"Two! Haha~ Report!"

"I'm waiting for you! I'll give you a trump card!"

"What the hell! Liu Yijie, you two are in the same group! I'll blow you up!"


"What?, Lao Liu, play your cards."

"Oh, a K, report."

"Ace is pressed, airplane with wings, 9, 7, 5, 3~no more~"

"Ah!! Ah!! Ah--!!!"

Li Xiaofeng's incompetent and furious roar suddenly rang out in the dormitory, which was very much like the emoticon package of the groundhog in later generations.

"Pig--pig brain!! You can lose a game with two kings and four 2s!"

"Is it so difficult for me to win a game?! Oh my God--!!!"

Putting the last bit of drunkard peanuts in the two people's plates into his palm, Jiang Cheng put them into his mouth one by one, and laughed at the two crazy people.

The phone on the table suddenly twitched, and then a classic Nokia ringtone sounded.

He took a look and saw that it was the Empress Dowager herself calling.

After stuffing the remaining peanuts into his mouth, Jiang Cheng picked up the phone and walked to the balcony of the dormitory.

"Hello, Mom."

"Son, I just transferred 800 yuan to your card."

Mom Tan Weifen's tone and speed were as brisk as ever.

"Oh, Mom, I've told you that I'm working part-time now and can support myself. I don't need my family to give me living expenses anymore~"

"Why should I care about your living expenses? - This 800 yuan is not for you to spend!"

"Oh? If you don't want to spend it on me, give it back to me?"

"Is your brain broken after not being punished for three days?"

Mother Jiang scolded impatiently: "Isn't today Xi'er's birthday? I'll give you this 800 yuan. Remember to buy a big cake for Xi'er, and then eat out, go out and play, etc. You have a good sense and rush to pay for everything."

"Oh my gosh!"

When Jiang Cheng heard this, he curled his lips.

- Is there a mother like you? Force your son to become a bootlicker?

"Why are you going? You didn't learn anything good in Xijing, but you learned some crooked ways!"

Mother Jiang said, and then her tone suddenly became serious: "Son, your aunt Wang and I have already made it clear in private. As long as Xier has no objection in the future, our two families will definitely support your marriage."

"Wait! Mom, stop it first?"

Jiang Cheng's face turned serious in an instant.

"——What the hell are you talking about marriage? And why don't you ask for my opinion?"

"What opinion do you have? Eh? Jiang Cheng, tell me, who said that Zhong Xier was his goddess all day long?"

"What? Did you go to Xijing and find a new love and forget the old one?"

"Hey! What are you doing here? What new person and old person?"

"Jiang Cheng!"

Mother Jiang's voice on the phone suddenly rose eight degrees, making Jiang Cheng's head buzz.

"——I'm telling you, if you dare to be a Chen Shimei, forgetting the old and loving the new and messing around outside, I'll break your dog legs when you come back!!!"

"Mom, from a genetic point of view, it's not good for you to scold me like this... and it also curses the ancestors of our Jiang and Tan families for eighteen generations..."

"Get lost!"

Mother Jiang cursed angrily: "Okay, it's getting late, remember to buy cakes quickly, don't be timid and cowardly like your father!"

'How can I be timid and cowardly all day long... Ah! Spare my life, wife! '

Before hanging up the phone, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but sigh at the sound of slippers slapping and faint screams coming from the receiver.

In the Jiang family, his mother is the eternal king, ruling and dominating the Jiang father and son with thunderous wrists.

Alas... Dad! You have worked so hard for so many years...

Looking at the time, it's not long before the agreed meeting time.

Jiang Cheng subconsciously wanted to open Meituan to order a cake for delivery.

As a result, the moment he picked up the phone, his mind suddenly woke up.

Damn, it's still 2009, where did the food delivery platform come from?

—— But then again, the food delivery platform business is really capable.

Jiang Cheng worked as a rider in his previous life, so he knows everything.

As a platform, Meituan takes commissions from merchants on one hand and harvests users on the other hand, and can also squeeze a wave of riders in the middle.

Killing three birds with one stone, making money on the spot.

How dark-hearted!

Just as he was secretly complaining, his cell phone rang, and it was an unfamiliar number.

He hung up casually, and then called again immediately.

"Hello? Who is it?"


Zhong Xier's depressed voice came from the phone: "Jiang Cheng! I said, are you so petty? You can't even save a phone number?"

"Oh~ Sorry,It's been so long, I forgot how to save contacts on Nokia."

Zhong Xier: "? ?"

"Okay, okay!"

She said helplessly: "We are all gathered downstairs, where are you? Come quickly."

"I'm going downstairs, wait a minute."

As he said that, Jiang Cheng put on his coat and walked out of the dormitory.

Wait...what about the cake?

When going downstairs, Jiang Cheng suddenly stopped and thought about it.

Still think it's troublesome, just forget it.

You're so old, why do you need a cake?

Turn off the lights, make a wish, light the candles and sing Happy Birthday to You?

If the target is Zhong Xier, Jiang Cheng really thinks it is unnecessary, so stupid.

After walking out of the boys' dormitory building, he walked along the main road to the downstairs of the girls' dormitory. He saw Zhong Xier and Wang Yuan, Sun Yanni, Yi Yi and other girls who were on good terms with the same class standing there.

Zhong Xier dressed up specially today.

Her beautiful facial features were painted with exquisite makeup, and her light-colored long gauze skirt was matched with a thin and soft sweater, which was fresh, gentle and fairy-like.

Putting aside the prejudice, she would definitely be a school beauty goddess in any university campus in China.

"Jiang Cheng~"

Zhong Xier waved her hand hurriedly when she saw the boy coming from a distance.

"Hey~ Hello everyone~"

Jiang Cheng nodded and waved to the girls in the class.

Looking around, it seemed that he was the only boy invited today.

The combination of 1 boy and 4 girls felt a bit strange.

"Jiang Cheng, we have already discussed it. "Zhong Xier said with a smile: "We will go to eat first, and then Yuanyuan suggested that there is a nice bar at the South Gate, very literary, and we can go there to sit after dinner, what do you think?"

"I don't care, anything is fine."

Jiang Cheng touched his chin and said.

——Since the Empress Dowager has issued an imperial decree today, he can only bite the bullet and accompany her.

What else can he do?

Waiting for a roar from the Empress Dowager?

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