The weekend passed, and a new week began.

Early in the morning, Jiang Cheng walked directly into the department office.

Knowing that everyone in the department office knew about his relationship with the principal Deng Beian, although it was a temporary leave, the process was very easy. The department head personally came forward and approved a week's leave without even asking any questions.

After that, he went to the company and first got his passport from Wen Jie.

After making a simple arrangement for the company's work for the next week, Jiang Cheng said goodbye to everyone and came to the parking lot downstairs.

At this time, Xing Zhibang's security team, who was responsible for the security of this trip, the company's legal team of Tian Wenchang, the group's specially hired lawyer, and the financial team responsible for cross-border financial settlement, a large group of people were already waiting respectfully outside the elevator door.

——The United States is not as good as China, and the public security has never been very good.

And the destination of Jiang Cheng's trip, Luodu, is a world-famous black gathering and decadent capital.

Except for a small number of rich areas, the public security in more than 70% of the areas can be said to be a mess.

Therefore, necessary security forces are absolutely indispensable.

The six security members led by Xing Zhibang on this trip are all the most elite backbones of Pioneer Security Company without exception.

All of them were veterans who had followed Xing Zhibang and Duan Yong to join the Gallic Foreign Legion and had seen blood in actual combat.

And because of this relationship, they all have internationally accepted legal gun licenses.

When they arrive abroad and are assigned guns, they are completely a fully armed special operations team.

For ordinary rednecks, big blacks and other small bandits, it is a piece of cake.

In addition to the security team, Tian Wenchang's legal team is also very important. After all, this is going abroad, and the laws and regulations are still very different from those in China.

If there are professional lawyers accompanying, a lot of unnecessary troubles can be saved.

And when acquiring equity, they are also required to come forward to discuss the details of the contract to avoid any possible loopholes in the terms.

As for the financial team, the work content is much simpler, mainly responsible for the international transfer settlement after the contract is implemented.

"Boss Jiang!"

Seeing Jiang Cheng walk out of the elevator, everyone greeted Jiang Cheng respectfully.

"Everything is ready, let's go."

Jiang Cheng nodded and said lightly.


Xing Zhibang agreed and quickly ordered his men to drive the convoy over.

The first to bear the brunt was naturally Jiang Cheng's exclusive car Maybach, followed by five Mercedes-Benz V-Class.

After Jiang Cheng got in the car first, the group of people got on the nanny car behind according to the team distribution. The convoy set off from the underground parking lot of Xijing International and drove towards the airport in a mighty manner.

All the way to the airport, the brand-new all-series Mercedes-Benz convoy obviously attracted the attention of passers-by.

The people who didn't know the truth speculated which big boss was traveling with such a big show.


After arriving at the airport, the group got off the car.

"Hello, is this Mr. Jiang from Qinfeng Group?"

Seeing Jiang Cheng and others get off the car, the airport staff who were waiting on the side hurriedly came over with a respectful attitude and bowed to ask.

"I am the receptionist responsible for receiving you, Xiao Liu."

Seeing Jiang Cheng nodded slightly, the airport staff said politely: "Everyone, please follow me, I will take you to the VIP lounge to rest for a while."

"Thank you."

-Due to the large number of people in the team, this time Jiang Cheng specifically asked Wen Jie to contact the airport to adopt a business charter round-trip plan.

Therefore, the airport will have a dedicated person to be responsible for reception, and provide a private VIP lounge for use.

In the following time, Jiang Cheng sat in the VIP lounge and closed his eyes to rest.

After Xing Zhibang and others handled security checks and luggage check-in, the group was led by the airport staff respectfully, through the VIP channel and the exclusive shuttle bus, and boarded the business charter plane for this trip.

The business charter for this trip is a Taiwan-style G650, which is a large business jet with ultra-long range. The exquisite and luxurious spacious cabin includes up to four living areas, which can be used for work, dining, entertainment and rest, and even a private master bedroom.

It deserves the title of "benchmark of business aviation".

In his previous life, Jiang Cheng had taken many flights because of his business, but they were basically all economy class of the cheapest airlines.

He had never seen such a luxurious business charter.

This time, it was really an eye-opener.


After flying for nearly 24 hours without talking, the plane finally arrived at LAX Luodu International Airport in the United States.

After getting off the plane, Jiang Cheng, who had his first overseas experience, was shocked.The air of the United States did not feel sweet at all, but seemed to have a faint smell of gunpowder.

Taking the shuttle bus to the airport, Jiang Cheng and his party went through the immigration procedures very quickly as VIP passengers of the business charter flight. The immigration officer in charge of the procedures always had a friendly smile on his face and an unusually respectful tone. He did not treat ordinary incoming passengers with all kinds of difficulties.

Jiang Cheng could not help but sigh in his heart that money is really a good thing.

No matter where you are, it is the best pass.

After passing the customs, you have officially set foot on the territory of the United States.

At the exit, the reception staff of the hotel where they stayed had been waiting respectfully. When they saw Jiang Cheng and others coming out, they hurried over with a friendly attitude and led everyone to the outside of the flight building.

At the main entrance of the terminal, a fleet of Rolls-Royces had already been parked. The leading car was a Phantom with a golden man standing on it, followed by five lower-grade Gusts.

The neat fleet of Rolls-Royces attracted the attention of the passing vehicles and pedestrians.

Even in the United States where cars are cheap, Rolls-Royce is still a luxury that only the upper class can afford.

In the crowd, Xing Zhibang, who was responsible for Jiang Cheng's personal security, stepped forward quickly. While opening the door of the back seat of the Phantom for him, he quickly scanned the situation inside the car to confirm safety.

The other six security personnel stood in a hexagonal formation, surrounding Jiang Cheng 360°. They seemed to be loose, but they were actually paying attention to the movements around them at all times.

"Brother Cheng?"

"——Is it Brother Cheng?!"

Just as Jiang Cheng was about to get into the Phantom, a familiar voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Turning his head, Jiang Cheng was immediately happy.

It was none other than the prince of Huayi Media, Brother Wang Fuye.

Because they didn't know who the other party was, the guards responsible for Jiang Cheng's security directly blocked this guy about two meters away from Jiang Cheng.

So he could only shout at Jiang Cheng twice from a distance.

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