room and began to organize and place all the daily necessities.

Lu Xin tied on the floral apron she had just bought and walked into the kitchen to prepare lunch.

After washing the rice and putting it in the rice cooker to steam, the girl turned her head slightly again and secretly glanced at Jiang Cheng in the living room through the frosted window of the kitchen.

The corners of her eyes curved slightly with happiness.

A gentle warmth slowly flowed from her heart and gradually spread to her whole body.

After so many years, Lu Xin finally felt the warmth of home again from this young man.

——Thank you, Jiang Cheng.

The girl thought with emotion in her heart and decided to focus all her attachment on the ingredients on the table.

Today, I must show my cooking skills in front of him~



After finally sorting out the complicated and numerous daily necessities, Jiang Cheng sat down on the sofa in the living room and breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, the phone in his pocket suddenly made a sound.

He took it out and saw that it was Ling Ruonan's call.

Carefully glancing in the direction of the kitchen, Jiang Cheng stood up, walked to the window sill on one side of the living room, and answered the call.

"Moshi Moshi~ Excuse me, is classmate Jiang Xiaocheng at home~"

The moment the call was connected, Ling Ruonan's playful and cute voice came through the speaker.

"Oh... He just went out, and he's not at home now~"

"Ah? What a pity... What should I do?"

The short-haired girl said aggrievedly: "I finally have some time at noon today, and I want to invite my good husband to have a long-lost lunch~"


The word "good husband" scared Jiang Cheng so much that he almost threw his phone away.

——This little girl has become more and more courageous recently!

Since that night at the B&B, Ling Ruonan and Jiang Cheng have been together for nearly a month.

After this period of getting along, she no longer has the shyness she had at the beginning, and her words and deeds in front of Jiang Cheng have become more and more open.

Of course, only in front of Jiang Cheng.

In the eyes of others, she is still the good girl with three good students.

After leaning over and peeking towards the kitchen, Jiang Cheng confirmed that the beautiful cook was busy. He leaned close to the receiver and said in a low voice: "What husband? Xiao Ruonan, don't call me that!"

"Hmph! I won't!"

The girl on the phone hummed coquettishly: "It's fine if you don't want to be my boyfriend, but you can't call me husband in private? Is that reasonable?"

"Okay! In private, then!"

Jiang Cheng gritted his teeth helplessly after hearing that.

With their current relationship, being called husband is husband.

Just consider it as a little loss for yourself.

"But it's agreed that it can only be when we are alone in private, and it is absolutely forbidden at other times!"

"Yeah~ Got it, thank you husband! Hehehe~"

Hearing that Jiang Cheng finally let go, the girl on the other end of the phone sounded very happy.

"Oh, oh, honey, are you free at noon? Come and have lunch with me~"

The girl said coquettishly: "I haven't seen you for a long time!"

"Now?" Jiang Cheng said in embarrassment: "Not in the evening?"

"Definitely not in the evening, until the main dance competition for the 6th is over, I only have one and a half hours at noon today..."

Ling Ruonan said pitifully: "But if you reallyIf you are not free... forget it, I will let Nana accompany me..."

"Uh... OK, tell me the address, I will try to come over later!"

Jiang Cheng secretly looked at the direction of the kitchen again and gritted his teeth.

"Really~ Thank you, husband~" The girl's voice suddenly became super happy: "The location is at the market hot pot in front of our school, okay~ around 12 o'clock, okay?"


"Yeah, see you there~ husband~"

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Cheng sat back on the sofa, covering his forehead and sighing.

Lu Xin and Ling Ruonan are both good girls, their intentions should not be let down and wasted.

The only thing he can do is to suffer for his stomach.

"Jiang Cheng, you can prepare to eat."

Just as Jiang Cheng was rubbing his head and sighing, the frosted glass door of the kitchen slowly opened, and Lu Xin, holding a bowl of soup, leaned forward slightly and said in a low voice.

"Okay. "

Jiang Cheng nodded, stood up from the sofa, and walked to the dining table.

Four dishes were already placed on the table - alfalfa meat, stir-fried beef, eggplant and beans, and stir-fried wheat.

"Wait a minute... There's also rice, I'll serve it to you right away. "

After placing the crucian carp and tofu soup on the dining table, Lu Xin said repeatedly and turned into the kitchen.

Not long after, she came out with two bowls of steaming rice.

The rice was the authentic Northeast rice that had just been bought. The heat of steaming and cooking was just right. The grains were round, crystal clear, plump and chewy, which was exactly the taste that Jiang Cheng liked the most.

Although the taste of the home-cooked dishes of four dishes and one soup was not amazing, it was definitely above the average level. At least in Jiang Cheng's opinion, it was not inferior to his mother's decades of craftsmanship.

However, thinking that there would be a hot pot appointment later, Jiang Cheng, who was sitting in his seat, was greedy, but he always maintained a relatively gentle eating posture.

He followed the teachings of his elders in his heart and chewed every mouthful of rice more than twenty times.

"Is it not to your taste...? "

Seeing him eating so slowly, Lu Xin, who was sitting opposite the table, blinked nervously and asked in a low voice.

"No way, it tastes great!"

Seeing the depressed look on the girl's face, Jiang Cheng dared not hesitate, and quickly picked up a bunch of dishes and put them into the bowl, and started to eat with big mouthfuls.

——Damn, it's just two meals, I have to be bloated!

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