The next day, early in the morning.

When Jiang Cheng woke up from his sleep, the hotel's automatic induction curtains slowly opened.

The bright California sunshine shone in from the window, and the whole suite was suddenly filled with warm light.

Although it was almost winter, this oasis in the desert on the west coast was located in a suitable latitude and had a pleasant Mediterranean climate. Luodu had plenty of sunshine all year round, and it was not hot in summer and not cold in winter. Moreover, it was close to the Pacific coast in the west, and it was not as dry as the desert. The humidity was just right. It was simply a habitable area tailored for humans.

Jiang Cheng had to sigh secretly that the old Mei group of bastards were really lucky to get such a unique treasure.

Because of the good rest, Jiang Cheng, who went abroad for the first time, adjusted his jet lag quite well. He did not feel exhausted as he had heard before, but felt full of energy.

After getting up, washing, and eating a hearty magnesium breakfast specially prepared by the hotel chef, Jiang Cheng returned to the suite and changed into a delicate and decent custom suit.

Seeing the handsome nobleman in the glasses, Jiang Cheng nodded with satisfaction and walked out of the private suite.

Outside the door, Tian Wenchang and others were already waiting politely.

Seeing Jiang Cheng coming out, they all bowed to salute.

"Mr. Jiang, good morning."

"Are all the people here?"

Jiang Cheng looked at Xing Zhibang, and after receiving the latter's affirmative signal, he slowly said: "Let's go."

Xing Zhibang nodded, and several security guards responsible for Jiang Cheng's safety immediately accompanied Jiang Cheng and set off first.

And Tian Wenchang and other teams followed closely behind.

The group came downstairs of the hotel, got on the motorcade provided by the hotel, and headed towards the Iron Fist Company headquarters in Santa Monica.


3 pm.

In the lobby of the Iron Fist Company headquarters in Santa Monica.

A group of Chinese people in suits and leather shoes were sitting in the temporary rest area, talking with their heads down.

"Manager Guo, do you think our acquisition plan can go smoothly this time?"

The middle-aged woman who spoke was named Chen Dan, the vice president of the interactive entertainment business group of Tenda Group.

"Mr. Chen, I think you are worrying too much."

Guo Yuxin, the head of the game department of the Tenda Interactive Entertainment Business Group, smiled and said: "We have already acquired 20% of the shares of "Iron Fist" last year. Now the additional acquisition is not a big problem."

"Besides, this time we brought 150 million US dollars in cash. Considering the other party's current operating conditions, I think it will be difficult for them to refuse us at this price."

"That's right."

Hearing this, Chen Dan nodded.

——150 million US dollars in funds is really not a small amount.

"But I still think..."

Chen Dan looked up at the internal environment of the game company transformed from an abandoned mechanical workshop, and frowned: "Isn't it too expensive to spend 150 million to acquire such a small start-up game company?"

"Haha, so you don't know enough about the trends that young people are keen on now~"

Guo Yuxin gently rubbed his palms and smiled calmly: "Since I dare to give a guarantee to Mr. Ma in person, I have absolute confidence in the LOL game developed by Tekken!"

"-I have a strong premonition that this game is likely to lead an era!"

As the director of Tengda's game department, Guo Yuxin has absolute confidence in his vision.

He firmly believes that the main development trend of games in the future will definitely be competition between people-that is, the PVP direction.

Therefore, LOL, a MOBA game based on DOTA but more friendly and simple to use, is very likely to become a benchmark for PVP games.

Therefore, he would strongly promote this game in front of the chairman and advocate for increasing investment - taking advantage of the fact that LOL's production company, Tekken Company, is still in its early stages, and taking the other party's absolute controlling rights in one go.

In Guo Yuxin's view, this is definitely a sure-win deal.

It will definitely become a highlight in his career in the future.

"--If you are just optimistic about this game?"

Guo Yuxin was full of pride, when he suddenly heard his boss beside him asking a soul-searching question: "Why don't we let our own team copy one directly? Wouldn't it save a lot of money this way?"

"Hush! Mr. Chen, be careful! Be careful!"

Faced with the soul-searching question from his boss, Guo Yuxin was speechless for a long time.

"Cough cough cough..."

After a long time, the middle-aged man coughed awkwardly a few times and whispered: "NowWe have no experience in how to operate MOBA-type competitive games and how to reasonably monetize them! "

"So, we still need to see how Tekken plans to operate and make money in the future, but this does not affect our early layout."

"That's right."

Vice President Chen nodded hesitantly after hearing this.

-According to Tenda's previous profit-making ideas for games, it mainly adds VIP status to the game, or makes players stronger by charging money to harvest the economy.

And now, this 5V5 online battle game called LOL, in order to ensure the relative fairness of competition, cannot directly open the way to charge money to strengthen VIP.

Is it learning from WOW to take the form of recharging monthly cards, or directly buying out console stand-alone games at a fixed price?

But in the current situation, there is still a MOBA-type battle map called "Dota" that is popular all over the world. The most important thing is that this confrontation game based on the WAR3 game map is completely free.

If LOL adopts recharge If the game is sold monthly or through buyout, then it will definitely not be able to compete with Dota, which is widely accepted by players, in terms of market promotion.

Then the question comes back. How can this game make a profit after obtaining the operating rights?

Chen Dan is always entangled in this issue, so he is still conservative and hesitant about this acquisition.

After all, this is a huge sum of $150 million, and the other party is just a new game company that has just been established for three years.

Before this, Tenda has never had such a big move and such a risky action.

If this game fails to achieve the expected goals of the group after the acquisition, then his position as vice president may be in jeopardy.

"Mr. Chen, it's almost time, we should go in."

Guo Yuxin looked at the time and reminded in a low voice.


Chen Dan nodded, and then said: "After the negotiation starts, I think it is better to try to lower the acquisition price, and lower it a little more, so that the group can save some investment risks."

"Got it. "

Guo Yuxin smiled and replied: "The 150 million yuan budget is what I came up with after a thorough and detailed estimate, and there is a lot of room for maneuver."

"Based on the current situation, if everything goes smoothly, I estimate that at most 110 million yuan will be enough to take over more than 70% of the other party's company shares."

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you!"

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