"Mr. Jiang."

Just as he entered his office, his secretary Wen Jie knocked on the door and walked in.

"There has been progress on what you asked me to do before."

"What is it?"

Jiang Cheng casually opened his office computer and asked without looking up.

"It's about what you asked me to do in September to contact the Magnesium "Iron Fist" game company."

Wen Jie said slowly: "Now we have made preliminary contact with the other party and conveyed our interest in acquiring the other party's shares."

"I see."

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng nodded suddenly.

Acquiring shares of the game company "Iron Fist" and thus snatching the exclusive operating rights of LOL from Tengda is the most important step in Qinfeng Capital's future development strategy.

With the establishment of the WeChat development team, the programmer team under Qinfeng Capital is now ready. If the operating rights of LOL can be obtained, the subsequent server maintenance and development will not be a problem at all.

Everything is ready, only the east wind is missing.

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng raised his head and asked directly: "How did the other party reply?"

"Tekken Company is open to this matter."

Wen Jie said concisely: "So, if you think this matter is important, I think it would be safer to arrange for a specialist to go to Magnesium to meet with the other party in person to discuss the acquisition."

"But... As for the candidate, what do you think...?"

"No need to bother!" Jiang Cheng waved his hand and said: "I will be responsible for this matter personally!"

Jiang Cheng knew clearly that just a few days ago, LOL had been launched on the US server.

If nothing unexpected happens, it will sweep across the United States in a month or two at most.

Then it will be popular all over the world.

Within half a year, the stock price of Tekken Company will usher in a rapid rise, and Tengda, who saw the value of LOL, will also spend a lot of money at all costs, using the preferential purchase right clause of its minority shareholders to directly take over 90% of Tekken shares and finally achieve absolute control.

By that time, he will definitely have no chance.

So, the time is now - while Tengda hasn't recovered yet, we must hammer it out with thunder!

It's about the future of Qinfeng Capital, and only if I do it myself can I have the best chance.


Wen Jie was obviously a little surprised when she heard Jiang Cheng's decision.

- After all, in her opinion, this is just a game, so why make such a big fuss?

However, after a long period of working contact with Jiang Cheng, Wen Jie clearly knew how sharp the investment vision of this young man who was a few years younger than her was.

As long as he determined something, it would be absolutely correct!

"Okay, I will prepare a visa and air tickets for you right away."

Wen Jie nodded and said, "According to the current progress, the fastest departure time may be next Monday, do you think it's okay?"

"No problem."

Jiang Cheng thought about it and said.

- Friday is the 6th, which is the day when Ling Ruonan participates in the main jump assessment of "Silk Road Flower Rain".

And on Sunday, he promised Zhong Xier to attend her birthday party.

Although the latter can go or not, but since her mother's prestige is in her hands, she still has to give her some face.

Ahem - I'm not afraid of anything!

"By the way, remember to notify Lawyer Tian and arrange time to come out in time. He is needed to check the contract legal affairs, so I will ask him to go with me this time." Jiang Cheng said, and then added: "As for the daily affairs of the company, I will trouble you to take care of it!"

"I know."

Wen Jie nodded flattered after hearing this.

- Although she was a little disappointed that she could not accompany Jiang Cheng to Magnesium, she felt warm in her heart when she saw the other party's attention and trust in handing over his base directly to her.


After Wen Jie left, Jiang Cheng, who was sitting alone in the office, was excited for a while.

The thing that he had been looking forward to for so long finally had a clue.

After winning the LOL agent operation rights, it then used the massive young user group and the celebrity publicity effect of Chuxin Media to push the installation and download of the WeChat APP first, occupying the high ground of mobile communications.

The next step is to fully promote mobile payment. After that, the rest is even simpler. Just follow the path of the previous Penguin and copy the homework.

Follow the path of others and leave them with no way to go!

If everything goes well, in the future, WeChat Technology under Qinfeng Capital will definitely replace Penguin and become a super giant in the Chinese Internet industry.head.

The future pattern will be completely rewritten!

Therefore, Jiang Cheng, who could not suppress his excitement and felt that he had an extremely excessive amount of energy, walked out of the office and planned to go to the gym to vent.

It was time to get off work, and the company gym was still empty.

In fact, compared with fitness, Qinfeng Capital's employees prefer to stay in the leisure room, game room and water bar.

According to the tutorial he found on the Internet, Jiang Cheng first came to a Roman chair and trained his waist as a warm-up, and then sat on the rowing machine and pulled hard.

Then there were single and double bar pull-ups, multi-functional supine boards, abdominal wheels, etc.

I don’t care about anything else, anyway, I just train my waist and abdomen hard.

There is no way, who said this place is used the most.

After all, without the blessing of eight abdominal muscles, it always feels a little bit less powerful.

By the time Jiang Cheng came to the free squat rack, took down the barbell and started to do the final free deadlift, the sky outside the window had gradually darkened.

The slightly noisy voices in the office area of ​​the company in the gym had long since subsided.

In the empty gym where you could hear a pin drop, a swaying sound of "Duang~Duang~" suddenly came to mind.

Jiang Cheng, who was doing a weightlifting squat, suddenly felt his ears tremble.

He knew immediately that the pair of copper hammers that smashed his kidneys were coming again.

"Mr. Jiang~"

As expected, with a gust of fragrant wind, Zhang Pinglang, who was wearing a tight yoga suit, walked to his side with a smile as beautiful as a flower, and her voice was coquettish.

"Here I come~"

Jiang Cheng smiled, slowly stood up, and put down the barbell on his shoulders.

"Just right, help me check if the posture is correct?"

Hearing this, Zhang Pinglang smiled charmingly, and her red lips parted slightly: "Although it is generally correct, there are still many aspects that can be improved in the details~"

"Oh? Then you come and teach me?"

"Then do it together? I will give you a real scene demonstration?"


Jiang Cheng sat on the reclining chair beside him.

"Hee~ Then Mr. Jiang, you have to study hard~oh~"

Zhang Pinglang covered her mouth and smiled, slowly walked to Jiang Cheng, turned around, bent her knees and sank, and began to do the standard squat action over and over again...

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