There was no conversation that night.

It was not until the sky outside the window was bright that he fell headfirst and fell into a deep sleep.

This sleep was so dark and dark.

It was not until the check-out notification bell rang in his ears at noon that Jiang Cheng woke up slowly from his coma.


I feel dizzy!

I opened my eyes with difficulty and looked at the pillow. The originally hazy vision finally became clear.

I saw that Han Lisha beside me had woken up at some point and was looking at me with a pair of charming eyes.


The corners of Jiang Cheng's mouth twitched.

There seemed to be a part of his body that was aching slightly!

"Get up~ How long do you plan to sleep~"

Seeing Jiang Cheng's embarrassing look, Han Lisha couldn't help but chuckle, stretched out her white fingers and gently poked his forehead.

"What, check out now?"

"What else?" Han Daxue's senior winked mischievously, her tone was half true and half false: "Do you want to continue?"

"What...what's there to be afraid of!"

Jiang Cheng pursed his lips.

——As a real man, even if I die, I will die standing!

"Oh~Okay~I'm kidding~"

Seeing Jiang Cheng's serious look, Han Lisha suddenly broke down in a second, covered her mouth and laughed, took her bag and started to touch up her makeup.

"Sister has something to do in the student union this afternoon, I have to go back quickly~"

Han Lisha asked while patting the powder puff in front of the mirror: "What about you? Come with me?"

"I won't go back to school."

Jiang Cheng looked at the time and said: "I have something else to do, I have to go somewhere else."

"Which little fairy did you make an appointment with?"

Jiang Cheng: "..."

——I think, it seems that I don't have the strength for the time being...

Yeah, just for the time being.

"Ahem~ Han Lisha~"

Jiang Cheng, who had been teased by Han Lisha, turned the tables and said, "Didn't we agree not to disturb each other's private lives? If you ask me this, can I understand that you are deeply in love with me?"

"Huh? I am deeply in love with you?"

Hearing this, Han Lisha, who was carefully drawing her eyeliner, was immediately happy.

"——Jiang Cheng, little brother, did you misunderstand something~?" Han Lisha raised her head slightly, looking at Jiang Cheng in the mirror with a smile: "Or, do you actually have feelings for me? Do you want to turn the tables and retreat to advance?"

"That's not the case~" Jiang Cheng smiled: "Feelings are too extravagant, I can't afford it, it's better to be free alone~"

This is what Jiang Cheng said in his heart, as a great man who aspires to be the king of the four seas.

——How can I give up the entire ocean for a mere wave?


Hearing this, Han Lisha gave a thumbs up: "This is also what I admire most about you~"

Jiang Cheng's answer obviously made her feel very satisfied.

To be honest, Han Lisha was a little hesitant at first, because she saw Jiang Cheng's little milk dog look, and she was afraid that he was a sticky sticky candy that could not be shaken off, which would be a big trouble for her.

However, in the end, she still couldn't suppress the little impulse in her heart.

But I didn't expect that Jiang Cheng, this kid, was young and experienced, and his style of doing things and his three views of thought were completely consistent with hers.

Such a suitable little milk dog, it seems that I can love him more in the future~

After Han Lisha finished her makeup, the two walked out of the hotel arm in arm.

"Jiang Cheng, go buy me a bottle of water."

Han Lisha suddenly said as soon as she left the hotel.


Jiang Cheng didn't think much about it, and turned and walked into the convenience store on the side of the road.

When he came out after buying a bottle of water, Han Lisha disappeared.

A few minutes later, the sister came out of a convenient drugstore in the distance.

She wore a pair of sunglasses.

"What's going on?" Jiang Cheng asked inexplicably when Han Lisha came closer.

"How dare you ask - it's all because of you~"

Han Lisha stamped her feet and said coquettishly: "Where's the water? Give it to me."

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng touched his chin and his eyes fell on the small white medicine box in Han Lisha's hand.

His mouth twitched immediately.

- She is quite safety-conscious~

After taking the medicine with the water, Han Lisha waved to Jiang Cheng, got into the taxi waiting on the side of the road, and drove away.

Jiang Cheng, who stayed where he was, looked at the time. It was almost time for the stock market to open at noon, so he simply stopped a taxi at the door of the hotel and headed towards Zhaoshang Securities Company.

Not long after, he walked into the trading hall.

In 2009, computers and the Internet were already widely used, so there were fewer people coming to the trading hall on a regular basis. Basically, there were only some elderly stock traders who came together.People were sitting in groups of three or four, smoking and chatting, or taking a nap under the free air conditioning.

——It seems that I need to get a computer as soon as possible... otherwise it would be too troublesome to run here every time.

Jiang Cheng thought secretly in his heart.

Because mobile networks are not yet popular, the functions of personal stock trading software on PC are more complete and more convenient to operate.

"Mr. Jiang!"

As soon as I walked into the entrance gate, I saw the beautiful office lady from yesterday greeted me with a smile.

"Congratulations! Mr. Jiang~" Wen Jie said admiringly: "The Changzhi Technology you bought yesterday has reached the daily limit at the opening today! Your vision is really good!"

"Just luck~"

Jiang Cheng smiled and looked up at the market.

As expected, the Changzhi Technology purchased at the limit price yesterday, after two daily limits, the profit instantly reached 30%.

Converted into profit, it is about 18,000.

It doesn't sound like much - but you have to know that it's still 2009, and for many people at the bottom of society who have been laid off gloriously, the total annual income may just reach this amount.

For example, Jiang Cheng's parents.

The old couple had to ride the only old electric three-wheeled motorcycle in the family to the vegetable wholesale market on the outskirts of the city before dawn every day.

They worked until the vegetable market closed at night - 365 days a year except for the first day of the Chinese New Year, basically all year round, to earn this hard-earned money.

And now, he only took one day to get such a lucrative return.

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Capital, what a powerful thing...

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